Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 2000, Page 6B, Image 18

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    2000ASUO Voter's Guide
school is run. If elected, I
believe that I would be a ben
eficial aspect to ASUO. One of
my major concerns is to take
into consideration the stu
dents thoughts and ideas. I am
friendly, organized, responsible
and attentive. Vote for Jessica
Senate Seat #11,
1 year, midterm,
EricJ. Bailey
Undeclared? Want a repre
sentative who will lobby for
your needs as a student of our
university, while also bringing
years of leadership experience
to the Student Senate? If so,
then please vote for Eric J.
Bailey when you cast your
vote February 23rd.
In the past, I have been the
youngest person to ever be on
the planning commission for
my city (Tualatin) and have
served on the Tualatin Ad-Hoc
Historical Committee. While
serving as president of the
Tualatin Young Democrats
Club, I organized visits to my
school by Congresswoman
Elizabeth Furse and, her suc
cessor, Congressman David
Wu. I am currently on the Area
Standards Board and Vice
Chair of the Residence Hall
Association on campus, striv
ing to improve the community
in the U of O residence halls.
A vote for me would be a
vote in your interests as a ded
icated student at our fme insti
tution. I am a very hard work
ing person who, as a senator,
would always look at all sides
of an argument before judg
ing. I am very knowledgeable
and would be looking out for
the interests of you and other
undeclared students at the
University of Oregon. On
February 23rd, vote for Eric J.
Ray Suit
Student Senator holds a
great deal of responsibility, and
each individual that’s holds a
position in the senate should
have the personal dedication
and commitment to carry out
their duties in the senate. I
believe our campus needs a
focused and dedicated senate
as a crucial factor in having a
successful year and they rely
on the individuals they select
to serve their office to there
full potential. I believe if cho
sen as one of the student sena
tors, I will bring an attitude of
devotion and perseverance to
conquer all objectives that we
will face throughout the year. I
believe the senate works as a
team, and does not function
properly if all units of the
team are not striving for the
same goals. A team atmos
phere is the best way to work,
when given a large responsi
bility. The responsibilities
involved with distributing the
incidental fees are enormous
and it will take individuals that
are committed and look for
the greater of the whole,
before deciding for them
selves. I believe I hold theses
characteristics that will help
the senate be successful!.
Senate Seat # 12,
2 year, AAA/
Write In
Senate Seat #13,
1 year, midterm
Arts & Letters/
Serene Joy Khader
I could say a lot of things
about myself in explanation of
why I should be elected a
Student Senator, but Student
Senate shouldnit be about me
as much as my ability to repre
sent you. Student Senators are
responsible for representing
students in the general univer
sity policy-making process and
in the allocation and manage
ment of incidental fees. If
elected to the Student Senate,
I will combine listening and
leadership. I am hard-working
and dedicated as well as open
minded, personable, and
responsive. Vote for Serene Joy
Senate Seat #14,
2 years, Social
Jesse Harding
no statement
Katie Howard
I will bring integrity and
accountablity to the Student
Senate. It is important that a
wide variety of students are
represented and that all stu
dent issues are heard. My dedi
cation to the issues is invalu
As the ASUO Multicultural
Associate, I have worked
closely to make sure that
everyone’s voice on campus is
heard. I advocate for and help
develop programs adressing
the concerns of differently
abled students, students of
color, gay and lesdian stu
dents, and other under-repre
sented groups.
Senate Seat #15,
1 year, midterm,
Social Science
Rebecca Cambreleng
The students need a voice.
Student senators are there to
give them that voice. A student
senator needs to listen and get
results. If you elect me I will
be your voice. I will hear your
concerns and translate them
into actions. I will represent
you with energy and passion.
Here are some of the issues
that I believe concern us right
Safety First. We need to feel
secure on our own campus.
Let us continue with the safe
ty programs now in place and
initiate new ones.
Our incidental fee system is
threatened. Students should
retain control; we need to
keep democracy alive on this
Diversity is lacking at this
University. We need to recruit
and retain minority faculty and
Students who are also par
ents are a reality today. We
need to increase funding for
The student senate needs
someone who is active on
campus. I have been an intern
in the student government
since my freshman year. I am a
sorority member, I am on the
honor roll, and I am a political
science major. My name is
I am running for Student
Senate Academic seat #15.
Attention U of O students!
Your future is at stake! Hi, my
name is Jeff Read, and I am
running for the one-year
Political Science seat in the
ASUO Senate.This year, the
Senate plans to spend over
$5.5 million dollars to make
our school a better place. I
was amazed when I learned of
the size of this figure, but this
means that we as students
have tremendous control over
the future of our university.
The senators of the past have
done a outstanding job at mak
ing this institution a great
place to learn, and I want to
continue that tradition. I have
experience in student govern
ment, being my high school’s
Publicist for two years and
President of both the French
and Spanish Clubs my senior
year. I am also familiar with
parliamentary procedure, as I
was a member of the Oregon
FBI A Parliamentary
Procedures team my junior
year, taking 7th place at
nationals. Yes, I am a Freshman
here, but what I lack in legisla
tive experience, I can make up
for in hard work. What will
define my term in office is my
willingness to work hard for
you, the students qf the
University of Oregon. Thank
Sean MP VanGordon
Over the years, colleges
have become more and more
expensive and complex. As
students struggle to pay
tuition, they have very little
time to follow the actions of
their student leaders, and must
place more trust in those
leader’s judgments. In my bid
for a Senate Seat, I am asking
for three things: 1) your trust,
2) your faith, and 3) your
belief. Your trust, that I will ful
fill the responsibility of repre
senting you to the best of my
ability regardless of personal
politics. Your faith that the
Student Senate can minimize
the thousands of dollars of
debt that students graduate
with each year. Your belief that
differences in the Senate can
be overcome with work and
mutual cooperation. I want to
work to find a way to maxi
mize the benefits of Incidental
Fees, while minimizing the
costs to students. I will work
with my colleagues to find
common ground and solutions
regardless of our personal rela
tionship. I will finish my term
and work impartially for the
benefit of both the students in
the majors I represent and all
the students that the Senate
represents. Please vote for
Sean VanGordon for Senate
Seat 15. My platform is at
Senate Seat #16,
2 year, Science
Tex Arnold
Every year students from
the University of Oregon pay
incidental fees that are distrib
uted among various funded
programs throughout the uni
versity. The way in which
these fees are distributed is
determined by the Student
Senate. In order to ensure the
fairest distribution of fees to
all organizations, you must
first trust the people responsi
ble for the allotment of stu
dent funds. I am an honest and
fair-minded student that will
work my hardest to make sure
the distribution of fees in fair
and unbiased. Vote for Tex
Etopi Fanta
no statement
Senate Seat #18,
2 year, Grad/Law
Peter 0. Watts
I think that it is important
that law and graduate students
have representation on the
student senate. I feel that I
have done a good job of repre
senting the unique needs of
law and graduate students dur
ing the past year, and I would
like to continue this work in
the future.
(Vote by DUCKWEB
www. d uckweb.edu
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