Students given opportunity to study in Ghana ■The program at the University of Ghana will provide journalism students with hands-on experience By Hank Hager Oregon Daily Emerald Through a partnership between the University of Kansas and the University of Oregon, interested journalism students can attend the University of Ghana and complete an internship in the African coun try. Adrienne Rivers, a University of Kansas journalism professor, coor dinated the program, which is de signed to give students journalistic experience and a taste of a foreign country. The program will last from June 23 to July 30 and is open to no more than 10 students from both universities. Rivers and Leslie Steeves, a Uni versity journalism professor, both spent two years on Fulbright Schol arships in Ghana and became friends. Because of this, Rivers said, the three campuses on the two con tinents are coming together. “My colleagues at the University of Ghana wanted to maintain a rela tionship, and we thought a study abroad program with a media in ternship component was one of the ways we could do it,” she said. Steeves said students at the Uni versity should take advantage of this opportunity because of its specifics. “It’s a great experience for stu dents,” she said. “There’s no course like this at the University of Ore gon.” Rivers said students who attend should take away a better under standing of Africa, which she said is often associated with wild ani mals, deprivation and war. Students who take the trip will be required to attend a four-week course on media studies at the Uni versity of Ghana and serve an in ternship, Rivers said.“We strongly encourage all of our journalism stu dents to get hands-on experience via an internship,” she said. “I think it’s an added benefit when that ex Calendar Wednesday, Feb. 28 Caregiver Support Group: Conf iden tial and educational support for Uni versity community members who are caring for loved ones with any form of senile dementia, facilitated by the Alzheimer's Association Cascade/Coast Chapter. No registra tion required; new members always welcome. Noon-1 p.m., Rogue Room, Erb Memorial Union. Free. For infer mation, call 346-2962. Young Reader's Book Event: "Wizard of Oz" is the discussion topic at this month’s Nine14 Club Book Party for kids 9-14. Snacks served. 4:30 p.m., Children’s Department, UO Book store. Free. For information, browse albooks/childrens_evt.cfm or call 346-4331, Ext. 236. Russian Film Series: "Kolyma," Part 1, is a prize-winning documentary on Soviet forced-iabor camps in Kolyma, in Russian with English subtitles. 6:30 p.m., Room 115 Pacific Flail. Free. For information, call 346-5051. Morse Center Lecture: Morse Chairholder William B. Gould IV, Stan ford Law School and former chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, discusses "Labor Law for a Global Economy" as part of the Wayne Morse Center's series, "Labor in a Global Economy." 7 p.m., Room 175 Knight Law Center. Free. For in formation, browse or call 346-3700. UO Ensembles: The Campus Band and Campus Orchestra perform. 8 p.m., Beall Concert Hall, 961 E. 18th Ave. Free. For information, browse or call 346-5678. Outdoor Program: “Rafting the Tat shenshini.” Multimedia presentation on a trip to the Tatshenshini River. 7:30 p.m., Room 100 Willamette Hall. Free. Academic Advising: advising assis tance. 3:30 p.m., Room 364 Oregon Hall. Free. For information, call 346 3211. Board Meeting. 4 p.m., Erb Memorial Union Board Room. For information, call 346-3720. EMU Board House Committee Meet ing. 4 p.m., Erb Memorial Union Metolius Room. Wednesday, Feb. 28 perience includes an international component.’’Steeves said students would be placed in radio, TV and possibly public relations intern ships. The price of the trip is estimated at $5,100, which includes instruc tional costs, insurance and passport fees, visa and immunization fees, meals, books and supplies, and inci dental fees, Steeves said. Students will gain six to eight quarter credits for their experience overseas through the University of Kansas. Tim Gleason, dean of the University’s journalism school, said because Kansas’ journalism school is accredited, Oregon students will have those credits transferred. “As long as it is from an accredit ed university, we will take it,” Glea son said. Steeves said that while there are other study abroad programs on cam pus, this trip is more reasonably priced. “Because of the expense of the study abroad program, this trip makes it more realistic for stu dents,” she said. Courtesy Photo This photograph was taken by a participant in one of the previous trips to Ghana, Africa. Financial aid also may be avail able to students who wish to go on the trip. Steeves plans on making a proposal to the Foreign Study Pro grams Committee in April that will decide whether the trip can reach program status. The trip will be el igible for financial aid if the com mittee passes the proposal, said Thomas Mills, director of interna tional education and exchange. Gleason believes the trip can be important for students to attend. “Most international trips are valuable to students who take them,” he said. Steeves said she has already re ceived five inquiries about the trip, a number that has surprised her. “There is more interest in Africa than I thought there was in the school of journalism,” she said. ‘You don't have to pay more to get more!' U U VOLKSWAGEN 2300 West 7th • EUGENE • 343-8811 SALE ‘01VW1ETTAGL 5 spd, A/C, Security System, Keyfess Entry, A More! 60 mo. lease. Cap cost (16,425. MSRP $17,225. (1,736.54 cash or trade equity. (185.461st pymt (43 OR ic/We fees, (35 doc fee, totaling (2000 due at inception. Total lease charge (13,127.60. Residual (9,473.75, (250 deposition fee. 12k m^yr. On credit approval Stock 4W20302. 60 mo. lease. Cap cost $16,999. MSW1 $17,525. (2,704.38 cash or trade equity. (199.001st pynl (43 OR fc/Wefee, $35 doc 4ee,Maing $298138 due at inception. T0U lease charge (1492138 Residual (7JS30. (250 deposition fee. 12k m^yr. On credit apprmaL Stxk