009388 Many Rivers Sierras and the U of 0 Survival Center present: Pick Axe” For 11 months a small band ot Cascadians stood off the US Forest Service and the chainsaws to save Warner Creek. They won. This is the story, contact Mick Gavin at 740-2427. | 16 May 7:30 p.m., Prince Lucien Campbell 180 * Have you accepted a credit card company’s “generous” offer to provide vou with a credit card? • Do you have significant credit card debt? * Is your credit rating in danger? If your answer to any of these questions is “yes”, consider a chapter 7 bankruptcy. Get your fresh start and enter the business world free of credit card debt. Call our office lor complete information on bankruptcy. _Appointments close to campus. Robert W. Nowack, Attorney at Law. 434-9112 y///////////////////////y Latin American / Studies Minor Available Fall 2000 ► multidisciplinary approach ► only 28 credits REGISTER NOW before classes fill up For more info contact: Leonardo Garcia-Pabon (346-4039) => lgarcia@oregonuoregon.edu http://babel.uoregon.edu/LAS FIND THINGS IN ODE CLASSIFIEDS (ROOMMATES, TICKETS, STUFF. YOU LOST, BICYCLES, CARS, JOBS, ON-CAMPUS OPPORTUNITIES) 2 SOf Prints From your 24 color film Quality Mm Service Offer not good with one hour film service or any U Of 0 Campus • 890 East 13th St. • 342-3456 It’s here Now! JO Summer , t Session ' Duck Call. ^ook Your Summer in Oregon Summer session starts June 19. Pick up your free summer bulletin today in the Summer Session office, 333 Oregon Hall, or at the UO Bookstore. You can speed your way toward graduation by taking required courses during summer. University of Oregon Summer Session ltnp://uosummer.uoregon.edu/ UO Yoga classes stretch the mind Ryan Starkweather Emerald Elayne Quirin’s Hatha Yoga students stretch during Monday’s class in Esslinger Gym. ■Yoga classes give students the opportunity to loosen their limbs and relax their thoughts By Janos J. Plesko for the Emerald Peace, tranquility and academ ic credit. Taking a yoga class at the Uni versity can provide students with a healthy experience in a comfort able setting. “Stretch your body gently, and touch your toes with your hands,” Hatha Yoga teacher Elayne Quirin said, her calm voice filling the air in the Esslinger Gym. During the next 50 minutes, students are elevated to a mild, re laxed state of physical and mental awareness. Hatha Yoga deals with physical exercises, the purpose of which is to achieve well-being and to prepare the body for fur ther spiritual awareness, Quirin said. Holly Hammons. 23, one of Quirin’s students, said she enjoys the experience. “This class is very educational and definitely worth the time,” Hammons said. Quirin, who was born with her left leg shorter than her right, dis covered yoga while searching for ways to relieve tension and pain her body experienced as she walked. She sought a remedy from a chiropractor, and after ward, Quirin’s chiropractor told her to do stretching exercises. “Why am I seeing the chiro practor when I can do the same with yoga?” Quirin asked herself. At age 26, Quirin traveled to Nepal and became even more in terested in yoga. After studying in Nepal, Quirin returned to the United States and decided to teach, which she has been doing for 15 years total and six years at the University. “Yoga is a science — the sci ence of internal awareness, which is pretty much self-observation,” Quirin said. “When you bring awareness, you also bring energy to your body.” “The only thing you can do wrong is compete, even with yourself.” Lindsay Backman, 19, a student from the Hatha Yoga class, said she enjoys the complete workout. “I feel relaxed, free from stress,” she said. “I like the teacher a lot; she knows yoga.” As the class comes to an end, Quirin clutches her palms togeth er and bows her head forward, saying, “Namaste,” which means, “The holy in me bows to the holy in you.” Who did Mentor Program students talk with this year? Check out the Mentor Program Fall Term! The Mentor Program is a class offered through the Career Center. In just 6 class meetings a term, you will meet two professionals of your career choice, polish your resume and cover letter, learn networking skills and earn one upper division credit! Business BA 410 CRN 11646 U 3-4:50 EMS EMS 408 CRN 12666 H 9:30-10:50 Psychology PSY 410 CRN 14987 M 3-4:50 English ENG 408 CRN 12765 U 2-3:50 Chemistry CH 408 CRN 11976 H 9:30-10:50 Environmental Studies ENVS407 CRN 12816 U 9:30-10:50 Biology Bl 407 CRN 11787 H 9:30-10:50 All Majors PPPM 410 CRN 14801 M 10-11:50 Sociology SOC 410 CRN 15164 W 2-3:50 0094 23 For more information contact Alyson Bodai at 346-6021, stop by 211 Hendricks Hall or visit the Mentor Program Homepage at http://uocareer. uoregon. edu/mentor/ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CAREER Sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, the Career Center, Student Alumni Association and the University of Oregon Alumni Association.