. Mourning out for year with kidney ailment By Mark Long The Associated Press MIAMI — A common but seri ous kidney ailment will keep Alonzo Mourning sidelined for the entire season, depriving the Miami Heat of their biggest star and the key to their quest for an NBA title. Doctors said Monday that the ill ness, first spotted just after Mourn ing helped the U.S. team to the basketball gold medal earlier this month, was focal glomerulosclero sis, which leads to kidney failure in about half the cases. They said there were no imme diate plans for a kidney transplant or dialysis. “I feel great right now. We’ve pretty much got a hold on it, the whole situation right now,” Mourning said at a news confer ence in which he discussed his ail ment publicly for the first time. “The main objective is to get me healthy so I can live my life nor mally, so I can see my babies grow up, and so I can enjoy my family. “And, at the same time, possibly do the things that I know and love — and that’s the game of basket ball. But the key right now is to get me healthy.” Pat Riley, the Heat coach who spent the offseason signing free agents and redesigning the team to complement Mourning’s talents, said his star center was following the proper course. ‘‘Alonzo Mourning will not be playing professional basketball this season, and we’re totally con vinced that the only thing that should be on his mind is getting healthy,” Riley said. I feel great right now... The main objective is to get me healthy so I can live my life normally. Alonzo Mourning Miami Heat The 30-year-old center made his first public appearance since Oct. 3, when he attended the team’s media day. Training camp began without him the following day, and he has not practiced because of his condition, which was dis covered during a routine physical two weeks ago. Sean Elliott, who had a kidney transplant last year and is back playing for the San Antonio Spurs, has spoken with Mourning. “There’s a lot of questions that he had, basically,” Elliott said. “I know how he feels right now as far as fatigue-wise. When I first went to the doctor, I felt terrible. I can sympathize with him.” Call (541)346 4343 or stop by Room 300 Erb Memorial Union to place your ad today. P.O. 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Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds: 1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 2) Visit our website: www.dailyemerald.com 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS WALLY ON THE INTERNET partypics.com PASSWORD: UOGREEKS cnoria 095 PERSONALS Eugene's Coolest Party Line!!! Dial: 74-Party Ads * Jokes * Stories & More! Free Call! *18+ *Try it NOW!!! Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys to headline at Gore-Lie berman Inaugural Ball. Read all about it in www.freedoniaPost.com. the world's largest newspaper co-op. Greatful Bread jBuzz Coffeehouse | AAA Cafe-Lawrence Hall Daily Grind-Knight Library Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 17). You've got the advantage this year, so use it. Talk your way into or out of anything in October. Provide for a moody person to gain status and a raise in No vember. Something you never expected brings a lucky break in December. Let a fix-it person tune you up in February. Money you've saved comes in handy in May. Travel farther than you have ever gone before in June. Know where the money is in July and let an upset motivate you in September. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19)—Today isa7 — You and a close friend or relative have a lot to talk about. Don't let it happen on company time, however. A co-worker's liable to snitch even if the boss isn't around. Later should be excellent for partying, so all's not lost. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 6 — Bring in more money, rather than spend it. Something a loved one's been nagging you about is your motivation. A tedious chore could be your means to the end. If it's something you love doing, so much the better! GEMINI (May 21-June 21) — Today is an 8 — A mess at home could get you off on the wrong foot. As the day goes on, your luck im proves. Remember that exotic restaurant you've been thinking about visiting? Well, somebody else would love to go there, too. Voila! Another beautiful encounter! CANCER (June 22-July 22) — Today is an 8 — If you can't get to your errands first thing, don't worry; you will eventually. Find the per fect thing for dinner, too. A private conversation by candlelight could lead to forever romance. All it takes is planning, and you're great at that. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 5 — A friend’s risky scheme isn't ready. You can help by pointing out an obvious problem. Then, help find the answer. A book you've been reading or a skill you've been learning could give you the clue. Offer a Plan B that will work. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — A quiz is likely, so you'd better know what you're doing. Luckily, you do. Right? Well, now that you've been tipped off, do some re search and find out. If you get all the answers right, you could get a bonus. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 22)—Today is a 7—A minor mishap pertaining to travel is possible, but you'll handle it well. Just steer around it. You're agile, both mentally and physically. Pay attention to where you're going, however, and wear your safety belt. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — People are talking in private, and you should find out what they're saying. Ask your favorite informants. They'll sing like birds for a few crumbs. If your informants are kids or men, cookies work well. If women, chocolate. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 —Your competition, partner or mate has a slight advantage. Well, OK, a big one. Pick the battles you can win and save your energy. Relax, chill out and maybe even hide out. Whatever works. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is an 8 — Things are running more smoothly now. Is that due to your intervention? If so, you can bet someone notices. You could profit nice ly for your efforts. Your stock is going up. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)—Today is an 8 — Are you worried that you can't afford a gift you'd like to buy? Does your sweetheart or child want something that you'd have to pay dearly for? Don't say no yet. Look around. Maybe something would be even better, a little farther away. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)—Today is a 7 — Do you want something that your house mate keeps vetoing for your house? No doesn't mean never, it just means not now. Try again. You can find something everybody can live with if you keep looking — together would be nice. Recycle , Recycle I 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year the sis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! Promote your UO courses HERE! Call us at 346-4343. 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DVD’s: buy, sell, trade, rent Emerald City Comics 770 E. 13th • 345-2568 Macintosh Centris 650 w/Power Pro upgrade. Includes 14" monitor and some software. $150obo. 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Call 346-2076 to apply. NOW HIRING WORK STUDY ON LY: (no tech fee) office assistants for Honors College Office. Paid office experience required. $8.50 per hour. Apply at 320 Chapman Hall or call Jody at 346-5414. KWVA FM, UO Campus Radio, is now accepting applications for an open student seat on our Board of Directors. Applicants must be enrol led for at least six credits to be eligi ble. Management and/or non-profit organization experience a plus but not a requirement. This is a VOL UNTEER position. Descriptions and applications are available outside of the ASUO office, Suite 4 of the EMU. Completed applications are due no later than Friday, October 20th at noon. For more information, contact Kelly Lea at 346-4091. Learn to build website! Extra cash for students & business potential. Call Ethan at (541) 513-5060. Need Money $75-1500/Week stuff ing envelopes. Send 1 stamp to Bott & Associates, 1752 Seaton St. NW, Washington DC, 20009. Bp®©k aIriendwHh 4 a h©wl-© gram! 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