Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 2000, Page 4A, Image 4

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    Senate approves EMU budget
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■ Senators only pass the
budget after a student
activities coordinator
position is removed
By Jeremy Lang
Oregon Daily Emerald
After two failed attempts in
past two weeks, the ASUO Stu
dent Senate passed the EMU’s
budget for the 2000-01 year at
Wednesday night’s meeting.
The new budget of more than
$2.5 million, a 4.24 percent in
crease from this year, passed by
an 11 to 4 vote — but without a
major position EMU Board mem
bers had adamantly argued to
implement. This revised version
passed by the senate Wednesday
night did not include a staff di
rector position for the Student
Activities Resource Center. The
staff director would help stu
dents who want to host an event
using EMU facilities.
The proposed position en
countered controversy when the
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The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily Mon
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ing assistants. Rachelle Bowden, Doug Hentges, Nicole Hubbard,
senate first heard it two weeks
ago. Many senators openly
voiced concerns about a pro
posed decrease in student
salaries to pay for the new staff
According to ASUO rules, the
senate could only approve or
deny the budget; it couldn’t vote
to amend it, although many sena
tors at that meeting said they
would approve the entire budget
if the SARO position was re
Last week, the EMU Board pre
sented the senate with a compro
mise: approve the budget with the
SARO position at half time. Jt still
wasn’t enough of a change to win
a majority for a number of rea-,
sons. Sen. Peter Watts said he
thought the position’s responsi
bilities, which weren’t complete
ly formed in a job description,
should be done by students.
The majority of the dissenters,
however, simply didn’t want to see
incidental fee money taken away
from students for a staff position.
Frustrations on the part of both
EMU Board members and sena
tors became apparent at last
week’s meeting when EMU Board
member Dan Reid threatened to
force a stalemate between the sen
ate and board and bring the exact
same budget back to this week’s
Although the new budget with
out the position passed quickly
and easily, Reid and ASUO Vice
President Mitra Anoushiravani,
who also serves on the board,
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continued to express their disap
pointment with the senate.
“When the SARO doesn’t exist
next year, it’s your fault,” Reid
told the senate.
Anoushiravani accused the
senate of not doing enough re
search on the budget before mak
ing a decision at the last two
But at Wednesday night’s
meeting, many senators said they
felt their fellow senators were do
ing their job well and didn’t de
serve Reid’s harsh criticism.
“As a clarification of my per
sonal opinion, everybody is do
ing their job,” Senate President
Jessica Timpany said.
Before the budget debate, the
senate approved two special
funding requests by the
Asian/Pacific American Student
Union for $400 and $4000 to re
imburse expenses for a confer
ence and the fee to bring speaker
Kip Fulbeck to the University.
Fulbeck used stand-up come
dy during the presentation and
touched on topics such as inter
racial dating and icons of race
and sex within the United States.
The senate is left with about
$1000 of surplus fee money to al
locate for the rest of winter term.
The Student Senate is the leg
islative branch of the ASUO and
handles financial issues regard
ing student programs. The Sen
ate meets at 7 p.m. every
Wednesday night in the EMU
Board Room, third floor. All stu
dents can attend these meetings.
in touch
Jesse Long, Adam Rice, Amy Ruppert, Hillary Shultz, Chad Verly,
Emily Wallace, Lisa Wood, advertising sales representatives.
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Sarah Goracke, receptionist. John Long, Brian Malloy, Sue Ryan,
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.PRODUCTION — (541) S46-4381
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ra Lucas, Laura Paz, Ross Ward, ad designers. ■