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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is sub ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal for any person to cause to be published any advertisement relating to the transfer, sale, rental, or lease of any hous ing which expresses Limitations, specifications or discrimination of any kind. NOT ACCEPTED: Mail-order ads (unless a sample is supplied for review prior to publi cation); Adoption ads by anyone other than a licensed agency; Airline ticket sale ads by anyone other that authorized agents. CLASSIFICATIONS 080 Greek Events 08$ Greek Announcements 096 Birthdays 095 Personals 100 Lost & Found 105 Typing/Resume Services 110 Instructlon/Tutormg . 115 Garage/Moving Sales 120 Miscellaneous For Sale 125 Famiture/Appliances 130 Cars/Trocks 13S Motorcydes/Scooters 140 Bicycles 14$ Compoters/ESectronics 150 Tv & Sound Systems 155 lastruments/Mosk Equip. 1«0 Pets & Supplies 165 Sport Equipment 179 Photography Equipment 175 Wanted 180 Travel & Lodging 185 Business Opportunities 198 Opportunities 19J Recruiting 200 Work Study Positions 205 Help Wanted 210 Bouses for Rent 213 Houses for Sale 215 Apartments (Famished) 220 Apartments (Unfornfabedi 225 Quads 230 Rooms for Rent 235 Duplexes for Rent 238 Sublets 240 Garage/Storage Space 245 Roommates Wanted 250 Boarding Houses 255 Housing Wanted 250 Announcements 265 Elections 270 Meetings 275 Club Sports 280 Counseling 285 Services 290 Health & Fitness 295 Food & Drink 30* Campos WBnfetty 305 Campos Events 310 Arts & Entertainment 315 What’s Happening? Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds: 1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m. -5p.m. 2) Visit our website: 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578 RATES/DEADLINES UNIVERSITY RATES (Must be an enrolled UO student or affiliated UO Group or Dept) 3 line minimum $3.00/day Additional lines SI,00/line PRIVATE PARTY RATE (uon-university/Don-business related) 3 line minimum S3.60/day Additional lines $ 1.20/line • (approximate})' 35 spaces or 5-6 words per line) • Boxed Ads-Adds one extra line daily to cost of ad Deadline: 1 pjn. ONE business day prior to puUkatioD University Display Classified $6.25/col. inch. (Deadline: 1:00 TWO business days prior to publication.) Call (541) 3464343 for BUSINESS RATES. 095 PERSONALS Eugene’s Coolest Party Line!!! Dial: 74-Party Ads * Jokes * Stories & More! Free Call! *18+ *Try it NOW!!! Are you in a long-distance relationship? Feel better at Happy 20th Birthday Brooke!! Love, Katy & Kari Manuscript editing/production svcs. UofO grad & published writer, 29 yrs exp. Mary Sharon Moore, 484-5313. At 344*0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "Give Me Five!” Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Student/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds Japanese Animation: Largest rental selection in town at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES Exotic wood headboard, double bed & bedspread. $250. Marble top ta ble. 18* x 49". $150.431-1113. 130 CARS/TRUCKS ‘87 DODGE COLT. 4 dr. Automatic, new tires, brakes, runs well, 100K. $900 obo. Cal! 541-501-5646. Greatful Bread | Buzz Coffeehouse | AAA Cafe | Cyber Cafe | Daily Grind Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (May 17). Don't give away more than you have this year, even for a good reason. Empower others to succeed on their own, and there will be plenty for all. In May, provide practical advice to someone who needs it, whether or not you're asked. Hold onto your spare change in June. Teach a valuable les son in July. You'll want to spend more than usu al in December. You can if you save up all year. A regular source comes through in February to replenish your coffers. Make a contribution, for good luck, in April. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21 -April 19)—Today isaS — It's hard to win for losing, but you can. Try not to go back more paces than you go forward. Your best bet is to stay out of traffic and emo tional conversations. There may be some of both you can't avoid. Be patient. