Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 2001, Image 15

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    Candidate Statements
Vice President
Eric Bailey and
Jeff Oliver
mUTiU 1 liiTiBi T Mill
Why should YOU vote for Eric
Bailey and Jeff Oliver forASUO Ex
Eric is the Vice President of the
Student Senate and serves on the
KWVA Board of Directors and the
University Library7 Committee. He
is currently a Program Assistant in
the residence halls and is a former
Vice President of Residence Hall
Jeff is the Housing Advocate on
theASUO Executive Staff. He also
serves on the Student Life Adviso
ry Committee, the Intercollegiate
Athletics Committee and theAth
letic Department Finance Com
Renter’s Rights- Eugene needs
a Housing Code,and students
need to be involved in the
Diversity- It isn’t enough to
simply bring it to campus; we
need to foster diversity7 so that it i«
not only seen, but more impor
tantly heard.
Safety- Students not only need
to feel safe on campus, but also
when they come to and from it.
Campus Relations-We need to
build bridges, not bum them.This
includes mending relationships
with the UO Administration, the
Eugene Police Department, Stu
dent Groups and UO Housing.
Other issues include Afford
able Education, Incidental Fee
Awareness, Student Athletic Tick
ets and expanding Student Voice.
For greater detail, please see our
webpage at http://www.geoci
We want theASUO to beYOUF
Student Government.TheASUO
should be the collective voice of
ALL students on campus, not just
a small few. If you would like to
discuss anything, please contact
us at votebailey@hotmail.com.
Vote Bailey and Oliver forASUO
Nilda Brooklyn and
Vote Nilda Brooklyn and Joy
Nair for ASUO Executive. Com
bined Nilda and Joy have four
years experience with the ASUO.
Nilda is the multicultural advo
cate, and Joy is the recruitment
and retention coordinator. Joy is
also a member of the Students of
the Indian Sub-Continent .We are
experienced in diversity, but are
ready to address other issues that
affect students. The cost of higher
education is an issue that we are
ready to tackle .Tuition increases
make it nearly impossible for stu
dents to graduate without any
debt.We will demand a tuition
freeze from the state legislature.
We are also ready to work with
the community so they no longer
view students as disposable in
come, and to make sure our city
council representative actually
represents us. We will make sure
that DPS and EPD respond to stu
dent calls, and not just to hand out
MIP’s. Students should feel safe on
campus and not fear DPS and
their power position. We have
goals of improving our own cam
pus community starting with
makingASUO a more accessible
and friendly office. Students are
exactly who we plan to represent.
Student fees are being attacked
across the country, and we will
protect student control of student
fees, which includes everything
from multicultural programming
to club sports, and the health cen
ter. We have chosen these issues
because we believe that they af
fect the quality of education stu
dents receive on this campus.
Vote Nilda Brooklyn and Joy
Nair for ASUO Executive to pro
tect student interests.
sem mm
AndWazeth looked down
upon his disciples from atop of
the jackalope and spake,“Why are
you still following me?’’And they
replied,“Because you have much
to teach us of your practices.”And
Wazeth climbed down from the
jackalope and walked behind a
large boulder and sayeth,“Wazeth
must think about this and he must
also commence with his prac
tices. This was followed by the
sound of a zipper opening and
much flapping.
— The Book of Wazeth, Part III:
The Reckoning, pg. 23
And one disciple ofWazeth
looked towards the azurian sky
and cried,“Why must beings suf
fer punishments for actions they
did not commit?’’And the sky
replied,.. .Then some falling bird
poo splattered on the disciple’s
face.Wazeth looked at him and
laughed.And thus, it was so.
— Amazing Tales of Wazeth.
#17 Collector’s Edition
And Onan continued his prac
tices andWazeth read the maga
zines that were read by Onan.
Wazeth looked up and saw that
Onan was practicing And Wazeth
read, and waited, and read, and
waited, and read.Then Wazeth
looked up and saw that Onan was
still practicing.Wazeth spake,“Yay
for me .’’And he departed.
— The Continued Tales of
Wazeth, pg. 555
And in the end, when all the
world was thrashing about.When
the winds tore through the lands.
When the fires burned and the
waters rose .When comets
plunged out of the sky.When it
sometimes rained.Wazeth sayeth,
“Vote for Sho*.”
