Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 2001, Page 11, Image 31

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On this site you'll find reviews on everything
from colleges to movies to pet carriers. Some
sections have more epinions that others, but you
can choose between professional reviews and
those of your fellow web surfers. Register for free
and you can pen your own epinions, earning
cash for the number of readers who trust your
advice. Keep an eye on this site—it’s got a lot of
Content: B Usability: A
The New York Times
Get the Gray Lady without the cumbersome
«page turning, ink and Macy’s sales you have no
•use for; the New York Times’ full daily edition is
free online. An optional free email service will put
.the top stories in your box each morning.
Searching the Times archives is free, although
you’ll need a credit card to buy more than the
summary paragraphs at a couple of bucks a pop.
Or just look them up online then find the micro
film copies at the library and put that money to
good use, like for munchies or beer.
Content: A Usability: A
jfflg She {Nirtir Dork Simcs
" UOHQAV JANUARY l 2001 11 02 AU CTI PnnA> Ymm W.*hm
tiffany & On
High Court Agrees to Hear
Case on Cigarette Ad Limits
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News Synthesis
When your mom makes her weekly call boasting
half-memories of last night’s newscast: “The
anchorman said you can go to jail for stealing
music with that Napper thing...,” get onto
newssynthesis.com and set her straight in record
time. There's a lot of searchable news databases
. these days on the web, but this also has links to
things like nationally syndicated columns and
think-tank web sites. Make your professors think
you’re super smart.
Content: A- Usability: A
The Global Town Hall
You’ve got an opinion, dammit. About politics,
the environment, or simply how annoying your
friends are for not having any opinions. Word to
the wise: Said friends are getting sick of hearing
about their pathetic lack of interest. Save your
friendships and expand your audience exponen
tially at Clobaltownhall.com, where anyone can
Editor’s pick
The Scout Report for Science and
This site hosts the biweekly Scout Report for Science
and Engineering. Its list of Internet resources is meticu
lously compiled by discipline-specific librarians and
content specialists. Wondering about atmospheric dis
turbance climatology? Look no further. The chosen
content meets very specific criteria to weed out any
unnecessary or useless links, and the site is kept clean
and up-to-date. Topics appeal to students, professors
and researchers alike.
Content: A Usability: A
For * M-tec icorch of 10.526
write an opinion piece on their pet topic.
Educate yourself with various articles culled from
major news outlets. Then jump to a forum to
blow off some steam on the matter. And before
you know it, your op-ed piece might just end up
on the front page.
Content: A- Usability: B+
Looking for updates on your favorite black stars?
Or news on African-American issues? Netnoir.com
has it all and then some. This black-oriented web
site offers news, shopping, email and advice on a
range of issues. Check out their section for
women and read up on money matters or
women’s history, or click on their Gospel Chapel
and read about the Pastor of the Week and
reviews of the latest spiritual music, books and
web sites.
Content: B+ Usability: B
Point your web browser to Dvstreet.com, a multi
cultural web portal that allows users to personal
ize their own start page with channels, chat
rooms, job information and more. Dvstreet’s
Career Center lists job postings and resume and
interview tips. Their Marketplace includes over
300 online stores offering products from ethnic
foods to airline tickets.
Content: B+ Usability: A
The Virtual Volunteering Service
It’s a new world of philanthropy! Virtual or online
volunteering enables generous, busy individuals
to perform volunteer tasks, in whole or in part,
via the Internet at their home or work comput
ers. VVS provides cyberservice, online mentoring,
teletutoring, research work and various other
jobs. It also allows agencies—such as the
American Lung Association and Starbright
World—to expand their volunteer programs and
networks by allowing more participants, and
using volunteers in new areas.
Content: B Usability: A
Volunteer America
If you have some spare time, and want to do
something you’ll feel good about, find a volun
teer opportunity or vacation through volunteer
america.net. This site, organized by state, con
nects individuals, families and groups with vol
unteer opportunities across the U.S. Many of
the vacations/opportunities are sponsored by
the Sierra Club and are a bit out of the ordi
nary, such as removing old ranching fence lines
in Texas so that wildlife can migrate freely.
Opportunities are listed up through October of
next year, so you still have plenty of time to
make plans.
Content: B+ Usability: A
Volunteer America a
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NcvjtU South Caroline
New Hamtwhne South Cetoa
New )«»ey Tennessee
New Mexico Texet
New Yotk Utah
North Carolina Vermont