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 —A friend of yours has taken on a challenging task, and it isn't going well. Talking about it won't help, but listening might. Make a date for a private place, and allow plenty of time. Then, ask a few leading questions. Tike along a box of tissues. GEMINI (May 21-June 21)—Today is a 6 — If at first you don't succeed, wait until tomor row. You might want to call in the cavalry. You may figure out what needs to be done, but don't feel bad if you can't do it. Maybe it's too big a job. Get help. CANCER (June 22-July 22)—Today is a 7— Don't push. Gather more information first Re cent developments may change your objectives, or how to best achieve them. A long conversa tion with a distant friend you haven't heard from in a while is a much better way to spend your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 5 — Schedule your date for tomorrow instead. You might not feel like seeing anybody tonight An extra few hours of sleep would serve you better. A hot bath wouldn't him. Have a bowl of chick en soup before that Tike care of yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)—Today is a 6— It may seem like somebody doesn't understand you, and you could be right. That doesn't mean one of you is wrong. Maybe it's a language thing. Get somebody who knows both of you well to act as an interpreter. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)—Today is a 6—A new idea that had such great promise doesn't seem to be working. You may be stuck in the gap between fantasy and reality. If your objec tive still turns you on, keep it intact. Be willing to throw out your original premise and your methods. SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 —Your sweetheart or a child may want some thing badly, and you'd love to provide it. Relax. You haven't found the right item yet Keep shopping. You'll know it when you see it, be cause you'll be able to afford it SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — Your mate is going to disagree with anything you say. Don't take it personally. It's due to celestial conditions in effect You're apt to make outrageous proposals, too. You're hav ing fun pushing the limits. If you wait until to morrow to do that folks will be much more re ceptive. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8—A puzzle you're pondering still doesn't make sense, so put it on hold for a while. Relax and enjoy time with loved ones. A funny movie at home, with popcorn, would be perfect When you get back to work tomorrow, the problem may have solved itself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)—Today is a 5 — Don’t invest in a friend's great idea just yet Let your friend find a way to cut costs. Don't donate to a charitable cause without doing some investigation. Find out how much of your check is going to pay the telemarketer. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)—Today is a 7— You've done your homework, and that gives you an edge. Keep going back to the manual, too. Others think they know everything, but that may not be the case. Don't let them talk you out of what you're sure is right. Buying dorm size refrigerators. Bring them by Mr. Appliance 2nd. & Chambers. Call 343-1698 We’re looking for Graduate and In ternational students interested in a community living situation for the 2001-2002 school year. For more in fo call 683-1112. OG Farm internship, student posi tion, June-Sept., negotiable. Hous ing, board, stipend. 942-2219 or 942-5459 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Looking for friendly, well-organized work-study student for National Stu dent Exchange Office Assistant po sition. General office duties, assist coordinator with day-to-day opera tions. 15 hrs/wk starting immediate ly. Job description and application available in 364 Oregon Hall. Ques tions? Call Karen Cooper 346-3211. 205 HELP WANTED Experienced web designer For leading progressive internet de velopment firm. See job description @ Camp Counselors. Gales Creek Camp, a summer camp for children with disabilities needs qualified males, who are at least 18 years of age to work at our diabetes summer camp. Looking for persons experi enced in working with children ages 6 to 16. Come and be a role model for a youngster while you enjoy hik ing, playing sports and campfires. Must live in our camp setting 35 miles west of Portland for eight weeks (6/24 to 8/22). Call (503) 699 8433. SUMMER DRIVERS WANTED CDL helpful but not required. 