Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 29, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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continued from page 7
replace everything he does.”
Smith suffered the injury four
minutes into Oregon’s 80-77 win
over USC on Saturday night. He
went up to defend a shot by USC's
Brian Scalabrine and was acciden
tally hit by an elbow from team
mate Freddie Jones. He suffered a
mild concussion on the play and
watched the rest of the game from
20 feet behind the Oregon bench.
Kent noted, however, that it may
have been a positive that the injury
occurred early on as opposed to to
ward the end of the game.
“If there’s a good thing about his
injury is the fact that it happened
in the first four minutes of the
game,” Kent said. “We were able
to weather it in a very tough ball
game, and we feel confident that
we can do it again.”
With Smith and his 15.3 points
per game benched, the pressure to
pick up the slack falls on juniors
Flo Hartenstein, Bryan Bracey and
Julius Hicks, as well as sophomore
Chris Chnstofferson.
“There’s no way we’ll be able to
replace him,” Kent said. “We just
have to do the best job that we can at
minimizing what we lose. I think
we’re a very flexible team. ”
Smith ends an impressive run of
58 successive starts and 114 con
secutive appearances—excluding
his 1996-97 red-shirt season.
“He’s obviously feeling down,”
Kent said. “He’s someone that
wanted to play, and here are these
last three games at Mac Court and
with the magnitude of the games.
And he can’t participate. Hopefully
these guys will rally around him and
make sure these games are not his
last games, and give him an oppor
tunity to play in the postseason. ”
“A.D. is a big part of this team,
and we’re really going to miss
him,” Jones said. “But I think
everybody is willing to step up
and do an extra part.”
Kent with a‘T??
At the 7:56 mark of the first half
in Saturday’s win, an uncommon
occurrence took place. A Darius
Wright fast-break 360-windmill
jam? No. A Flo Hartenstein three
pointer from the top of the key? No.
What did occur was just as rare,
however, as Kent was issued a
technical foul. It was Kent’s first
“T” as Oregon head coach and
only his second ever in his nine
year head coaching career.
Kent has always been one to talk
frequently with the referees dur
ing games, but he seems to speak
in a way that lets him get his point
across without offending anyone.
“He did kind of surprise me a bit,”
Jones said. “He’s usually really cool
with the refs. It was at a point in the
game where I guess he felt that we
needed that for our team. In fact, it
sparked a little run for us.”
Another setback for DJ
Junior guard David Jackson sat
on the bench all of last season dur
ing his red-shirt year. He then
played the first three games of the
season before missing 15 due to
arthroscopic knee surgery.
He came back to play in seven
straight games, but he experienced
yet another setback last Thursday
when he suffered a deep thigh
bruise in the UCLA loss. The in
jury forced him to sit out of the
USC game.
“I know how painful it is,”
Jones. “... But I think he’s doing
pretty well. We’re going to need
him Thursday so hopefully he’ll
be there for us.”
Oregon head coach Ernie Kent surprised many when he was issued only the second technical of his career on Feb. 26.
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