Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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    UO rugby likes its chances against Wildcats
■ The Oregon rugby teams
say they can beat Central
Washington this weekend
Jesse Thomas
for the Emerald
After delivering a beating to
Southern Oregon last weekend, 80
0, the Oregon women’s rugby team
goes against Central Washington
with confidence on its side.
The women started off strong at
1-0 in the winter season. With .a
young roster resulting from the
loss of six seniors from last year,
the Ducks had some challenges
early, although they showed im
provement and finished the fall
season at 1-2.
“We started out rocky but have
cleaned it up and pulled it togeth
er,” senior Shelby Frail said. “I feel
very confident in our team now.”
“The team is looking really good
this year,” coach Greg Farrell said.
“Talent-wise, they are exception
Central Washington finished last
year third in the rankings, and Ore
gon came in just ahead in second
place, so the Ducks believe they
are evenly matched with the Wild
cats. In last year’s meeting between
the two teams, the Ducks were vic
The women have practiced hard
this week in preparation for the
game, including partial contact
practices with the men’s Eugene
Rugby Club. The two teams will
face off on Southbank Field at
11:30 a.m. Saturday.
{ { The team is looking
really good this year.
Talent-wise, they are
Greg Farrell
rugby coach
“If everyone steps up like last
weekend, it should be a good
game,” Farrell said. “We look to do
really well.”
Men’s rugby
The Oregon men’s rugby team is
a bubble team for the NCAA tour
nament. If it wins this weekend, it
still has a shot at nationals, but if it
loses, it will have to wait on UC
Davis until next year.
But because of losses sustained
earlier in the season, the Ducks
will need to put Central Washing
ton away by at least 19 points
when the two teams clash at 1 p.m.
Saturday at Southbank Field in Eu
gene, Oregon head coach Bob Sny
der doesn’t see covering the 19
point spread as much of a
“We will have no trouble cover
ing the 19 points,” Snyder said.
“We can put these guys away by 50
or 60.”
The Ducks are currently 2-2 and
are coming off a strong 47-6 win
against Washington last weekend,
which leaves them feeling confi
dent about a win.
If they can overcome Central
Washington and find a way to de
feat Oregon State the following
weekend, they will advance to the
32-team national tournament at
“We are just taking it one game
at a time right now,” Snyder said.
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Eugene’s Coolest Party Line!!!
Dial: 74-Party
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Free Call! *18+ 'Try it NOW!!!
Found coffee mug by Bank of Ameri
ca ATM at UO Bookstore. Call 344
6814, ask for Tara H.
take a break
at the break
12 pool tables video arcade
table tennis
air hockey | big screen tv
emu ground floor
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 23). You’re
much stronger this year, and more sensitive,
too. Rise above past problems in March. Jump
a hurdle to attain the prize in April. Heed a
neighbor's expert advice in May. Give thanks
for the abundance in June. You're attracted to
your soul mate and vice versa in July. Do the
work in August and let the partnership develop
in September. Take on the thing you fear most
in December. It looks scary, but you have mag
ical powers. Old wounds are healed next Feb
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10
is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)—Today is an 6
— Is your conscience bugging you to clean up
a mess, even though nobody else knows where
it is, or how it happened? If it's still bothering
you, it's still bothering somebody else, too.
Come clean and you’ll feel much better.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6
— You want to help friends who are doing
good work, but don't dip into your savings. Of
fer your expertise instead. They need that more
than they need the money, anyway.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)—Today is a 6—
There's an opportunity for advancement, but
you might have to make big changes. Don't say
yes or no until you think carefully. If you'll be
giving up a bad habit, say yes. If you have to
take one on, say no.
CANCER (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7
— Travel is very appealing, and you might
•ven get out of town. But there is a chore that
must be done, so don't forget it. Do it before
you leave, instead of while you're on the road.
Make sure the car's had an oil change and a
tune-up, for example.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 —
Have you checked lately to make sure you
have all the insurance you need? That's a te
dious chore, but this is as good a day to do it.
You're almost interested in your future security
now. Don't bet on getting by on good looks
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)—Today is a 5 —
A loved one has what they think is a great idea,
so get involved. This person may do something
of which you don't approve, such as knock out
a wall or something. Make sure it's the wall
you want knocked out.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22) — Today is a 5 —
Your assignment is to take care of somebody
else. The first thing you try might not work.
Don't focus your attention on yourself. If you
can focus on the other person, it may be
enough. Be a good listener
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7
—Your sweetheart or a child wants to spend
too much of your money. Don't let them talk
you out of your checkbook or credit card. In
stead, think of a way to cut costs. If you don't,
you'll be paying for this way too long.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)—Today
is a 6 — There’s something going on at your
house that's not the way you want it. You can
have a fit, but that probably won't help. Control
your temper and don't break anything. The oth
er person may be right this time.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is
a 6 — Study, practice and learn, but don't trust
your new skills yet. Make a few prototypes be
fore you start using the expensive materials. It's
OK if the first try has to be thrown out
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)—Today is a 6
— An outing with friends will be wonderful,
and you may be excited about it But keep your
wits about you and your wallet in your pocket.
