Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 2000, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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    Cast Your Vote for Your 2000-2001 Bookstore Board
Freshman Position
1 person to be elected for a 1 -year term.
Charles Holding:
My position as one of eight students on the
Board of Directors for the University Bookstore
would be representative of second year students.
I am a second year student. I have some experi
ence in democracy because I was involved in the
youth and government program called the Cali
fornia Model Legislature and Court run by the
YMCA. As a member on the board, I would like to
see the Bookstore use books that are printed on
recycled paper and free popcorn for people waiting in line.
Student-at-Large Position
1 person to be elected for a 2-year term
Kenneth Best:
The University of Oregon Bookstore has a tradi
tion of excellence, success, and dedication to the
students. The responsibility of maintaining this
tradition lies in the hands of the students and fac
ulty on the Bookstore Board of Directors. Be
cause the Bookstore is the primary source of
course books, it has become an integral part of
all university students lives and education. We all
have our opinions about the UO Bookstore, and I
want to use those opinions as constructive criticism to
help improve the Bookstore, or as compliments as to what
we should continue to do. This past year 1 have served on
the Board as Vice President, but unfortunately I was only
able to serve for a one-year term. I believe that one year
on the Bookstore Board of Directors is not enough for
someone to really understand how things work, and then
use that knowledge to its potential. That is why I am seek
ing a second term; so that I can use the knowledge gained
this year to more effectively advocate for students next
Cameron Clarke:
My name is Cameron Clarke. I am running for the
Student-at-Large Position on the University of
Oregon Bookstore Board. I heard about the Book
store Board through a friend who served on the
board in the past. He really enjoyed the knowl
edge and experience that he gained in making
sure that the student voice was heard. The skills
that I have acquired in a number of pursuits have
prepared me for a position on the board. I am ma
joring in psychology with a minor in computer and infor
mation sciences. I spend about ten hours a week working
with The International Society for Technology in Educa
tion, through the work-study program. I am also a member
of the student volunteer program at PeaceHealth Medical
Center. As a member of a fraternity, I have gained firsthand
experience concerning the organization of a board.
Through my involvement with extra-curricular activities
around The U of 0 campus, I have many valuable qualities
to offer the board. I would really appreciate it if you would
give me the opportunity to voice your concerns and ideas
to the Bookstore Board. Vote Cameron Clarke for The UO
Bookstore Student-at Large position. Thank you very
much! Cameron Clarke
Katie Kelly:
(No photo or candidate statement available)
Jennifer Dunyon: (No photo available)
Let me start by offering you my heartfelt thanks for taking
the time to read what so many others, unfortunately, will
choose to skip over. Now let me continue by giving you a
bit of autobiographical information. My name is Jennifer
Dunyon. I separated from the United States Air Force last
year after having served four years as a Cryptologic Lin
guist. During my term of service, I attended college at
night and on weekends, enabling me to earn an AA (with
honors) in Foreign Language with a Korean emphasis. I
also completed courses for the military-specific CCAF de
gree in Communications Intelligence. I enrolled at the Uni
versity of Oregon last term as a transfer student majoring
in Linguistics. My service and studies have reinforced my
belief that efforts to improve yourself and your communi
ty are inextricably linked. We all have a responsibility to
do whatever we can, large or small, to make sure that our
peers have a successful and, hopefully, enjoyable time
while studying at this institution. It is because of this that I
have chosen to run for a seat on the Board of Directors of
the University Bookstore. Elect me and I will pledge to
work with other Board members to ensure that you can
easily obtain the materials necessary for your course
work, along with a healthy mix of supplies to help foster
and show off your Duck Spirit. GO DUCKS!
Sue Ryan:
I am Sue Ryan. I sun enrolled as a junior in pre
Journalism. I went to the Bookstore Annual Meet
ing out of curiosity and not with a plan to run for
the board. I took the initiative to run as a candi
date because of the low turnout of students at the
annual cooperative meeting. I won’t take sides on
the Johnson Hall protest issue, but I will state that
my candidacy was prompted from seeing those
protestors advocating their interests. My qualifi
cations include being an older individual, with about 20
years of work experience. I have volunteered on boards of
different organizations, including Habitat for Humanity
and 4-H youth programs. Currently, I serve on the board of
the Chatcolab Northwest Regional Leadership Laboratory.
Our organization promotes recreation through leadership.
I am involved in Chatcolab as a teacher, registrar and also
serve on the promotions committee. I am also a cost-con
scious consumer and a student. My inclination would be to
help make the bookstore function in the best way possible
as a cooperative for the student body.
Damon MartlChUSKl! (No photo available)
You are probably asking yourselves: “Bookstore Board of
Directors? Who cares?!” Well, as foreign as it may sound, I
do. I’m David Martichuski and I am asking you, the student
body, to allow me to represent you on the Board of Direc
tors. Having grown up in Eugene, I have observed the vari
ous changes in the Bookstore over the past 19 years. Now
as a U of 0 student, I would like to be an instrumented part
in future changes. Our independently run Bookstore is go
ing to begin an expansion project. In addressing this up
coming project it is important for our Board members to
have vision, organizational skills, and a keen understand
ing of the University community. I am an energetic and en
thusiastic candidate for one of the eight studentpositions
on the 11-member Board. Let’s elect a student who will be
dedicated to representing the student body and bringing
our bookstore to the pinnacle of service. My name is David
Martichuski and I can be that student. Consider voting for
me on May 10th and 11th for the University of Oregon
Bookstore Board of Directors. Thanks!
