Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 2000, Page 7B, Image 19

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    2000ASUO Voter's Guide
Ballot Measures
USSA Referendum
Do you support continuing
the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon’s mem
bership in the United States
Student Association, for
$50,223 per year, which is
approximately $1.00 per stu
dent per term, for a period of
two years, to begin Fall Term
USSA is the nation’s oldest
and largest student organiza
tion. It works on issues of edu
cational access, including
increased federal financial aid,
recruitment and retention of
traditionally under represent
ed students, child care, and
campus safety. USSA repre
sents students on Capitol Hill,
in the White House, and in the
Department of Education.
Shall the following section
be added to theASUO Consti
tution and the subsequent sec
tion be renumbered
15. Grievances
15.1 Any grievance filed by
a member of theASUO against
an ASUO Program, excluding
theASUO Executive and ASUO
Student Senate, must be filed
first with the ASUO Programs
Administrator. Any resolution
to a grievance filed with the
ASUO Programs Administrator
may be appealed to theASUO
President within 7 business
days. Decisions made by the
ASUO President may be
appealed to the Constitution
Court within 7 business days if
the grievance falls under the
jurisdiction of the Court pur
suant to Section 10.2.
Designated Driver
Shall student incidental fees
be increased by approximately
$0.52 per student per term to
generate $25,000 to enable
the ASUO Designated Driver
Shuttle to purchase a replace
ment 15-passenger van, for
increased service during peak
weekend operating hours?
When the ASUO Designated
Driver Shuttle was founded in
1993, the only operating vehi
cle was a 1980 Ford Custom
Deluxe van with seating
Paid Advertising
capacity for 6, obtained from
the ASUO Saferide Program.
The vehicle has been in con
stant use for 20 years.
The Designated Driver
Shuttle currently operates 7
days a week, 350 days out of
the year.The Designated Dri
ver Shuttle picks up UO stu
dents and takes them to their
place of residence. During the
1999-2000 school year, the
Designated Driver Shuttle’s
overall ridership has increased
over 50%. In order to accom
modate this increase in
demand, the Designated Driver
Shuttle must run three vehi
cles on peak weekend nights
and two vehicles on peak
weekday nights.
The proposed funding will
go to the purchase and repair
of a 15-passenger vehicle,
which will replace the eldest
of the Designated Driver Shut
tle vans.This funding is a one
time request, separate from
the operation cost funding bal
Shall it be resolved that the
students of the University of
Oregon formally request the
UO adopt the code of, and join
with, the Workers’ Rights Con
sortium, all membership fees
to be financed by profits from
UO licensing contracts?
The Workers’ Rights Consor
tium monitors factories out
side the U.S. that produce
goods for U.S. based corpora
tions. It utilizes unannounced
factor}7 visits by independent
monitors and establishes net
works of human rights and
labor organizations local to the
producing regions to respond
to workers’ reports of viola
tions of code of conduct
and/or collective bargaining
Resource Center
Shall student incidental fees
be increased by approximately
$ 1.00 per student per term for
a period of two years to gener
ate $50,000 per year to allow
the Office of International
Education and Exchange to
purchase books, periodicals,
supplies, and equipment, and
to staff an International
Resource Center within the
International Lounge in the
This International Resource
will provide newspapers and
periodicals from around the
world, computer links and
information for traveling,
working, studying, and living
abroad. About 10% of UO stu
dent are from other countries,
14% of UO students study
abroad, and some students
travel overseas.This resource
center will be available to the
entire campus community.
ASUO Constitution
Shall Section 14.5 of the
ASUO Constitution be struck
and replaced with the follow
ing language?
14.5 The wording of all pro
posals to be placed on the bal
lot must be reviewed and
approved by the Constitution
Court. None of the steps out
lined in Sections 14.1-14.4,
including circulation of peti
tions, gathering of signatures,
or placement on the ballot by
the ASUO President or Student
Senate, may be taken until the
Court has approved the pro
posed measure. To be
approved by the Court, the
proposed measure must meet
the following standards:
14.5.1 The proposed ballot
measure must consist of two
parts: a brief question and a
separate statement.The state
ment shall provide any perti
nent background information
and an explanation of the
effects of the measure.The
statement may be omitted only
when there is no pertinent
background information and
when the effects of the mea
sure are clear from the ques
tion alone. Both the question
and the statement are subject
to all requirements of this
14.5.2 If a proposed ballot
measure requests or otherwise
alters incidental fee funding, it
must specify an exact figure
for the total allocations and an
estimate of the per student
assessment. Such measures
shall, in the explanation, speci
fy the amount of any inciden
tal fees currently being
allocated to the program,
department, project, or service
affected, as well as the total
incidental fee allocation to
that program, department, pro
ject, or service should the
measure pass.