Don't buy a round of drinks for everybody in
the house; it could be more expensive tlran you
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 6
— You’re strong, and you'll have to lay down
the law. One of your parents or your boss could
have a hissy fit, but that's OK. You've made
your point before, no need to argue about it.
Let them figure you out for a change.
At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD
SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year the
sis/dissertation background. Term
papers. Full resume service. Editing.
Laser pr. ON CAMPUS!
Emerald City Comics
Your store for comics, games,
Anime. 770 E. 13th 345-2568
2 day lift passes for Hoodoo for sale.
$60 or best offer. $65 value. Call
Shauna @ 338-7578
“Give Me Five!”
Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items
under $1,000) for 5 days. If the
item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at
346-4343 and we’ll run your ad
again for another 5 days FREE!
Student/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds
This beautiful classic is 90% re
stored! 71,000 ORIGINAL miles.
Beautiful new paint to match origi
nal color. Looks AND runs great.
Absolutely must sell by spring
term. Only $6500! Call 689-0138
or cell# 541-948-1162
1979 2 dr maroon Thunderbird.
160k, am/fm, cassette, air. $1000
obo. 998-9078
'84 Ford Bronco XLT 4x4, auto, V8,
94k, power windows & locks, clean.
$4200, ask for Jim, days: 342-6211
91 Camaro 3.1 L Power everything.
Looks good, runs good. $3500 obo,
MUST SELL. Call 349-1497
Bridgestone MB4 Mountain Bike.
Nice frame. Paul’s Bikes estimated
$200 obo. 343-6980.
CASH) We Buy, Sell & Service VHS
VCR’s & Stereos. Thompson Elec
tronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273
25” Phillips color television. Great
condition, 4 yrs old, only been used
2 yrs. $150 obo, 741-9690.
Limited openings. Guitar, keyboards,
bass lessons. JOHN SHARKEY. 1/9
pm M-F. 342-9543.
Mexico/Florida. Spring Break
Book now for early bird rates. Air
fare, hotel, parties daily, from $800.
Leisure Tours. 1-800-584-7533.
©mm mm&m
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Firefighters Wildland
Experienced and inexperienced.
Training available. Call Oregon
Woods. 334-6634.
Fire Fighters-Wildland-Apply Now
1322 N. 30th, Springfield. 10am
4pm. No experience required. Train
ing Provided. 541-746-7528
The Emerald is seeking a University
student interested in joining its staff
as a photo technician. Applicants
must be enrolled in classes at the
University and be available to work
about 20 hours a week. Photogra
phy, photo editing and black and
white developing experience is
needed. Photoshop and Quark ex
perience helpful. Applications and
job descriptions can be picked up in
the Emerald office in Suite 300 of
the EMU on the third floor. Deadline
for applications is Monday, February
26. Please include a resume. The
Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal
opportunity employer committed to a
culturally diverse workplace.
Earn $1000 to $5000 PT/FT
Internet/Mail Order
(888) 794-8403
Programmer: local software co.
looking for a P/T software program
mer on a hourly contract basis. Pre
fer exp. with MS Access, Visual Ba
sic, & ASP. Email reply to:
twalkup @ faroutsoftware.com
KWVA FM is currently accepting ap
plications for our Music Director po
sition for the remainder of the 00/01
academic year. Applicants must be
students enrolled at least half-time
to receive a stipend. Previous DJ
and management experience a plus.
Job applications and iescriptions
are available outside the \SUO of
fice, Suite 4 of the EMU. Completed
applications can be turned in to
KWVA, attn: Kelly, Suite M-112 of
the EMU. If you have any questions,
feel free to contact Kelly Lea at
(541)346-4091. KWVA is an EO'AA
employer committed to compliance
with the Americans with Disabilities
act. Deadline for applications is Fri
day, February 23 at noon.
Summer Jobs in Unique Pacific
NW Island Location - Johns Island,
WA. Coed summer camp, est. 1935,
focused on community living. Hiring
instructors, counselors and support
staff. 10 week contract, June 16 -
Aug. 24, 2001. Contact: Camp
Nor’wester. 62B Doe Run Road, Lo
pez. WA. 98261. (360)468-2225,
norwstr@aol.com. Or check out
www.nonwester.org. Join us for a
summer you’ll never forget.
Catholic Campus Ministry
St. Thomas More University Parish
| Mass Mon-Fri • 5:15
BWed • 9 pm (Student Mass)
Sat • 5pm Vigil
Sun • 9,1 lam, 7:30pm
Campus Crusade for Christ
Wednesdays 8:30pm
Education 276
Call 345-5799
Call 346-4343 to list your
services here.
Collegiate Christian
Sunday Mornings @11:00 a.m.
in the gym at First Baptist Church
868 High Street
(Shuttle service also available)
i mu i mu mui i hi mgi in i u m u m u,i
Campus Ministry at
Central Lutheran Church
Welcomes you!
Sunday Eucabrist:
8:15 & 10:45 AM; 6:30PM
Monday Evening Bible Study:
8:15PM in the church library
18th & Potter • 345-0395