Letters to the editor Support ASUO Measure 5 You may be surprised and im pressed to learn that you attend one of the major public universi ties in the United States in terms of percentage of international student enrollment. Yet there is not a permanent facility on cam pus that promotes informal cross-cultural exchange among international students, as well as between international and Amer ican students, or supports their lives at the University. But ASUO Ballot Measure 5 seeks to change that. We, the members of Interna tional Resource Center Cam paign committee, urge students to vote “yes” on this measure, which has been a project of the International Student Associa tion, the ASUO, the EMU Board, the EMU Administration and the Office of International Educa tion. Because the lounge is spar ingly used, we devised a plan that would make the lounge an attractive place — “a meeting place for the world.” We strongly believe that the International Resource Center will be of great interest and very attractive to all University stu dents and the community. About 10 percent of the University stu dents come from over 80 coun tries. Many others travel over seas. It would be shortsighted to state that the center serves only the international community, for its purpose is to increase the in teraction among all university students. The International Resource Center will be a central location for students to meet and discuss international views, to practice foreign languages and to obtain information about traveling, working and living abroad. We strongly urge a “yes” for the measure. ISA co-director IRC campaign manager Candidates corrupt The C.J. Gabbe and Peter Lar son campaign is a corrupt and unethical one. They will go to any length to get elected, as shown by their willingness to break election rules and lie about it. Gabbe and Larson have cho sen this route; however, we as students DO NOT have to sup port them. Currently, the Gabbe/Larson campaign has spent more than $1,300. The oth er campaigns combined have spent less than $600. Students should look closely at the issues surrounding these candidates and question their motives. It the ASUO Executive really worth $1,300? The ASUO is not and should not be about how much money is spent on campaigns, but rather it should be about the quality of the candidates. It is worth it to University students to have morally bereft leaders? I think not. Emilie Lavin psychology Court’s ruling appalling I am appalled by the Constitu tion Court’s decision to allow C.J. Gabbe and Peter Larson to con tinue their well-funded, arrogant run for ASUO Executive (ODE, Feb. 29). Despite the official rul ing, I believe Gabbe and Larson bribed voters by offering them a thing of value. As Jennifer Gree nough said, money buys things of value, and food still counts. It is ridiculous to assume their cof fee hour was a voter information meeting and not one of self pro motion. Would Gabbe hold a meeting on the importance of voting if he were not running for office? Not likely. Gabbe was under investigation for misallocation of funds and failure to hold office hours dur ing his tenure as a summer term student senator. Along with the coffee hour fiasco, this paints Gabbe as a deceitful young man who has a disrespect for both the electorate and the rules. These events makes me wonder why Gabbe is involved with student government: to bring about the positive change his vague plat form touts, or to bring about per sonal gain and pad up his re sume? Gabbe has a record of dishon esty, and it appears he doesn’t think he should have to follow the rules. He should not be re warded with a promotion to the ASUO Executive position. Brian Boone journalism C.J. and Peter best candidates In this ASUO General Elec tions the choice is clear. C.}. Gabbe and Peter Larson are two candidates who have the experi ence, the perspective and the willingness to get the job done. In my time as the state affairs co ordinator for the ASUO I saw a lot of leaders come through stu dent government, and these two are far and away the best for the job. If you want to see the campus safer, tuition reasonable and fi nancial aid plentiful I urge you to vote for Gabbe and Larson. The issues that affect students are not trivial; they are substan tial. Tuition has increased at a rapid rate while access to finan cial aid other than loans is ex tremely sparse. We need leaders who understand the importance of working state-wide to achieve great victories for students. We also need students with the ex perience to get that done. Having worked on freezing tuition and keeping students on the Oregon Health Plan, I can attest to the fact that experience goes a long way in creating positive change for students. If you want to see an ASUO Executive that will have success in protecting your interests I would encourage you to: Vote experience, vote on issues, VOTE FOR C.J. AND PETER. Matt Swanson former ASUO state affairs coordinator Student government sickens It’s swell that “we live under a fair system of government that requires that rules be followed not only by citizens but also by itself,” to quote Justice Robert Raschio in the article on the res olution of the C.J. Gabbe and Pe ter Larson election “technicality” (ODE, Feb. 29). The fact that someone who repeatedly breaks the rules of public office can be exonerated on the grounds that the public officers whose duty it is to review his actions have themselves faltered in their per formance is really neat. How reassuring it is to know that they have each others’ backs! It really sets one’s priori ties straight to realize that those who are in the club are keen to their primary duty: keeping each other in there and keeping the ordinary dweebs out. Goodness knows that whenever someone who is not in the club finds his or her way into the clubhouse, all heck breaks loose. Here’s to the Elections Board and the Con stitution Court for keeping gov ernment office the safe haven of the initiated. Bryan Roberts senior, English Posters on the mark I am by no means a fan of neg ative campaigning. After follow ing the situation regarding the ASUO Constitution Court’s rul ing to put C.J. Gabbe and Peter Larson back on the ballot, how ever, I feel these tactics are justi fiable. I have heard some negative feedback from the “Got Ethics?” posters I have seen around cam pus. While I personally think the posters are quite amusing, I can see why some people might be disturbed. I would remind these people that Gabbe and Larson were in fact found to be in viola tion of election rules, and they were only returned to the ballot because of a technical glitch in the investigation procedure. Co incidentally, Gabbe was also found guilty by the court on charges of nonfulfillment of du ties as a summer senator. This trend of disregarding rules dis turbs me much more than any poster. After looking at all the evi dence, the “Got Ethics?” slogan seems to be less of a tasteless smear campaign and more of a campaign tactic that simply highlights an important differ ence between the two candidates ror Abuu executive. Oona M. Holcomb journalism, political science Show Elections Board support I would like to show my ap preciation and admiration for this year’s ASUO Elections Board. This year’s board has also been the first to successfully put the elections on-line. The on-line elections will prove to be the ASUO’s first truly accurate elec tion in terms of academic senate seat voting. This year, the board put out a statement that explained the in famous rule violation, the rea sons for their ruling and the remedies. It was legible, well thought out; and it was tough but fair. The board has stayed as polit ically neutral as possible, and they have done an excellent job of explaining the rules, being available for questions and hope fully, increasing voter turnout. They even updated the election Web site. Candidates and students need to be aware that if rules are vio lated, it is not the Election Board’s fault. They should not be the recipients of blame, angst or taunts. When rules are violated, it is because the candidates were either ignorant, unable to under stand the language involved or purposefully attempting to cheat. The rules are not ambiguous. Every candidate signs a state ment stating that they have read and understand the rules. If can didates do not understand the rules, the Elections Board is available to clear things up. Please give the Elections Board a break and show them your support throughout the elections process no matter what the outcomes may be. They have a tough job, and they are doing their jobs in the finest way possi ble. I give them many a prop and a hi-five. Autumn DePoe former ASUO Executive candidate ODE Online: www.dailyemerald.com Looking for a little magic? What do you see in your career future? Check out the Mentor Program Spring Term! The Mentor Program: In just 6 class meetings a term, you will meet two professionals of your career choice, polish your resume and cover letter, learn networking skills and earn one upper division credit! 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