Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 2001, Page 14, Image 14

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    McGwire signs for two-year contract extension
By Mark Long
The Associated Press
JUPITER, Fla. — Big Mac is get
ting some big bucks.
Still, it’s nowhere near what he
would command on the free-agent
Mark McGwire and the St. Louis
Cardinals agreed Thursday to a two
year extension worth about $30 mil
“We could not be more pleased,”
Cardinals chairman Bill DeWitt Jr.
said. “From day one, it has been a real
pleasure working with Mark. He of
fers a great perspective when it comes
to contract negotiations, and he takes
a real interest in securing a deal that
he believes to be fair not only for
himself, but also for the team.”
The new deal runs through 2003,
the season McGwire could be ap
proaching Hank Aaron’s home-run
record of 755.
“I had no desire to play anywhere
other than St. Louis,” McGwire
said. ‘‘In my mind, there is no bet
ter place to be if you are a baseball
McGwire, 37, missed most of the
second half of last season with a
knee injury and had surgery, during
the off-season, but has been healthy
this spring.
McGwire and the Cardinals were
talking about an extension that
would pay him $14 million in 2002
and $16 million the following year,
according to two baseball officials
familiar with the negotiations who
spoke on the condition they not be
Big Mac is seventh on the career
home-run list with 554, just 201 be
hind Aaron, and would have to av
erage 67 homers in the next three
seasons to tie the mark.
McGwire set the single-season
record with 70 homers in 1998, then
hit 65 the following year. He hit 32
last season in just 236 at-bats.
With an average salary of about
$15 million, McGwire will rank
about eighth in baseball.
He could command far more
money if he became a free agent af
ter this season, perhaps even top the
average salary record of $25.2 mil
lion set by Alex Rodriguez in his
$252 million, 10-year contract with
But McGwire has never been in
terested in obtaining top dollar.
His current deal, agreed to after he
was traded from Oakland to St. Louis
in the 1997 season, originally guaran
teed him $28.5' million over three
years: a $1 million signing bonus, $8
million in 1998, $8.5 million in 1999,
$9 million in 2000 and a $2 million
buyout of a 2001 option.
McGwire could have become a
free agent in November, but chose
not to, instead agreeing to exercise
an $11 million mutual option.
Disgusted with baseball’s re
peated work stoppages, McGwire
said last year that he would retire
if there’s another one next winter
after the expiration of the current
labor contract. He has since soft
ened that stance.
“I’d really have to weigh the sit
uation,” McGwire said last month.
“If it does happen, I’d really have
to see how long it lasted. If some
thing happens and it lasts a couple
of days or a week, it’s not going to
damage the game.”
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ODE Classifieds
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 2). Your
house looks like an interesting place to be this
year — frustrating sometimes, but interesting.
In March, use the pressure you're feeling as
motivation to get something you've always
wanted. Your boss has big ideas in April, so
find a way to fit into them. Experience is your
teacher in May — watch out! Love and busi
ness clash in July, but business can wait Cruise
through autumn on the strength of what you've
already accomplished. A breakthrough at work
in December creates new possibilities, includ
ing a challenging assignment in February.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10
is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)—Today is a 6—
Everything seems to be going along fine, and
then—WHAP! — you run into a problem you
hadn't anticipated, it could be something you
forgot all about. That's why it's good to be on a
team. Check with teammates to make sure
you're headed in the right direction.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)— Today is a 6—
You could get a raise or some sort of a bonus
today. But don't brag about it. One of your
friends is in a delicate financial situation. That
sad-eyed look will make it hard for you to keep
from giving him a loan. And you just know a
loan isn't going to be good for him, don't you?
GEMINI (May 21 -June 21)— Today is a 6—
You can have a lot of fun today. In fact, too
much fun. Don't get too rowdy, even if you
think you can. The odds of the boss coming
back unexpectedly are too great. Just assume
somebody important is watching you.
CANCER (June 22-July 22)— Today is a 5—
You need to do some work for someone else,
and you have a lot of chores on your own list.
What about fun? Don't you get any time for
that? Actually, no. Not until Sunday. Schedule
a hot date for then.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)— Today is a 6—
You're so popular that it's hard to make time for
practical matters. But if you don't, you could
accidentally get yourself loo far into debt. It
can happen so quickly, too, so you'd better bal
ance your checkbook before you go out.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 22)—Today is a 5—
If you think everybody around you is crazy,
well, you're right. You're the only one exercis
ing any common sense. Your first instinct is to
lay low, but that may not work. At least remind
them of what they're trying to accomplish.
Nicely, of course.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)—Today is a 7—
You may get an enticing invitation, and would
n't you love to just drop everything and go? Un
fortunately, you haven’t finished your work
ahead of schedule. But don't fret: If you finish
tomorrow, you can go.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)—Today is a
6— There are ways to save that you haven't
discovered. You could be wasting resources or
paying too much interest. Go after those pen
nies with a magnifying glass. You'll be delight
ed at how many you find.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)— Today
is a 6—Your roommate wants one thing and
you want another. All you can agree on is that
change is necessary. You care enough about
each other to work out a compromise. Explain
that to a concerned yet innocent bystander.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)— Today isa
6— You're a hard worker, and never more so
than now. You may have to do a job over again
due to someone else's mistake. The good news
is, you should be paid well for the work you're
doing. You deserve it, because it's interfering
with your social life.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)— Today is a
7— You'd like to shower your loved ones with
goodies, and you'd also like to fund a worthy
cause. But you're not made of money. Don't
worry: What they really want is your attention.
