Letters to the editor Gabbe is not responsible C.J. Gabbe has shown he’s not afraid to tarnish the image of a system that he supposedly holds in high regard. Widespread revi sionism is the price we would pay for underestimating Gabbe’s past performance, which is lit tered with disregard for rules. Monday, Gabbe “dodged one bullet” but was wounded by an other. Do you want a presidential candidate found guilty of not at tending his office hours? The au dacity that he has to shut himself off and then run for their presi dent is incredulous. This could only be a reflection of calamities to come. The fact that Gabbe and Peter Larson remain in the election on a mere technicality is evidence of the most painful judicial decision I have seen on this campus. The ignorant riposte of Gabbe’s staff, that they “still firmly believe that they did not break a rule,” speaks to their lack of knowledge of the election rules. I was, however, going to forget about the whole thing when it suddenly occurred to me that the popularity of his candidacy is largely due to the gross amount of money that has been spent on his campaign. This money has gone toward activities that the ASUO Constitution Court has found to be against the election rules. Do you want executives who will be fiscally irresponsible? I vehemently object to these candidates because I cannot step aside and let executive hopefuls commit confrontational, in-your face acts of unethical behavior and incompetence. Jeff Kershner business and Spanish Emerald opinions not ethical The Emerald should be ashamed of its editorial descrip tion of C.J. Gabbe (ODE, March 1). Clearly, the Emerald editorial board has some type of invested interest in the outcome of the ASUO elections and wrote this editorial in a preposterous last ditch attempt to affect the out come. Never in my life have I seen such a blatantly unethical at tempt to impact the electoral process. I have worked with Gabbe for last three years, and I can vouch that he is one of the most honest, hardworking and well-inten tioned people I have met. He gen uinely cares about students, the University and the state as a whole. For the Emerald editorial staff to suggest that Gabbe is any thing other then a straight shoot er is malicious. Maybe the Emerald editorial staff doesn’t agree with Gabbe’s politics or opinions, which is per fectly OK. But for the Emerald to engage in a partisan-like charac ter assassination is disgraceful. University students should be outraged at the lack of profession alism and integrity displayed by those administering their main source of news. • If the Emerald editorial staff be lieves it must disguise transpar ent campaign propaganda against targeted political enemies as ob jective news opinions, then one can only conclude that its opin ions probably have no basis in the first place. However students at the Uni versity decide to vote this week, they need to know that the Emer ald’s description of Gabbe is un equivocally false. Gabbe is a great person who truly believes he can make the University a better place. And that is the absolute, objective truth. Melanie Spraggi ns president, Associated Students of Oregon State University Emerald shouldn’t side I am curious why the Emerald would so blatantly go against their core purpose of being the “stu dents’ voice.” I am an average stu dent, and what I see occurring can be called nothing short of moron ic. When a very decent majority of the student body obviously favors two candidates for office over the rest, you uninformed caged ani mals find it within your right to make accusations that are totally unfounded. If you can’t find hon est, decent reasons to take some one off the ballot, then why must you resort to pure emotional re sponse? You are only worsening the case against your own argu ment. I would have thought that you learned this as freshmen, or as journalists, but apparently, you all need a lesson in common sense. What kind of suppressed Nazi control fantasy are you try ing to live under anyway? The Emerald completely has the right to take a stance behind one candi date instead of another, but you are only serving to further spread rumors and hearsay. No student I’ve met respects the slander that occurs on a national level for the presidential campaign, so I’m cu rious what makes you think doing the same thing with our student government is going to accom plish. Congratulations, you’ve made yourself as credible as MAD magazine. If you had even an ounce of respect from me before the elections, you have lost it. If I ever see a chance to truly stick it to the Emerald, I will make it a point to do so. Jason Bussanich student anthropology a art history arch ology ciit'l n< >te computers des dictionary drar ecology edu-ca feminist ill history ! investme language nn st cries nature no philosoph' photograp psychology religion rot science sci fiction self 1 study guide? textbooks th travel univer westerns wri zoology anthi art skills art h architecture b cliff notes con design diction, drama ecology cation feminist geology history hobbies investr journalism lang math mysteries nature novels o philosophy ph< plays psychoioi reference religi romance SAT s< science fiction textbooks. 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