40hrs w/ot available. Wage DOE. Ice Deliveries in Central OR. Send resume to ***Access to a computer? Put it to work! $25-$75/hr. PT-FT. 1 -866-500-work. Free training & info. The ASUO Designated Driver Shut tle is now accepting applications for the 2001-02 Co-Director positions. You must be currently enrolled at the UO to qualify. Applications can be picked up in the ASUO office, Suite 4 EMU. The deadline to turn in applications in Friday, May 18th. Po sition starts July 1, 2001 and ends June 30, 2002. The Designated Driver Shuttle is an equal opportuni ty employer. The Oregon Daily Emerald is seek ing two Advertising Sales Repre sentatives for the 2001-02 school year. Get invaluable experience for your resume and make good money too. Sales experience a plus, but not required. Advertising Representa tives sell advertising space to uni versity, local and regional accounts. In addition to selling, reps are re sponsible for ad copy, layout and proofing. Requirements: You must be currently enrolled at the Universi ty of Oregon or enrolled by fall term. You must have a car and be availa ble to start training June 19th. Mini mum of 15-20 hours per week June, July and August. Preference will be given to students who are not gradu ating in 2002. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity em ployer committed to a culturally di verse workplace. 205 HELP WANTED ATTENTION WORK FROM HOME up to $25-$75/hr. PT/FT. MAIL ORDER. 877-957-WORK Administrator/Office Manager Long-term manager for nationwide stationary company. Manage small, smoke free, friendly, professional of fice. Experience in customer rela tions/sales & accounting/Quick books. Knowledge about Sororities and Fraternities helpful. Must be or ganized, energetic, self-motivated, upbeat. $28,000-$32,000 year + benefits, vacation, holidays. Fax re sume to: 686-1789 or submit to: 450 Country Club Road. #305, Eugene, OR 97401. Questions: 686-1784. Work for The Emerald this sum mer and gain valuable experience producing one of the best campus newspapers in the nation, while al so enjoying the laid-back and cas ual atmosphere of Eugene in the summer. The Emerald is accept ing applications for: • Associate editors • Reporters • Photographers • Copy editors • Design editor & graphic artists • Online editor & webmaster All positions are paid and students from any major are encouraged to apply. It will be fun, professional and the best summer you’ll ever spend in Eugene. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 23 and can be picked up from The Emerald office, Suite 300, EMU, or by visiting The Emerald’s Web site at and clicking on “Employment Opportu nities.” The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace. ATTENTION FREE INFO Work from Home, $1000-$5000 PT/FT, Mail order/internet. (800)213-6421 Resident manager needed for large/small complexes. Campus lo cations. Position available immedi ately, others beginning in June. One year commitment required. Send re sume PO Box 11468, Eugene, Ore gon 97440. 205 HELP WANTED Eugene YMCA seeks applicants for summer camp positions. ASAP. Contact Holly at 686-YMCA. College Pro Painters. Work in Port land. FT summer employment. Earn $5-7,000 this summer. No exp. nec essary. Call for info (971) 207-5378. Property manager needs 1 full-time summer person as all-around helper in campus area to do repair, clean up, painting. Daytime. 579-1568. Painters Wanted for Summer Workl No Experience Needed. Work For A Cool Boss and Get Paid GOOD Money. Must be able to work in Portland. Call Ben at 541-346-9039. RECREATION SUMMER STAFF working with students with develop mental disabilities 30-40hrs7wk. $6.50-$7/hr. Apply The Arc of Lane, 45 W. Broadway, #205, Eugene, EOE. Closing 6/11. Part-time receptionist. Flexible hours. Saturday a must. Art of Hair salon. 686-9907. (Deronne). ENERGETIC MULTI-TASKER need ed for front desk at busy property management office, 12-5 M-F, must be avail, summer also, please bring resumes to 1247 Villard $$ Get Paid For Your Opinions! $$ Earn $15-$125 and more/ survey! Hiring River Guides both new and experienced. Fun and exciting sum mer job, training starts June week ends. Free info. 1-800-289-4534. .210 HOUSES FOR RENT 2 bedroom duplex Close to UO, summer sublet. $750,485-8248 Cute 4 bdrm house, 1.5 blocks from campus, W/D, carport, no pets. $1100/mo. Brooke 503-675-2991. 213H0USES FOR SALE Own Not Rent! Condo in excellent condition! On busline near LCC & UO. 2 bdrm/1 bath in well maintained & managed complex. Includes all appliances, ready for immediate occupancy. Owner a licensed realtor with All state Real Estate. Price $67,500 will contribute to buyer closing costs. , Call Dave, 343-6468/ cell 221-1480. e to Move? Check out the Emerald’s May 18th June 1st Spring Moving Guides