may disagree with a few of them. We must not-allow this! I want to keep campus striving for increased diversity and to increase democratic participa tion by students in University policy. It is my goal to keep this campus diverse, active, and politically aware. Senate Seat #7, 1 year, Athletic Department Finance Senator Kate Kranzush The incidental fees paid to the University of Oregon every year by students is distributed to over 100 subsidiary groups throughout campiis.ASUO and the Student Senate are respon sible for dispersing this mon ey. I am currently Treasurer of the Residence Hall Association, and I am learning how this money is allocated. If I am elected a position on the Ath letic Department Finance Committee, I will work with the other Finance Committees to reach a fair allocation of these incidental fees, without compromising student inter ests. I am dependable, hard working, dedicated, and knowledgeable in this area. Vote for Kate Kranzush for Ath letic Department Finance Sen ator. Thank you. Jeff Oliver Sporting events play a vital role in the social community of the university. When you have lines forming at eight in the morning for basketball or football tickets, and then lines forming hours before game time, you know the Athletic Department Finance Commit tee (ADFC) is dealing with issues important to many stu dents. It should be a goal of the ADFC to not only improve the availability of student tick ets, but to also improve the seating situations. We should explore the possibility of reserved seating for students and a system that would allow a number of students to pur chase season tickets.At the same time though we must maintain and improve the atmosphere our athletic teams enjoy. I feel that all these goals are feasible! and can eventually become reality. Vote for Jeff Oliver — Athletic Department Finance Senator Seat 7. Senate Seat #8, 2 year, Athletic Department Finance Senator Jennifer Greenough My name is Jennifer Gree nough and I am a running for Senate Seat #8 on the Athletic Department Finance Commit tee. I have served on the Stu dent Senate since last May on this committee and I would like to continue to serve stu dents in this capacity. As the only potential return ing member of the ADFC, I would like to continue work ing on projects that we began this year. These include ticket swaps, disseminating informa tion about policies, and pub lishing the informational brochure. In addition to those duties, I want to continue advocating for fiscal responsibility.The Student Senate allocates sever al million dollars annually, and I believe Senators have a responsibility to account for every cent. I plan to continue working with various pro grams to assist them in fundraising for projects. There are a variety of issues and projects I am interested in and intend to work on. I believe it is essential that Sena tors receive more feedback from students. I would like to hold frequent open forums/ town hall meetings which pro vide an opportunity for stu dents to voice their opinions. Remember to vote for someone who will advocate for students! Email me with questions or comments at jig15406@gladstone. uoregon. e du Senate Seat #9, 1 year, midterm, Athletic Department Finance Senator William Beutler The Student Senate does not spend Monopoly money. They spend yours. Every year, the same egos clash and obscure the fee-allo cation process. Every year the same rules are broken by the same resume padders and 3PM majors. One problem is a lack of continuity and knowledge about the Senate’s purpose: hopeful senators unfamiliar with the ASUO’s past are doomed to repeat the mis takes of their predecessors. I’ve been following the ASUO from an outside perspective for the past few years, I’ve read the Green Tape Notebook, and I understand the nature of the beast. Every year, the Senate turns over $1,075,278 to a University department that rarely acts in the student inter est: the Athletic Department. The Athletic Department Finance Committee is one of the few checks the student body has on the University, since we give them our money. Phrases like ' accountabili ty” and “fiscal responsibility” are thrown around by candi dates who once elected have a hard time following the rules, or even determining what they are. I have no political aspira tions and represent no special interests. I just want to make sure your money is spent both wisely and correctly. Vote William Beutler for . Senate ADFC seat #9. Gregory J. limel Hello, fellow voters, my name is Greg Zimel and I am interested in working with the Athletic depart ment on making sure that the students are not manipulated by incidental fees for athletic event tickets. As you know, I am the University of Oregon Barrelman.You might have seen me at football and basket ball events. My ticket, as well as yours, should not go up so much in price, that we cannot afford to see our victorious Ducks at Autzen and Mac Court. I will also make sure that the students can keep their seats, and not let the Athletic Department sell them away for financial purposes. The students have a big voice for their sport’s teams, and I will make sure that the voice stays poignant during my term.Take it from me, one of the most eccentric fans of them all. If elected, I will serve to the best of my ability to make sure your buck go the distance when rooting for the Ducks.Thank you, and God Bless the University of Oregon and their faithful fans. GREG ZIMEL FOR ATHLET IC DEPARTMENT FINANCE SENATOR SEAT #9. Senate Seat #10, 2 year, Undeclared Jessica Burmaster As a freshman student here at the University of Oregon, I feel it is very important to take an active role in how our Vote by DUCKWEB * Paid Advertising 2000ASUO Voter’s Guide election dates Primary Election February 23 & 24 General Election March 1 & 2 voting by DuckWeb Voting is easy. Just go to DuckWeb and log on. From the Main Menu click on the Student Menu. Next, click on 2000 ASUO Primary Election or General Election. You will then be on the page where you can vote. elections staff 2000ASVO Elections Board Elections Coordinator: Ken Best Elections Manager: Nate Jolly Office Manager: Abbey Feasel Voter Education Coordinator: Charlotte Nisser Publicity Coordinator: Bennett Lacy special thanks to... Carol Hanson, Jim Bohle, Tim Ketchum, Mike Kraiman, League of Women Voters, U of O Bookstore, ASUO Executive Staff, Oregon Daily Emerald, and all of this year’s candidates. disclaimer The 2000 ASUO Voter’s Guide is produced by the Oregon Daily Emerald advertising and pro duction departments. Candidate and ballot mea sure statements are written property of their originators. The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability or responsibility for typographical errors made in candidate or ballot measure statements.