Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 2000, Page 4, Image 4

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    Eat... Sleep... VOTE!!!!!
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A) Take Control
B) Be Controlled
You Decide*
Eat... Sleep... VOTE!!!!!
Catharine Kendall Emerald
Suzanna Ward (right) and Emily Wallace, the co-chairwomen of S.A.F.E., begin the
’Speak Out’ Tuesday evening in the Ben Linder room.
Students ‘Speak
Out’ against rape
■ Statistics show that one
in seven women in college
have been the victims of
sexual assault
By Alana Lynn
for the Emerald
Sexual assault occurs on col
lege campuses at an alarming
rate, with one in four college
women having been involved in
an attempted sexual assault.
In efforts to slow this trend
and give survivors and those
who have been effected by sexu
al assault, S.A.F.E., a student
group that strives for a sexual as
sault free environment, held its
third annual Speak Out against
sexual violence. The Speak Out
was held in the Ben Linder
Room in the EMU Tuesday night.
The S.A.F.E. mission is to re
duce the incidents of sexual vio
lence on the University campus
by increasing the awareness of
rape and creating an environ
ment that supports survivors of
sexual violence.
S.A.F.E. assists with a number
of projects to provide University
students with a safer environ
ment to attend school. The group
is currently working with the Of
fice of Public Safety to increase
the number of blue lights around
campus. The lighting around
campus is just one thing S.A.F.E.
believes will add to overall cam
pus security.
Rape and sexual assault are se
rious crimes and are spreading
throughout college campuses
like an epidemic. The alarming
statistics show that currently one
in seven women currently at
tending college has been a victim
of sexual assault.
The University is expanding
its resources to better assist sur
vivors. Many students are un
aware that the Student Life office
has people in place to help stu
dents cope with sexual assault
both emotionally and legally.
The S.A.F.E. team of students
made the Student Life resources
available by providing a stu
dents’ rights advocate, who spe
cializes in sexual assault, at the
Speak Out.
Mira Levine, who assists in ad
vocacy and education, said,
“There is no real way to prevent
sexual assault. What we strive for
is to reduce sexual assault and to
provide services to students who
need them.”
Students who are victims of
sexual assault “need to know
that there are services available
to them,” said Levine. These
services include the University
Counseling Center, the Office of
Student Life and Sexual Assault
Support Services.
The Speak Out provided a safe
environment for all who attend
ed. Personal stories were shared
along with frustrations and
thoughts on sexual violence.
Anonymity was highly stressed,
but the recurring theme showed
that silence is just as bad as being
RO. Box 3159, Eugene OR 97403
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Mon
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Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. A member
of the Associated Press, the Emerald operates inde
pendently of the University with offices in Suite 300
of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private
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