and organize the funding to a wide variety of student organiza tions that gain revenue from the incidental fees that all students pay. I am eager to listen to the views and needs of all students, and represent the student popula tion in a fair and impartial way. So please, vote for Sean Henderson. Dominique Beaumonte no statement Senate Seat 11 — 2yr term_ Susie Shauger Students having a voice on campus is my highest priority.As an undeclared student I am aware of many of the issues that we are facing. I have been working hard in order to achieve fair housing, for students.The current contract sys tem is unfair and not in the best interest of the students As a cur rent senator I have tried to tackle this issue and many others.There are many areas that students should be concerned about. The incidental fee has been ris ing, and the administration contin ues to balance their budgets are our backs.We need student sena tors who are not afraid to stand up for student rights. I have worked hard for undeclared stu dents this year and would appre ciate the same opportunity in the future. Senate Seat 12 — lyr term_ write in only Senate Seat 13 — 2yr term_ Ben Lacy Any seat on our Student Senate is one that requires a sense of leadership, involvement on cam pus and a working knowledge of how the incidental fee system works.With that said, a vote for me in the upcoming elections would ensure all of those quali ties. I am a sophomore journalism major focusing in electronic me dia and have wasted no time since coming to the University of Ore gon all the way from sunny San Diego. Last year I hit the ground running when I jumped onto the ASUO Elections Board as Publicity Coordinator, an experience that gave me an appreciation for the duties those in student govern ment perform. If you are a fresh man here at the U of may have met me over the summer when I was on the Student Orien tation Staff; a position that gave me an even greater appreciation for our fine school.This year I have kept myself busy. I am a Stu dent Ambassador, giving tours once a week among other things as well as joining DeltaTau Delta, a fraternity on campus. My experi ences so far this year have given me a greater passion to serve the students of this campus. If you elect me as the next Student Sena tor for Journalism and Arts and Letters students, I will waste no time getting out there in the at tempt to hear what you have to say and work to make positive changes for all students. Senate Seat 15 — 2yr term_ Rebecca Cambreleng As a returning senate member, I understand the importance of experience on the student senate. I campaigned on the issues of giv ing a voice to my peers and repre senting their needs, both of which have been accomplished. My con tinuous fight to uphold the stu dent incidental fee system demonstrates my success in fight ing for student’s interests.As a sen ator, my involvement extends be yond student government into the Greek system, faculty-student committees and various special interest/honor societies.Through out this year, the senate has made several decisions that contend precedent set by last year’s sen ate .This is due in large part to the small amount of returning sena tors, making it important that this next year’s senate have a larger number of returning senators to uphold the decisions and ensure a smooth transition with the in coming senate Dan Isaacson My fellow students, today it gives me great pleasure to an nounce my candidacy for ASUO. I welcome the opportunity to serve my school as I have done so diligently in the past. I believe that my community involvement and prior student government experi ence speak for my commitment to my school and those of you I will repre'sent.As your ASUO Sena tor I will serve the office with honor and integrity. From the offices of United States Senator RonWyden and the Mayor of Grants Pass, Gordon An derson; to receiving The National Youth Leadership Award and Con gressional Leadership Award, I have voluntarily served people of all backgrounds and ideologies, both Democrat and Republican, without bias. After talking at length with stu dents and campus leaders, I am ready to fight for the issues and needs that concern all students at the UO. From providing better ac countability and public aware ness of the use of incidental fees, to working with off campus hous ing to lower skyrocketing rents; from increasing voter turnout and bipartisan rallies to pushing for more State and Federal funds for daycare and other student pro grams. I will fight for you, all of you, so vote for Dan Steven Lockfield Hello, my name is Steven Lock field, a history major, and I am run ning for ASUO Senate as the repre sentative of the Social Science majors. I want to be your Senator becase I will speak for the stu dents wihin our academic inter ests. It will be my duty, if elected, to be fully accessable to my peers so I may listen and proprose your ideas.That is what I believe what a represemtatove should do. I have had much experience in student governments. I have been Vice President, President, and later Stu dent Judicial Adovocate during my four years in high school. Presently I am actively involved as the represenative of McClain Hall in the Hamilton Complex Govern ment and as a member of the Peer Judicial Board. I am a compas sionte, honest, inquistive, and a re sponsible hard worker.Though most of my ideas for proposals will be based on your input, I do want to push for the following: • Reform in representation of the student population • The improvement of the wel fare for both Social Science ma jors and the greater student community I look forward to working for you and I am always available for questions or suggestions at my e mail address, Hawkeye791 you Gregory McNeill Dear Voter, I am running for anA.S.U.O. senate seat.This is a position that involves managing and distribut ing the incidental fees you pay. These fees are the U of O’s tax on students that are used for various student services and activities. This position also includes repre senting students on a variety of is sues in a variety of bodies. In my position as a senator I will work to insure that every stu dent is able to maximize the use they get out of their incidental fees. Students should be able to get what they pay for and I plan to insure that every student does. I find it unacceptable that a student would pay for a service they don’t use. In my position as a senator I will work to insure that you the taxpaying student will be given what you pay for. Senators also are responsible for representing the students of this university on a variety of stu dent faculty bodies. In this capaci ty I will do the best of my ability to represent the interests and views of the students of this insti tution, even if those interests dif fer from my own. I’m looking out for you. Thank you, Gregory McNeill Erin Foote Pursell The senate controls about $5.4 million a year of student fee mon ey- your money.The process of al locating these funds should be fair and straightforward But sometimes it’s not .When the sys tem doesn’t work perfectly it is of ten because of inexperience or personal politics. I have experi ence with the senate system, I have been anASUO intern, and worked with some of the largest student groups on campus. My personal goal is to get your money to the places you want it. I will do this by considering every request that comes before the senate objectively and fairly. So, vote for me. Maco Stewart Students pay a substantial sum of money to attend the University of Oregon, and the purpose of the university should be to serve them to the best of its ability. Gen erally this goal is accomplished, but when students try to better their situations our voices often go unheard. I think it is a shame that students have so little input regarding the way our school is run, and that our opinions are of ten ignored by those in power. The current project to commis sion officers of the Department of Public Safety' is a perfect example of the way in which major deci sions are made without student input. If elected, I will do my best to change that. I believe in student control, to whatever degree is rea sonable. I shall do everything in my power both to express the will of the student body to the proper authorities and to encour age student involvement in politi cal life. I especially support groups like the College Republi cans and Democrats, OSPIRG, campus publications and Greek organizations. With tuition costs rising stu dents deserve a voice in their own affairs more than ever be fore, and I am committed to mak ing that voice heard.Vote Maco Stewart for Senate! Senate Seat 17 — 2yr term_ write in only paid advertisement msmvojft C6 d* sty