Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 2001, Image 16

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    position descriptions
The President may run with a designated Vice President, or may run alone. S/he is elected for a one-vear term
from the student body at large. The President's current stipend is $600/month or work-study; the Vice President's
current stipend is $600/month or work-study. Both work at least 30 hours per week for 12 months.
The ASUO Executive is the recognized voice of UO students and administers over 80 funded ASUO programs.
The ASUO President is the chief officer of the Executive, which includes a Vice President and the offices of
Fundraising, Programs, Elections, Finance, Multi-cultural Affairs, International Affairs, Non-Traditional Student
Affairs. University .Affaire, Federal Affaire. State Affaire, Greek Affaire, Community'Affaire, Recruitment and Reten
tion, Publicity, and Controllers. Staff members are hired by the President's hiringcommittee after s/he is elected.
The Executive may undertake many projects according to the President’s wishes. These projects may include sym
posiums, street fairs, forums and debates, political fairs, voter registration drives, work with the Oregon Student As
sociation and the United States Student Association, and much more.
According to the ASUO Constitution, the Student Senate has two major functions. First, it is responsible for
distributing more than 5.4 million dollars in incidental fees to three major programs: ASUO Programs, the F.rb
Memorial Union (EMU), and the Athletic Department. As part of this responsibility, it establishes budgeting bench
marks or guidelines by October 31 for each of the three Finance Committees (ASUO Programs Finance Committee,
EMU Board, and the Athletic Department Finance Committee) responsible for creating line-item budgets for the
Major Program areas. Three Finance Senators are elected to serve on each of these Finance Committees. These
Senators play an essential role in maintaining ongoing communication between the entire Senate and the Fi
nance Committees as the committees develop the budgets for each area. The full Senate approves a lump sum
budget amount for each Major Program area at the conclusion of the budget process in the spring.
The second function of the Student Senate is to represent the UO students in the faculty-student University
Senate and University' Assembly, which debate and set general University policies. Senators also sit on student-fac
ulty' committees, run the Information and Grievance Table in the EMU lobby’ approve ASUO executive appoint
ments, and hold regular office hours each week.
The Senate is composed of eighteen members, fifteen of whom serve for a two-year term and three who serve
for a one-year term. The permanent structure of the Senate includes the following: three Senators who serve as
members of the ASUO Programs Finance Committee (2 two-year seats and 1 one-year seat), three Senators who
serve as members of the EMU Board (2 two-year seats and 1 one-vear seat), and three Senators who serve as mem
bers of the Athletic Finance Committee (2 two-year seats and l one-year seat). These nine Senators are known as
the “Finance Senators". The remaining nine Senators are elected by major to represent academic departments
and are referred to as "Academic Senators" (all two-year seats).
Experience in .ASUO programs and in accounting or budgeting would be helpful, but it is not necessary. The
stipend for positions ranges from about $30/month in the summer to an average of about $ 100/month from Octo
ber to June. These positions are expected to work about 15-20 hours per week. The Senate meets once a week. The
stipend for a position on Senate is $ 100/month for nine months.
The ASUO Programs Finance Committee is composed of seven members including two Finance Senators
serving two-year terms, two members elected at-large for two-year terms, one Finance Senator serving a one-year
temi. one member appointed by the ASUO President for a one-year term, and one appointed by the ASUO Pro
grams Council foraone-yearterm. The chair of the ASUO Programs Finance Committee is chosen from its elected
members. From about January through March, this committee meets 2-3 times per week. Members work 15-20
houis per week during this time and at least 10 hours per week the remainder of the school year. Senate membeis
of this committee receive a stipend of $ 100/month for eight months in addition to their senate stipend. The stipend
for the at-large positions is $ 150/month. The ASUO Programs Finance Committee hears line-item budgets from
over 80 ASUO programs (e.g, MKChA, legal Services, etc. ) and recommends a lump sum budget to the Student
Senate for their approval.
