jambalaya 1: rice cooked usually with ham, sausage, chicken, shrimp, or oysters and seasoned with herbs 2: a mixture of diverse elements Monday Back to the Books TRINA SHANAMAN: Classified Managerclassads@oregon.uregon.edu HorOSCOpC by Linda C. Black TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 30). You could make some decisions (his year that ■ effect the rest of your life. You've been th ,bout them for a while, so il won't be a s.. ,se to you. Love shows the way in June. Common sense applies in July. Just say "no” to a rowdy request in August. Your determination suc ceeds in September Ask. carefully, for what ever you want in October, and you might get it. You may see your partner differently in De cember. Fantasy and reality in February, but by May. reality's the and that's Fine. To get the advantage, check the day's is the easiest day. 0 the most challen, ARIES (Marvh 21-April 10) — Tot — You have to attend to certain rules lations. You like, even to a get back to where you want to, TAURUS (April 20-. — Saturn for structure dance are naturally are. No point in trying to hide: body knows! GEMINI (May 21 -June 21) — — You are starting to Itxik at how far you've come with ..still got lime to achieve about. Ewa care about. CANCER (June 22-Ju’ — You're involved you should be, any> who cares about t’ flourish. If you your tile, tod Shut looking LEO (July Yuurexpe’ You may you’ve b don't hr 200 WORK STUDY POSl jobs Now hiring for fall term J Campus Recycling) Campus Recycling now hiring work study/ tech fee funded students for positions beginning September. *k Oth (rue Teacl Imprc Experience li lish School some Chinese bachelor's degrt For more informatk. 6911 or write Contact Campus Recycling at 346 1529. Leave message with a mail ing address and phone number to worth the effort. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is an 8 — You could have the urge to travel or go' to school. You're interested in everything! Ye might use what you'— ' ~* " hut you may not We :^^^You jus want to know, '^Hriosity's^^^^go find LIBRA (Sepi You are very I SCOh 8— 24-Nov. 21) — Today is an d make decisions regarding sa tmitmenls and stability st likely, by a per« t ’s not a h; plenty of love. If found (or redisc SAGITTAL 8 — Services, Inc. WMSffin with tears ’ 57 Caiaionian cheer 59 Character in "The Tempest” 60 To the point 61 Distress 62 Orc^jP^^( ' arrangeiliW.1*^ 3®polish talk 4 largest continent 5 Domains 6 Freakish 7 Mil entertainers 6 George Herman Ruth s r-iurrp 10 Not hidden 11 Middle East peninsula 12 French floor 13 Merchant’s 21 enough 32 Algonquian language 33 Chopped 34 Greek letters 35 Lacoste or Levesque 37 Happened again 40 Writer Bierce Solutions a people 41 Sandhurst sch 42 Most extended 45 Glacial pinnacles 46 Money owed 47 Estuary 48 One cubic meler 49 Bib 52 Square measui 53 Cheerful tune 54 Remove from text 55 Lost traction 58 Mauna volcano