Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 2000, Page 3A, Image 3

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    Letters to the editor
Emerald misrepresents
In response to the spiteful edi
torial (ODE, March 1) in our cam
pus newspaper, I feel compelled
to address the misrepresentation
of facts included in the article.
A personal attack on C.J. Gabbe
and Peter Larson should not be hid
den behind the blanket label of an
editorial board opinion. These two
young men have worked too hard
and too long to be bashed at the last
second by someone too cowardly
to claim his or her own opinion.
The Executive was established
to promote change and encourage
students at this University to get
involved. This election, thanks to
the over-involvement of the me
dia, has turned into a three-ring
circus. Gabbe and Larson have
gotten their names out on the
streets, dorms and houses on this
campus because they have been
out there every day attempting to
promote this election. The coffee
hour was a means to advocate stu
dent involvement in the election
itself, not to “buy votes. ”
The editorial was a gross misrep
resentation of the issues at hand as
well as a prime example of mud
slinging. It’s unfortunate to perpet
uate this form of petty journalism.
Katie Breene
political science
Gabbe, Larson deserve vote
C.J. Gabbe and Peter Larson are
two incredible candidates. They
have proven their ability to stand
strong and work for students is
sues even when they were facing a
Constitution Court hearing. They
are in the ASUO General Elec
tions because students exercised
their power, voted and let their
voices be heard. The general elec
tions are a chance to vote on the
ballot measures that will affect
our campus and a chance to vote
for the two experienced candi
dates. Gabbe and Larson have
been working hard for years on a
campus, state and national level.
They have focused their experi
ence and leadership on issues that
are important to students. Even
before they are in office, they are
asking the opinions of students.
Many people voted on-line for
Gabbe and Larson’s fourth issue.
Vote for the candidates who
know how to listen to the stu
dents. Vote for Gabbe and Larson.
Logan Searl
humanities, philosophy
PFC defended
From the first budget hearing of
the year, the insults have been fly
ing at members of the Programs Fi
nance Committee. Thus far, we
have carefully corrected the misin
formation amongst students and in
the Emerald. After the comments
reached a personal level, with the
help of the Emerald’s two page PFC
“expose,” it became repetitive and
ridiculous to put any more energy
into this downward spiral of de
structive criticism.
I would like to step aside from
my previous position of not engag
ing in the battle of insults. I would
like to wholeheartedly thank the
ASLIO Executive for failing to un
derstand what a good job and a
valuable service the PFC performs.
I would also like to thank the Emer
ald for failing miserably to get both
sides of the story in their recent ar
ticle on Feb. 24. No other members
of the PFC were contacted for com
ment. As far as I can see, the ASUO
Executive would have had fewer
comments if their budget had been
approved as requested. Nowhere
in the benchmark was there room
for the for the ASUO Executive Co
ordinator position. As for the alle
gations of “lies” and “unfairness”
in the PFC, I am appalled at the
substantiating evidence for the ex
ecutive’s claims.
. I challenge anyone who dis
agrees with the PFC or the ASUO
in general to get involved. Sit
through the budget hearings, and
change the process.
Helen Stocklin-Enright
Programs Finance Committee
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