14.5.3The proposed ballot
measure must be worded in a
clear and objective fashion.
14.5.4The proposed ballot
measure may contain no lan
guage inclined to influence
14.5.5 The proposed ballot
measure must be consistent
with the ASUO Constitution.
14.5.6 With the exception
of proposed amendments to
the ASUO Constitution, the
proposed ballot measure must
be consistent with all rules
promulgated under the ASUO
14.5.7 The proposed ballot
measure must be consistent
with the University of Oregon
Clark Document.
14.5 8The proposed ballot
measure must be consistent
with the standard “advanta
geous to the cultural or physi
cal development of students”
prescribed by ORS
In July of 1999, the Univer
sity of Oregon Clark Docu
ment was revised. This
document is named for its
original author, former Univer
sity of Oregon President
Robert Clark. It is the compact
between the University Presi
dent and the ASUO, mandated
by ORS 351.070, which allows
the ASUO to participate in the
process of assessing and allo
cating the incidental fee.The
revisions included the follow
ing language:
“In execution of the author
ity delegated to the ASUO to
recommend Incidental Fee lev
els, the appropriate branch of
the ASUO will review initiative
language before it is presented
to the student body for direct
vote.This review shall deter
mine compliance with the
ASUO Constitution and rules
promulgated under it, and
compliance with the statutory
standard advantageous to the
cultural or physical develop
ment of the student pre
scribed in ORS 351.070(3)(d).”
The constitutional amend
ment proposed in this mea
sure represents one way of
bringing the ASUO Constitu
tion in line with the revisions
to the Clark Document.The
Constitution Court currently
reviews all proposed ballot
measures for clarity, objectivi
ty, and lack of language
inclined to influence voters
(ASUO Cons.Article l4.5).This
measure would add the Clark
document’s new requirements
for ballot measure review to
the Court’s current review. In
addition, the measure specifies
and clarifies the Constitution
Court ’s current standards of
review for clarity and objectiv
Designated Drifter
Shall student incidental fees
be increased by approximately
$0.35 per student per term to
generate $16,843 in addition
to the Programs Finance Com
mittee allocation of $63,157,
to fund the ASUO Designated
Driver Shuttle in such a man
ner that the Designated Driver
Shuttle will be able to operate
multiple vehicles during peak
weekday and weekend shifts?
The Designated Driver
Shuttle currently operates 7
days a week, 350 days out of
the year. The Designated Dri
ver Shuttle picks up UO stu
dents and takes them to their
place of residence.
Funding for the year 2000
01 will come from multiple
sources. Without additional
funding, the ASUO Designated
Driver Shuttle will utilize
approximately $63,157 allocat
ed from the Programs Finance
Council to operate five days a
week with one 8 passenger
vehicle per evening. In order
to accommodate the current
demand of 250 riders per
evening on the weekends, the
ASUO Designated Driver Shut
tle requests that the incidental
fee be increased in order to
provide an overall budget for
the program of $80,000 for
the year of 2000-01.
Student fees currently fund
unlimited bus service within
the Lane Transit District ser
vice area for all registered UO
students. Unlimited bus ser
vice means that any current
registered UO student may
ride the bus anywhere in Lane
Transit District’s service area
as often as desired by showing
the bus driver valid and cur
rent UO identification. This
unlimited bus service is also
provided between terms,
meaning that a valid identifica
tion card for one term contin
ues to be valid until the first
day of the next term/semester.
Shall a student incidental
fee be established at approxi
mately $7.29 per student per
term for the 2000-2001 acade
mic year to generate $365,000,
and approximately $7.52 per
student per term for the 2001
2002 academic year to gener
ate $375,000, to fund
unliriiited bus service for all
currently registered U of O
Law students would pay
approximately $10.94 per stu
dent per regular semester for
the 2000-2001 academic year,
and approximately $11.28 per •
student per regular semester
for the 2001-2002 academic
year. Law students would pay
approximately $7.29 per stu
dent for summer semester for
the 2000-2001 academic year,
and approximately $7.52 per
student for summer semester
for the 2001-2002 academic