— Parables of Wazeth, pg. 235
Bretjacobson and
Matt Cook
Think it’s unimportant to vote
inASUO elections? As outsiders to
the student government process,
we are running on new ideas and
a pleasant tone of optimism, be
cause we truly believe that the
ASUO can be both relevant and
unobtrusive to the lives of stu
dents.After losing valuable sup
port from generous alumni such
as Phil Knight and having past Ex
ecutive leaders arrested like com
mon criminals, it’s pretty obvious
that who occupies the office can
make a huge difference in the
lives and education of Oregon stu
dents.That’s why we’re running
for Executive office this year and
the reason we hope you'll vote for
We think that we have the tal
ent and drive to further ongoing
student efforts in areas such as di
versity, improving relations with
city officials and police and in
creasing student representation
in University decisions, all while
putting forward an agenda of new
ideas and amending for past mis
There are plenty of opportuni
ties to improve campus life for
students if the right leadership is
in place.You won’t hear other
candidates bringing forward new
ideas like using the incidental fee
to give a scholarship to a financial
ly needy and deserving student or
using the fee to fund a professor
ship to study improving higher
education on campus.And that’s
just the beginning for a Bret and
Matt Executive team.
It truly matters who you vote
for. Please vote for reasonable
people with new and exciting
ideas.Vote for Bret and Matt for
ASUO Executive. Learn more at
Eric Qualheim and
Brian Boone
While growing up in a small
Oregon town, Eric Qualheim had
but one dream: to lead. Heeding
his beloved grandfather’s advice
that “nothing of gain ever came
without a lot of effort and a little
elbow grease,” Qualheim set out
to lead.And lead he did.
First, Qualheim was elected
third-grade president on an aboli
tionist platform.And thanks to the
14th Amendment, passed 140
years earlier, Qualheim succeed
ed. At the age of 10, he successful
ly lobbied to close a nursing
home. By 15, Qualheim had rid
Oregon of Communists.
After a stellar career in high
school politics, Qualheim packed
up his covered wagon and em
barked on his three-month trek to
Eugene — andtheUniversity.lt
is the leper healing and tri
umphant crime spree during this
time that have made Qualheim an
American hero.
But now he is here, running for
ASUO Executive.The dream re
mains the same: to lead. But now,
Qualheim has a new dream: to re
alize the promise of tomorrow’s
future .Today.
Brian Boone was raised by pi
rates off the shores of Ireland. He
began dreaming of the promise of
tomorrow’s future as a small child
grown weary of pillaging coastal
As Vice-President, Boone will
make it his top priority to stop the
playing of the school fight song
on the hour, instead having the
bells chime “La Cucaracha.”
With integrity rivaled only by
that of former President Clinton,
Brian Boone has it all: eyes, ears,
mouth, nose, head and shoulders,
knees and toes. Knees and toes.
Brad Schatzel and
Kevin Stolle
By the end of spring term each
University of Oregon student will
have paid around $500 in inciden
tal fees.This money is distributed
to the EMU and its subsidiary
groups, the Athletic Department,
and about 80ASUO funded or
subsidized programs. The expect
ed tuition hike will result in even
higher fee revenues.Wiser man
agement will be required to fairly
allocate these student funds. If
you, the student body, elect us to
theASUO Presidential and Vice
Presidential Offices, we will be
sure to do our best to equitably
and impartially allot funds to the
various finance committees. Our
current positions at the campus
dining center Grab and Go have
provided us with the networking
and problem solving skills needed
to serve the students as theASUO
President and VP
FANS! Imagine a time when the
entire lower ring of Mac Court
was the student section free from
silently seated alumni.Well, that’s
how it used to be before the Ath
letic Department pushed stu
dents to the rafters to make room
for old wealthy white men. If
elected, we promise to use the
clout of our office to return Mac
Court to its original madness by
expanding the student section
Brad Schatzel and Kevin Stolle
are fully endorsed by the Big Blue
House and its members.
ASPAC — 2yr term
Katelyn Carey
The Associated Students Presi
dential Advisory Council (ASPAC)
is the liaison between the Univer
sity President and the student
body. It’s important for this coun
cil to be diverse so all student or
ganizations can be heard. I’m a
member of the Greek Communi
ty, which is only a small portion of
the student body. With my voice
on the committee I could help
represent, not only the Greek
Community but also other small
organizations on campus.
Often ideas are misunderstood
on campus and the lines of com
munication must remain open
and clear. It is this committee that
allows rumors to stop, with full
understanding of what goes on in
the university’s administration.
With a positive, honest connec
tion between the students and
the administration we can pre
vent rumors and educate the stu
dent body.
I’m a sophomore and I have
held two positions in my sorority
in the past two years.These posi
tions have improved my leader
ship skills.A representative must
have the entire university in their
focus at all times. I want to be that
link between those who make the
decisions on campus and those
who must abide by them. On Elec
tion Day, vote KATY CAREY for
Building Fee
Committee — lyr
write in only
Student Rec. and
Fitness Advisory
Board — 2yrterm
Jon Lucchesi
As a member of the Student
Recreation and Fitness Advisory
Board, I would do my best to re
view facility7 policies, the use of
student incidental fees, and do my
best to represent the Recreation
and Fitness Center to the commu
nity. Every year we pay incidental
fees to fund activities that many
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