Editor in chief: Laura Cadiz Editorial Editors: Bret Jacobson, Laura Lucas Newsroom: (541)346-5511 Room 300, Erb Memorial Union P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: ode@oregon.uoregon.edu Monday February 28,2000 Volume 101, Issue 106 Emerald VOTE! On ASUO ballot measures... The following are the Emerald editorial board’s endorsements for the ASUO ballot measures that students will vote on Wednesday and Thursday. The editorial board encourages you to make sure your voice is heard. Get out and vote! MEASURE #1 Do you support continuing the Associated Students of the University’s membership in the United States Stu dent Association for $50,223 per year, which is approxi mately $1.00 per student per term, for a period of two years, to begin fall term 2000? VES It just makes sense to continue supporting im portant student issues on the national level, and the USSA is one of the best organizations working for our interests. MEASURE #4 Shall it be resolved that the students of the University formally request the University adopt the code of, and join with, the Workers’ Rights Consortium, in financing all membership fees through profits from University li censing contracts? YES Though this is virtually the same statement be ing considered by the Licensing Code of Cond uct Com mittee, it's an important ethical pronouncement in support of workers’ rights, and it’s always important to reinforce those values. MEASURE #5 Shall student incidental fees be increased by approxi mately $1 per student per term for a period of two years to generate $50,000 per year to allow the Office of In ternational Education and Exchange to purchase books, periodicals, suppliesand equipment, to staff an Inter national Resource Center within the International Lounge in the EMU? N O The resou rces offered by this program are re dundant for those in the University system, especially the highly esteemed Knight Library. The Programs Fi nance Committee already turned this project down. MEASURE #2 Shall the following section be added to the ASUO Con stitution and the subsequent section be renumbered accordingly? 15. Grievances. 15.1 Any grievance filed by a member of the ASUO against an ASUO Program, exctuding the ASUO Executive and ASUO Student Sen ate, must be filed first with the ASUO Programs Admin istrator. Any resolution to a grievance filed with the ASUO programs administrator may be appealed to the ASUO president within seven business days. Decisions made by the ASUO president may be appealed to the Constitution Court within seven business days if the grievance falls under the jurisdiction of the court pur suant to section 10.2. ¥ C3 This measure will be a good way to streamline the arduous grievance process by offering one more fil ter to examine concerns before the Constitution Court or Student Senate must waste their time on often in significant process problems. MEASURE#? Shall student incidental fees be increased by approxi mately $0.35 per student per term to generate $16,843 in addition to the Programs Finance Committee's allo cation of $63,157, to fund the ASUO Designated Driver Shuttle in such a manner that the service will be able to operate a multiple vehiclesduring peak weekday and weekend shifts? YES Again, the Designated Driver Shuttle is an im portant service and should be funded whenever a rea sonable plan is put forth, such as this fund ing for in creased operating time. MEASURE #3 Shall student incidental fees be increased by approx imately $0.52 per student per term to generate $25,000 to enable the ASUO Designated Driver Shut tle to purchase a replacement 15-passenger van, for increased service during peak weekend operating hours? YES The DDS is an important safety resource around campus, and its fleet needs to be updated. This measure would replace one of the grizzled vans. It’s not much money, and the investment is a wise one. MEASURE #8 Shall a student incidental fee be established at ap proximately $7,29 per student per term for the 2000 2001 academic year to generate $365,000 and ap proximately $7,52 per student per term for the 2001 -2002 academic year to generate $375,000, to fund unlimited bus service for all currently registered University students? Law students would pay approxi mately $10.94 per student per regular semester for the 2001-2002 academic year. Other students would pay approximately $7.29 per student for summer se mester for the2000-2001 academic year and approxi mately $7.52 per student for summer semester for the 2001*2002 academic year. YES The inexpensive LTD bus service is a boon to many students and should continue because there is no better alternative mass transit plan for such a great price. MEASURE #6 [Paraphrased for length] A list of ASUO constitution changes that would require a review by the Constitu tion Court of all proposed ballot measures and their wording before they would be considered by voters. YES This ballot would ensure that a measure passed by students will not be overturned later and will allow any problems to be fixed in early stages. LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all let ters contain ing com mentson topics of in terest to the University community. Letters must be limited to 250 words. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length, clari ty, grammar, style and li bel. Letters may be dropped off at EMU Suite 300. OLD SCHOOL SITCOM ON THEWS. (SINGLE SKULL RAISING TWINS). SKULLNILLA ICE &ANGSTA’ SKULLY Thumbs To increased voter voice With a final tally of 1.942 students vot ing in the ASUO primaries, up 341 from last year, vot ers got out this year to vote for their favorite can didates and ful filled a responsibil ity of a healthy democracy. To the hilarious stupidity of'The Bull’ Mafia-hit-man tumed-state-in formant Salvatore "Sammy the Bull” Gravano was ar rested last Thurs day on drug distri bution charges. The Bull originally escaped the wrath of justice of 19 ad mitted mu refers by turning on former Mafia don John Gotti and now faces charges on a ring of Ecstasy dis tribution in Ari zona and New Mexico. Anyone who’s seen “Good fellas” knows the irony is sickening. To Tonya just be ing Tonya Portland native and world-infa* mous ice skater Tonya Harding was back in the news again last week for an issue of vio lence, She pleaded innocent to do mestic assault Thursday after al legedly heaving a hubcap at her boyfriend and re peatedly punching him in the face. To the quiet de bate Only eight out of 28 ASUO Student Senate hopefuls showed up to a de bate last Tuesday. There were 16 open seats.