The ASUO Athletic Department (AD) Finance Committee is composed of five members including two Finance
Senators serving for two yeans, one Finance Senator serving for one year, one member appointed by the ASUO Presi
dent for a one-vear tenn, and one member appointed by the Athletic Department Team Council for a one-year
term. The ASUO Finance Coordinator serves as a nonvoting member. The chair of the AD Finance Committee is
picked from the elected members. Members of this committee work 8-10 hours per week. Senate members of this
committee receive a stipend of $70/month for nine months. Appointed membeis receive a stipend of S75/month
for four months.
The AD Finance Committee is responsible for working with the Athletic Department to develop a recommen
dation for the incidental fee allocation for the Athletic Department. This recommendation is forwarded to the Stu
dent Senate for final approval.
Krb Memorial Union (EMU) Board detennines the policies and long-range plans of the Krb Memorial Stu
dent Union. AHouse Committee deals with allocation of office space, KMU lobby space, and other issues associated
with the building The Budget Committee prepares the budget for the EMU and all of its programs (Cultural Fo
rum, Child Care Center, Outdoor Program, etc.) and presents it to the whole Board. Each Board member must
serve on at least one committee and attend all Board meetings. The Chair of the Boaid and the chair of each com
mittee keep at least 5 office hours per week.
The Board consists of 16 voting members including two Finance Senators serving two-year tenns, one Fi
nance Senator serving one term and four members elected from the student body at-large for two-year terms. (See
list of positions available above for specific position numbers and length of term for this election.) Other membeis
include appointed representatives of the ASUO Executive, ASUO programs, EMU programs, EMU classified staff,
and faculty. The three Finance Senators all serve on the EMU Budget Committee along with three other membeis
of the Board plus the KMU Business Manager as a nonvoting member. One of the four at-large membeis is selected
to serve as Board Chair. The director of the KMU is an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Board. The Board Chair
currently receives $ 125/month for 8 months. The Budget Committee Chair and the House Committee Chair each
receive $ 100/month for 8 months. Tlie Summer Chair receives $50/month for 4 months. All other membeis re
ceive S60/nionth for 8 months. Each member works about 8-10 hours per week. Work-study is also available for
these positions
The Building Fee Committee is a seven member committee. This student campus planning and construction
committee is identified as a part of the established campus planning process. Representatives review proposed capi
tal construction projects funded by student building fees and may also request consideration of additional projects
or project modifications that the committee or student members identify independently. Representatives recom
mend to student government officials whether or not a project should be recommended and recommend funding
priorities for proposed capital construction projects. The meeting times are decided by the committee. These are
nine-month positions, with no stipend.
The Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council (ASPAC) is an 11-member committee lliat meets at
least twice each term with die University President. The objective of this board is to advise the University President
on matters affecting the student population. Additionally, ASPAC improves student/administration relations and
communications between students, student boards and programs. This board is concerned widi providing the Uni
versity President with a sense of the diverse student population and the foil spectrum of student opinion. The board
meets at least twice each term and currently has no stipend. TWo membeis are elected at-large for two-year terms in
alternating years. Other members include: ASUO President, Vice President, University Affairs Cooidinator and rep
resentatives from campus media, EMU Board, Student Senate, Interfratemity Council, Panhellenic Council, Resi
dence Hall Governing Council, and ASUO Programs. Other members represent international students, law/gradu
ate students, Lesbian/Gav/Bisexual/Transgender students, and non-traditional students.
Hie board consists of nine members. Three of these positions will be appointed members. The ASUO president
will appoint one member. The PARS director will appoint a member from a pool of students that work for the
Recreation and Fitness center. The final appointed mamber will be selected by the PE Director from current or for
mer students of physical education classes. The appointed membeis will serve for a one-year appointment. The re
maining six positions will be elected at large by the student body. Elected members will serve staggered two-year
tenns, three elected in even-numbered years, and three elected in odd-numbered years. Terms of service begin April
1 and conclude March 31-The Board will meet once each month excluding summers. The Boaid will be responsi
ble for review of policies related to facility use for recreation, user policies, budget matters related to student inci
dental fees, and also be responsible for representing the Recreation and Fitness Center to the Univeisily community
and the promotion of student recreational needs.
. paid advertisement
people do not use or know exist. I
would like to promote physical
fitness on campus and motivate
students and faculty to experi
ence the wide array of new activi
ties and great facilities available to
ASUO Programs
Finance Committee
At Large — 1 year
Nelly K. Ganesan
Vote Nelly Ganesan for Pro
grams Finance Committee.
