productive programs on campus in the future. My direct involvement with or ganizations on campus gives me the perspective necessary to allo cate funds to over 100 groups at the U of O.This year by serving as the Internal Director of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano deAtzlan (MEChA),I witnessed the amount of trouble and sacri fices that programs face due to lack of fiinding.These programs are crucial to a well balanced col lege education, because they bring cultural and identity aware ness, as well as provide support here at our second home .As PFC/Senate I will establish better communication between Pro grams and the organizations that it exists to serves.We can prevent misallocated funds and inefficient spending by fostering better rela tionship with PFC and the rest of the organizations on campus. Senate Seat 4 — lyr term_ Justin F. Zuiker The Student Senate distributes millions of dollars of your student fees to a variety of student servic es and organizations that you en joy every day.This includes our student union building, the EMU. I want to run for Student Senate in order to help preserve students' rights in this building and the ac tivities that occur within it. I am a fair, honest and caring person. I hope to have the opportunity to represent you, the U of O student, at the Student Senate and on the EMU Board. I have been involved in a number of student groups, ranging from Speech and Debate to the Interfraternity Council to the Freshmen Interest Group pro gram. From these experiences, I realize that different student or ganizations have different needs, and the Student Senate is a body that can help meet these needs. I want to work hard with the stu dent body to fight for students’ in terests at the University of Ore gon. Vote for Justin Zuiker for EMU Board Finance Senator #4. Senate Seat 5 — lyr term_ Andrew R. Elliot The value of a college educa tion is immeasurable.The cost, however, is clear. Next year, the students of the University of Ore gon will be asked to pay even more money to attend school. Much of this money will come in the form of the Incidental Fee. While this increase in cost is in many ways a predictable fact of life, we as students deserve ac countability concerning the mon ey we spend. Historically, the EMU has allo cated money to programs and ex penses in ways not directly ap proved by the governing student organizations.As a Senator and an EMU board member, I have worked hard to re-establish stu dent control over the money we spend. If elected, I will continue in my quest to bring accountabili ty to the EMU and to other organi zations regarding the use of Inci dental Fee funds. Senate Seat 6 2 yr term / Ben Buzbee / / As a current member of the EMU Board of Directors, I am very excited to run for EMU Board Sen ate Seat #6 .The EMU is a great re source for students from across campus, and I want to ensure that it remains a center of campus life at the UO. In order to do this, we have to make sure to continue to get student involvement in every part of the process. I was encour aged to see so many students par ticipate in the budget process this year and I want to work to in crease students’knowledge about budgeting and the incidental fee process .The Student Senate is re sponsible for the allocation of our student incidental fees and I feel that it is very important to allo cate our fees fairly and responsi bly. If elected to the Student Sen ate, I will make sure that the disbursement of our student funds is done in a fair and reason able way. I am open-minded, knowledgeable, and hardwork ing.Vote Ben Buzbee for EMU Board Senate Seat #6. Senate Seat 7 lyr term KateKranzush Students currently pay a set fee per year to the University of Ore gon called an Incidental Fee .A portion of this fee is allocated to purchase tickets for football and men’s basketball at a discounted price, which are then distributed as “free’’student tickets. One of the major roles of theAthletic De partment Finance Committee (ADFC) is to be the voice of the students concerning this issue, helping decide how many stu dent tickets should be purchased for what price. I am currently on the ADFC and am working with the other members of the com mittee, along with the Athletic De partment to reach a fair decision in this matter that is beneficial for both the students and the Athletic Department. I would like to be re elected to the ADFC not only be cause I enjoy working on senate, but also so that there will be a re turning senator on ADFC who cares about the issue at hand with experience in these contract ne gotiations. I am hard-working an dedicated.Vote for Kate Kranzush for Student Senate Seat #7 Athlet ic Department Finance Commit tee. GO DUCKS!! Senate Seat 9 — 2yrterm_ Dave Sanchez Doin it a second time around. Hello again, I am Dave Sanchez, a junior here at the UO. I am run ning for Senate again because I feel that Senate plays a vital role in our student body. Having been in volved in theASUO for 3 years now, I feel that I know how things work around here and what needs to be done. Having served on Senate before, I already have a feel for how the Senate works. But also through that experience, I have a clear vision for what needs to be done to make Senate a more effective body. In my opinion, Sen ate itself has never reached its full potential within theASUO,and more outreach needs to be done with theASUO programs for Sen ate to truly embody the student voice. I feel that there are many ar eas of improvement within Sen ate, and through my experience and knowledge of theASUO, I will help lead the Senate to a more clear vision of student voice with in theASUO. Re-elect Dave Sanchez to the Student Senate. VOTE FOR DAVE SANCHEZ, STU DENT SENATE SEAT #9! Senate Seat 10 — 1 yr term Sean Henderson My name is Sean Henderson and I would like to be elected to the Student Senate. Over the last few years, I have become increas ingly involved with a large num ber of student and civic groups, where I have gained a great amount of experience with the inner workings of organizations, and how they are funded.This ex perience qualifies me for a posi tion on the Student Senate, who’s primary responsibility is to plan Vote by DUCKWEB election dates 24-hour Voting Access Primary Election February 26-March 1 General Election March 5-8 voting by DuckWeb Voting is easy. Just go to DuckWeb and log on. From the Main Menu click on the Student Menu. Next, click on 2001ASUO Primary Election or General Election. You will then be on the page where you can vote. elections staff 2001ASUO Elections Board asuoelec@gladstone. uoregon. edu Elections Coordinator: Shantell Rice Elections Manager: Emily Sedgwick Office Manager: Matt Swanson Voter Education Coordinator: Ken Best Publicity Coordinator: Stephanie Chaney special thanks to... ASUO Executive Staff, all of this year’s candidates, the elections board, Tim Ketchum, Jim Boyle, Elaine Souder for election poster design, Lisa Harpole, The Oregon Daily Emerald, Adam Rice, Tara Sloan, Uni versity Housing Office disclaimer The 2001 ASUO Voter’s Guide is produced by the Oregon Daily Emerald advertising and production departments. Candidate and ballot measure state ments are written property of their originators. The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability or re sponsibility for typographical errors made in candi date or ballot measure statements. paid advertisement