Opening Statement ...... . ■ the 2001ASUO Primary and General Elections will be administered completely through Duckweb. What does this mean to you? This means that all upstanding Ducks who have paid their incidental fee can vote in their dorm at 3 am in their underwear, or anywhere that internet access is available. Indeed, this year we have no excuse not to vote. It will be as simple as a few clicks and take just a couple of minutes.We at the Elections Board hope that this change in the voting process will catapult voter turnout from here on. Once again we wish to express our utmost gratitude to wards the students who have taken an active approach here at the U of O and run for office. All of you should be commended for your desire and drive to make the U of O a better school for all of us. To the voters, we hope that you „ vote for those who you feel will represent you well and log on to Duckweb during the Primary and General Elections. Good luck to all of this year’s candidates. The 2001ASUO Elections Board Greetings Ducks, It’s time once again for us to exercise our student voice and power in this year ’s ASUO Elections .This is your chance to let your representative body know what you want by voting for those who best represent your views .The more of us that are involved, the better the U of O campus envi ronment will be in the following year. 2001 has brought many hopes and changes to the annual election/The Elec tions Board has made a few changes to help assure a smooth and fair election so that all of us have the opportu nity to be involved. First off, an outstanding turnout of candidates, with hopes of being the next ASUO senator, board member or presi dent, have come from a variety of backgrounds here on campus to run for the plethora of ASUO seats available .This showing of campus pride and involvement is a testament to the overwhelming sense of awareness that is displayed not only by these candidates but by the entire student body that they wish to represent.This year’s ASUO Elections promises to be one of the most democratic votes in years. Secondly, for the convenience of the entire student body, fteponsibilitv QUiQ|$j«- ^ d^cKcrcc &■■ ($&■' ' # Jm have Mtner n**eAdflpa*nce ijy temtduEMBe heard Responsibility rrv&c a dipfacn^BL '■ Be heari tntduad Voice the Choice ben mate c\ cJrpjracnoc ftf'jafrtsiitisvbg £?.