Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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    Men’s hoops
continued from page 1
what this team is about. Just stay
ing together and winning. ”
Oregon’s character was given a
stern test when Arizona’s Gilbert
Arenas converted two of his 15
points on a fast-break dunk at the
12:23 mark to give his team the 64
51 lead. During the ensuing time
out. head coach'Ernie Kent’s ongo
ing frustration toward the referees
resulted in him getting only the
third technical foul of his career.
Arizona proceeded to score four
more points to cap a crowd-silenc
ing 13-0 run, and an Oregon win
seemed just as improbable as it
did Thursday.
Then came the turning point.
Senior forward Alex Scales re
ceived a pass from Wright and
banged home a trey with 12:05
A mere 26 seconds later. Scales
continued his torrid three-point
shooting by drilling another to cut
the lead to 69-57. All of a sudden
the tide had changed.
So much so that the Wildcats
could only muster one measly
field goal in the final 11:15. That
included an impressive conclu
sion in which Oregon’s team de
fense and transition offense ac
counted for a 15-1 run in the last
One of the crucial possessions
came with just under three min
utes to play and the score 80-73,
Arizona. Wright found sopho
more guard Freddie Jones in the
corner, who stroked home a three,
rewarding Wright with one of his
seven assists.
Jones was the passer two min
utes later, when he found Scales
for the layup to cap a 9-0 Duck run
and knot the score at 80.
After six Oregon free throws
and a missed desperation three
pointer by Arizona’s Jason Gard
ner, Oregon’s best-ever 12th Pac.
10 win was completed.
During that final run, eight of
the 15 points came by way of per
fect free-throw shooting by Wright
and Jones. The Ducks' 24-of-25
showing (96 percent) from the
charity stripe broke the school
record of 95 percent set in Decem
ber 1977.
“Our threes started falling and
our free-throw shooting was su
perb,” Kent said. “Once the mo
mentum started to swing our way,
and with the crowd coming alive
like it did, we just stepped up to
whole other level.”
Jones was
the Duck who
stepped up
the most.
Often criti
cized for not
playing to his
potential, he
was at his
best. His
team-high 27
points sur
passed his
previous career-high of 23 set last
year against Washington State.
“He’s got an all-around game,”
said senior forward A.D. Smith,
who returned to action from
cheekbone surgery much sooner
than expected. “He does so many
different things that keep him on
the floor. How many times have
you looked at the stat sheet and
seen that Freddie has five assists
and one turnover?”
This time around Jones’ stat
sheet showed that he led the team
with six rebounds to go with his
six assists and only one turnover
in 34 minutes of action.
Although Smith’s numbers
were nowhere near impressive,
his 25 minutes on the floor provid
ed so much more than points, re
bounds and assists.
“He was a big lift,” Jones said.
“When he announced that he was
going to play it was a big confi
dence boost. We know the type of
warrior he is and that he is going to
play if he can at all costs. ”
Four minutes into the game,
Smith made his first appearance.
Just more than three minutes later
he converted a layup to give the
Ducks the early 17-11 lead, send
ing the crowd into an “ A.D., A.D.”
Oregon pushed its lead to 36-28
after a thunderous two-hand slam
by Jones. But Arizona showed
why it is a top-5 team by overcom
ing a raucous crowd and going on
a 16-2 run in the final four minutes
of the first half. Arizona was led by
sophomore forward Michael
Wright, who scored a career-high
28 points.
The Pit faithful proved once
again why they are one of the most
revered fan bases in the nation.
With thirty-seconds to play, the
rim began shaking side-to-side
during an Arenas free throw, as it
had earlier in the season in the
win against Southern California.
“Mac Court was just outstand
ing,” Kent said. “It was definitely
the Mac Court of old for the entire
game. That crowd was just awe
“The crowd no doubt helped
them considerably,” said Arizona
head coach Lute Olson, who was
clearly incensed about his teams’
back-to-back upset defeats. “Nei
ther the crowd nor their team felt
they were out of it. ”
McArthur Court now has a full
week of rest, and then one last
chance to rock — on March 11
against Oregon State.
Let the Madness of Civil War
week begin.
Oregon senior forward A.D. Smith scores two his eight points over Arizona’s Michael
Wright in his successful return from cheekbone surgery.
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