Still, dividing that up between them will be
hard enough.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)—Today is a 5—
Do you feel like everybody's leaning on you
and there's not enough of you to go around?
Well, you're right. Guess it’s about time for you
to set some limits. If you don't, who will?
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91 Camaro 3.1 L Power everything.
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Offer expires June 11,.2001
Oregon Daily Emerald
Toshiba Satellite 1625CDT Laptop
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months. CPU: AMD K6-2, 475 MHz,
Memory 64 MlB, Hard Drive 4.5 GB,
Modem 56K, Windows 98. Paid
$1,600. Sacrifice at $800. Call after
6pm 541-338-4462.
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VCR's & Stereos. Thompson Elec
tronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273
25” Phillips color television. Great
condition, 4 yrs old, only been used
2 yrs. $150 obo, 741-9690.
Limited openings. Guitar, keyboards,
bass lessons. JOHN SHARKEY. 1/9
pm M-F. 342-9543.
Mexico/Florida. Spring Break
Book now for early bird rates. Air
fare, hotel, parties daily, from $800.
Leisure Tours. 1 -800-584-7533.
Peer Health Education Program
is seeking UO undergrads interested
in a practicum type experience.
Learn more about sexual health,
food issues, exercise and drugs on
campus. Educate other students and
earn upper division credit for making
a difference on campus. Students
are enrolling now for spring term by
contacting Annie at 346-2843.
University of Oregon
Athletic Department
Teamwork Internship
Positions Available
Become a member of the Oregon
Athletic Department. Gain valua
ble experience in:
•Recruiting Process of
Student Athletes
•Marketing and Promotions
•Fund Raising
•Sports Information
•Receive class credit
there will be an informational
meeting on Thursday, March 8th
in the Football Theater located on
the 2nd floor of the Casanova
Center (next to Autzen Stadium).
Meeting will begin at 7:00.
Pick up your application in the
Football Office- 2nd floor of the
Casanova Center (next to Aut
zen Stadium). Interviews will be
held on March 12,13,14,15,16,
2001. You may sign up for your
interview time when you pick up
your application.
MARCH 9th, 2001
The Emerald is seeking a University
student interested in joining its staff
as a graphic designer. Applicants
must be enrolled in classes at the
University and be available to work
about 25 hours a week. Knowledge
of Quark Express, Freehand and ba
sic writing experience is a must. Ap
plications and job descriptions can
be picked up in the Emerald office in
Suite 300 of the EMU on the third
floor. Deadline for applications is 5
p.m. Friday, March 9. Please include
a resume and examples of your
work. The Oregon Daily Emerald is
an equal opportunity employer com
mitted to a culturally diverse work
The Emerald is seeking a University
student interested in joining its staff
as a freelance editor. Applicants
must be enrolled in classes at the
University and be available to work
about 25-30 hours a Week. The posi
tion requires applicants to have ex
perience with writing, editing, Asso
ciated Press style and grammar. Ap
plications and job descriptions can
be picked up in the Emerald office in
Suite 300 EMU on the third floor.
Deadline for applications is Friday,
March 2. Please include a resume
and work samples. The Oregon Dai
ly Emerald is an equal opportunity
employer committed to a culturally
diverse workplace.
Fire Fighters-Wildland-Apply Now
1322 N. 30th, Springfield. 10am
4pm. No experience required. Train
ing Provided. 541-746-7528
Easy telephone work. No selling or
experience required. Full or part
time. $7-$12/hr. Call 1-800-572
Firefighters Wildland
Experienced and inexperienced.
Training available. Call Oregon
Woods. 334-6634.
Access to a computer? Put it to
workup to $25-$75/hour. PT & FT.
Childcare needed in my home after
school for 8 & 6 yr. old girls. Car and
references required. Please call
687-9739 after 5:30.
Summer Jobs in Unique Pacific
NW Island Location • Johns Island,
WA. Coed summer camp, est 1935,
focused on community living. Hiring
instructors, counselors and support
staff. 10 week contract, June 16 -
Aug. 24, 2001. Contact: Camp
Nor’wester. 62B Doe Run Road Lo
pez, WA. 98261. (360)468-2225,
nonvstr@aol.com. Or check out
www.norwester.org. Join us for a
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web site: www.oregonnannies.com
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in-store credit
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to sale price.
Catholic Campus Ministry
St. Thomas More University Parish
Mass Mon-Fri *5:15
Wed • 9 pm (Student Mass)
Sat • 5pm Vigil
Sun • 9, 1 lam, 7:30pm
Campus Crusade for Christ
Wednesdays 8:30pm
Education 276
Call 345-5799
Call 346-4343 to list your
services here.
Collegiate Christian
Sunday Mornings @ 11:00 a in
in the gym at First Baptist Church
868 High Street
(Shuttle service also available)
Campus Ministry at
Central Lutheran Church
Welcomes you!
Sunday Eucahrist:
8:15 & 10:45AM; 6:30PM
Monday Evening Bible Study:
8:15PM in the church library
18th & Potter *345-0395
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