Sophomore Position
2 persons to be elected for a 2-year term
David Sanchez:
Greetings! My name is David Sanchez, and I am
running for the Bookstore Board, Sophomore
Seat. There are many reasons behind my candida
cy for the Bookstore Board. The first reason is
that the student voice is the primary voice on the
Bookstore Board. What is most appealing about
the structure of the Bookstore Board is this fac
tor: student voice. Currently, I serve as an elected
Student Senator and I understand how the stu
dent voice is heard within our University. Because of my
knowledge of our system, I feel that the Bookstore Board
exemplifies student power. Secondly, the Bookstore has
immeasurable potential in serving its constituency. As a
student living within the greater Eugene community, I feel
that the Bookstore has an obligation to offer the highest
quality of goods and services. The Bookstore has exciting
plans of expansion. While serving as a Bookstore Board
member, I plan to offer my experience and knowledge of
student issues to ensure that this process of expansion is
beneficial to all student needs. In the end, I want to be part
of a Board that recognizes student voices and utilizes our
talents. Vote for me, David Sanchez for the Bookstore
Board, Sophomore Seat!
Christina Scriven:
The reasons for which I have chosen to run for
the University of Oregon Bookstore Board are
simple. I want experience working with a commit
tee that is actively dedicated to operating in an ef
ficient, economical and timely manner. I want to
be a part of a team that provides the best possible
customer satisfaction while continuing to build
its relationships within the University of Oregon.
As a Sophomore Board Member, I will do my best
to go above and beyond the standard to reach these goals.
Write-in-Grad. Student Position
1 person to be elected for a 2-year term
Amalia Nita:
WE all should have a word to say in decisions that
affect US. Like how OUR Bookstore effectively en
hances OUR educational experience at the UO.
The UO campus is a thriving, varied, academic
community where WE, the graduate students,
spend an important part of OUR lives. The UO
Bookstore is a part of the picture. A graduate mem
ber on the UO Bookstore Board will provide US
with an opportunity to have a say in decisions that
affect US all. Don’t deprive the graduate population from
the opportunity to contribute to a better Bookstore. Elect
OUR representative, Amalia Nita, MBA 2001! To make OUR
word heard and have OUR ideas known WE have to speak
up. Ability to listen, convey, and transform messages into
action is critical, Amalia has about four years of experience
with communication to audiences ranging from varied stu
dent bodies to executive boards and international perspec
tive. Even if you don’t have the time to convey your input,
don’t sit back. Elect OUR representative, Amalia Nita, MBA
2001! In short, write this name on the ballot, Amalia Nita,
MBA2001, on May 10 and 11 (8:30 am to 5:00 PM) at the
booths provided in the EMU and by the Bookstore!
FacuItv-at-Large Position
1 person to be elected for a 2-year term
Shelley Sutherland:
When I first became a member of the Bookstore
Board, I did so because I thought I could be help
ful in implementing the newly developed long
range plan. As a faculty representative, I thought
the components of that plan were important to
my colleagues. I thought it was essential to ad
dress the over-crowded facilities and to be re
sponsive to the technological needs of both stu
dents and faculty. Tremendous improvements
have been made in these and other areas. Improvements
include the new branches in the Casanova Center and the
Law School and making sure these new facilities meet the
needs of the users. Other improvements include the effort *
to provide resources for those needing computer technol
ogy and the re-organization of the general book section of
the bookstore. The transition phase, is however, still very
much in progress. Much more needs to be done to make
our Bookstore a truly first class facility. I want to continue
to be a part of this progress. I have some goals that I desire
to pursue. I also want to provide both students and faculty
with increased discounts and I want to provide faculty with
a comfortable place to examine and choose curriculum
materials. My experiences, my interest and my willingness
to contribute to the continued progress of the Bookstore
qualify me for another term.
Classified Staff or Officer of
Administration Position
1 person to be elected for a 2-year term
Joann ZumBrunnen:
As a University administrator who has daily con
tact with prospective UO students and their fami
lies, who frequent the Bookstore, I have first hand
experience with the quality, responsiveness, and
support the UO Bookstore provides its con
stituents. it is this reputation of quality that en
tices me to become a member of the UO Book
store Board of Directors. I am interested in the
challenges that lie ahead, such as meeting the
technological, academic, and retail needs of students and
instructional faculty. I am excited about the planned ex
pansion and additions of current physical space and sup
port the continuous changes associated with meeting pa
trons’ heeds. Throughout my tenure on the University
Bookstore Board of Directors I will provide active and col
laborative leadership to ensure the Bookstore meets its
goals, including anticipated growth. Finally, I will strive to
maintain the partnership between the Bookstore and the
University which enhances the UO mission of service to its
complete community.
Wednesday, May 10th 8
Thursday, May 11th
from 8:30 a.m.-5.*00 p.m. in the lobby
of the Bookstore or at the EMU.
May 10th a 11th at the UO Bookstore and the EMU BOCDKSTORE ®Pen current UO faculty, students and staff
Your Bookstore has been governed by UO Students, Faculty and Staff for the past eight years.