USAS meeting continued from page 1 will combine the goals of both the USAS and 180/MDE. “It definitely has a double fo cus,” Jacobson said. She also said that in light of the recent developments following the University’s decision to join the WRC, Eugene seems even more appropriate as a location. “It’s kind of ironic, in retro spect, that we chose Eugene,” Ja cobson said. “I think now Eugene would definitely be chosen. ” Brakken said Eugene seemed like a good place to hold the con ference because HRA members at the University have been active and involved, and at the time the decision was made, Nike was a major corporate donor. Brakken also said the area from Eugene to Portland has a history of “vibrant” activism and good networks among students. “Eugene certainly is one of the hotbeds for activism in the coun try,” Brakken said. But he also pointed out that the decision to hold the conference in Eugene came long before the John son Hall protest and sit-ins. “This was decided upon, really, before all the recent stuff hap pened with Nike,” he said. “Re cently, [Eugene] has certainly be come the focus.” Jacobson, however, said she did not believe Eugene was a forerun ner on sweatshop labor activism, and neither did Duncan McDon ald, the University’s vice presi dent for public affairs and devel opment. “Are we any different in that way than other university towns?” McDonald said. “I’m not so sure we are.” McDonald said the area, like many other college towns across the nation, has always seen ac tivism. Give yourself some credit this summer with a i ,-1_ | CDIP Internship j Orientation Meeting Today, May 9! Check out established Eugene-Springfield summer internships at an orientation on: Tuesday, May 9 4:00-5:00 p.m. Room 12/Hendricks Hall Also to be repeated on Friday, May 12 from 10:00-11:00 a.m in Room 12, Hendricks Hall. j Earn from 2^12 credits over the summer. I For juniors and seniors in good academic standing Upper-division credit only for internships. For more information, or to create your own summer internship experience, contact: UO Career Center 346-3235 or visit CAREER /4 <*£ love fan, t7Ka*H'. Mother’s Day lathis weekend! This Mother's Day give mom - \ '*ssrJt3—W ° .-A iapPHj something to smile'' *, :f about with the Spring Garden® Bouquet. It’s the perfect way to thank mom for everything she’s done for you. (Saameky flower Tffome “The University Florist” 610 East 13th Avenue (at Patterson) 485-3655 OR toll-free 1-800-478-3655 Owners U0 Alumni! iff Now you can have it all: • Washer/dryer in each apt. • Covered bike racks • Private bedrooms • Individual leases • Computer labs • Alarm systems • Reserved parking • Fitness center • Rec room • Swimming pool CALL NOW! 338-4000 come by our clubhouse and see for yourself: 008744 ArAK fMcNTS 90 Commons Drive Property address: 90 Commons Drive fpead Jake Oftman's Computer i Technology column. Only at