My involvement in various stu
dent groups includes the Interna
tional Student Association and the
Students of the Indian Subconti
nent in which I currently hold the
position ofVice President.
Through my involvement as a
Peer Advisor for the Economics
Department and a Student Ambas
sador on campus, I have devel
oped many leadership skills that
would be useful for serving as a
member on the Programs Finance
In these last few months, dur
ing PFC Budget Hearings, there
has been a lot of confusion on
where incidental fees are disap
pearing to. Questions of whether
the money was being used appro
priately have arisen from this
process.These are questions that I
would like to be able to address. I
would like to find ways in which
we can improve the allocation of
funds and make students aware of
where this money is going.The
distribution of student fees is an
important issue on campus; this is
why I would be a good candidate
on the Programs Finance Com
ASIIO Programs
Finance Committee
At Large — 2 year
Edwin Prasad
I have been actively involved
in numerous student organiza
tions for many years now.This
year I have served on the execu
tive board of Students of the Indi
an subcontinent and know first
hand the challenges that organiza
tions face when attempting to
achieve their goals.This expert
ence has taught me a lot about
how student unions function, and
how incidental fees are used. It
has also taught me the impor
tance of receiving this money in
order for student activities to oc
Currently, I am a pre-business
major and have been working in
the banking industry for the last
three years. I would like a Pro
grams Finance Committee posi
tion because I want to be able to
participate in the allocation of
funds while aiding student
groups to strive for success.
My personal experiences cou
pled with my financial experi
ence qualifies me to be an excel
lent Programs Finance
Committee Member.
EMU Board, At
Large — 2 year
Logan Farrell
Your money is being spent
every year to benefit the Universi
ty of Oregon campus. I have
served as an EMU Board member
and represented EMU programs
in the allotment of your student
fees. I have helped to run the EMU
as fairly and as accurately as I can.
I wish to run this year for the
EMU Board as anAt-Large position
so that I can help the EMU grow
and be represented the way that
you and your fellow students
wish. I ask you to vote Logan Far
rell for the EMU Board.
Kerri Anne Morgan
Fellow students, I want you to
know a couple things about me
before you vote.Who ever you
elect for these EUM Board posi
tions will from then on decide
how your money from incidental
fees will be spent and used on the
EMU building. I am currently on
this finance board making choic
es for the students and the better
of the University. I am a freshman,
I am committed, and I would like
to continue producing justified
and effective decisions for you.
Vote Kerri Morgan.
Jackie Reed
no statement
Brenda Timber
You pay over $500 each year
in incidental fees as a student, so
you have a stake in a fair and bal
anced budget process.As a Co-co
ordinator at the Survival Center
and Environmental Coordinator
for the Outdoor Program, I’ve
seen first-hand how your inciden
tal fees affect the resources avail
able to students. I believe stu
dents benefit from an EMU board
that represents diverse points of
view and my background in envi
ronmental and social issues
would contribute to that diversi
ty. I’m committed to ensuring the
fairest, most efficient use of your
student money. Vote for Brenda
Tincher for EMU Board.
Senate Seat 1 —
lyr term_
Nadia Hasan
Vote for Nadia Hasan for Seat 1
Finance Senator.
Coming to college, I knew that
I wanted to become a person
who helped to make a difference.
I wanted to inspire. I have been an
eyewitness to the struggles of
many organizations as they strive
to achieve their goals. My experi
ence with working at the Associ
ated Students of the University of
Oregon as a Diversity Team intern
has helped me to understand
how the University works and has
given me the skills to be a
stronger leader.
I want to help the University of
Oregon community by contribut
ing my experience, knowledge
and resources by acting fairly and
helping to allocate funds to organ
izations. By being on Senate, I will
have the opportunity to work
with a variety of people to active
ly build a stronger sense of com
munity and help contribute to
make positive changes on cam
If elected, I will strive to repre
sent and help the organizations
that make University of Oregon
such a beautiful and diverse
no statement
Senate Seat 3 —
2yr term_
Eddy Morales
Vote for Eddy Morales, if you
are interested in having strong
Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu
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