2000ASUO Voter’s Guide position descriptions ASUO EXECUTIVE The President may run with a designated Vice President, or may run alone. S/he is elected for a one-year term from the student body at large The President's current stipend is $40Q/month or work-study; the Vice President's current stipend is $400/month or work-study. Both work at least 30 hours per week for 12 months. The ASUO Executive is the recognized voice of UO smdents and-administers over 80 funded ASUO programs. The ASUO President is the chief officer of the Executive, which includes a Vice President and the offices of Fundraising, Programs, Elections, Finance. Multi-cultural Affairs, International Affaire, Non-Traditional Student .Affaire, University Affairs, Federal Affaire, State Affaire, Greek Affaire, Community Affaire, Recruitment and Retention. Publicity, and Controllers. Staff members are hired by the President's hiring committee after s/he is elected. The Executive may undertake many projects according to the President's wishes. These projects may include symposiums, street fairs, forums and debates, political faire, voter registration drives, work with the Oregon Student Association and the United States Student Association, and much more. STUDENT SENATE According to the ASUO Constitution, the Student Senate has two major functions. First, it is responsible for distributing more than 5.4 million dollars in incidental fees to three major programs; ASUO Programs, the Erb Memorial Union (EMU), and the Athletic Department. As part of this responsibility, it establishes budgeting benchmarks or guidelines by October 31 for each of the three Finance Committees (ASUO Programs Finance Committee, EMU Board, and the Athletic Department Finance Committee) responsible for creating line-item budgets for the Major Program areas. Three Finance Senators are elected to serve on each of these Finance Committees. These Senators play an essential role in maintaining ongoing communication between the entire Senate and the Finance Committees as the committees develop the budgets for each area. The full Senate approves a lump sum budget amount for each Major Program area at the conclusion of the budget process in die spring. The second function of the Student Senate is to represent the UO students in the faculty-student University Senate and University Assembly, which debate and set general University policies. Senators also sit on student-fac ulty committees, run the Information and Grievance Table in the EMU Lobby, approve ASUO executive appoint ments, and hold regular office hours each week. The Senate Is composed of eighteen members, fifteen of whom serve for a two-year term and three who sene for a one-year term. The permanent structure of the Senate includes the following: three Senators who serve as members of the ASUO Programs Finance Committee (2 two-year seats and 1 one-year seat), three Senators who serve as members of the EMU Board (2 two-year seals and 1 one-year seat), and three Senators who serve as members of the Athletic Finance Committee (2 two-year seats and 1 one-year seat). These nine Senators are known as the “Finance Senatois". The remaining nine Senators are elected by major to represent academic departments and are referred to as "Academic Senatois” (all two-year seats). Experience in ASUO programs and in accounting or budgeting would be helpful, but it is not necessary. The stipend for positions ranges from about $30/month in the summer to an average of about $ 100/month from October to June. These positions are expected to work about 15-20 hours per week. The Senate meets once a week. The stipend for a position on Senate is $7Q/month for nine months. ASUO PROGRAMS FINANCE COMMITTEE The ASUO Programs Finance Committee is composed of seven members including two Finance Senators serving two-year terms, two members elected at-large for two-year terms, one Finance Senator serving a one-vear term, one member appointed by the ASUO President for a one-year term, and one appointed by the ASUO Programs Council for a one-year term. The chair of the ASUO Programs Finance Committee is chosen from its elected members. From about January through March, this committee meets 2-3 times per week. Members work 15-20 hours per week during this time and at least 10 hours per week the remainder of the school year. Senate members of this committee receive a stipend of $ 100/month for eight months in addition to their senate stipend. The stipend for the at-large positions is $125/month. The ASUO Programs Finance Committee hears line-item budgets from over 80 ASUO programs (e.g., MEChA, Legal Services, etc.) and recommends a lump sum budget to the Student Senate for their approval. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT FINANCE COMMITTEE The ASUO Athletic Department (AD) Finance Committee is composed of five members including two Finance Senators serving for two years, one Finance Senator serving for one year, one member appointed by the ASUO President for a one-year term, and one member appointed by the Athletic Department Team Council for a one-year term. The ASUO Finance Coordinator serves as a nonvoting member. The chair of the AD Finance Committee is picked from the elected members. Members of this committee work 8-10 hours per week. Senate members of this committee receive a stipend of $70/month for nine months. Appointed members receive a stipend of $35/month for four months. The AD Finance Committee is responsible for working with the Athletic Department to develop a recommen dation for the incidental fee allocation for the Athletic Department. This recommendation is forwarded to the Student Senate for final approval. ERB MEMORIAL UNION BOARD Erb Memorial Union (EMU) Board determines the policies and long-range plans of the Erb Memorial Student Union. A House Committee deals with allocation of office space, EMU lobby space, and other issues asso ciated with the building. The Budget Committee prepares the budget for the EMU and all of its programs (Cultural Forum, Child Care Center, Outdoor Program, etc.) and presents it to the whole Board. Each Board member must serve on at least one committee and attend all Board meetings. The Chair of the Board and the chair of each committee keep at least 5 office hours per week. . The Board consists of 16 voting members including two Finance Senators serving two-year terms, one Finance Senator serving one term and four members elected from the student body at-large for two-year terms. (See list of positions available above for specific position numbers and length of term for this election.) Other members include appointed representatives of the ASUO Executive, ASUO programs, EMU programs, EMU classi fied staff, and faculty. The three Finance Senators all serve on the EMU Budget Committee along with three other members of the Board plus the EMU Business Manager as a nonvoting member. One of the four at-large mem bers is selected to serve as Board Chair. The director of the EMU is an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Board. The Board Chair currently receives $ 125/month for 8 months. The Budget Committee Chair and the House Committee Chair each receive $ 100/month for 8 months. The Summer Chair receives $50/month for 4 months. All other members receive $6Q/month for 8 months. Each member works about 8-10 hours per week. Work-study is also available for these positions. BUILDING FEE COMMITTEE The Building Fee Committee is a seven member committee. This student campus planning and construc tion committee is identified as a part of the established campus planning process. Representatives review pro posed capital construction projects funded by student building fees and may also request consideration of addi tional projects or project modifications that the committee or student members identify independently. Representatives recommend to student government officials whether or not a project should be recommended and recommend funding priorities for proposed capital construction projects. The meeting times are decided by the committee. These are nine-month positions, with no stipend. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL The Associated Students Presidential Advisory Council (ASPAC) is an 11-member committee that meets at least twice each term with the University President. The objective of this board is to advise the University President on matters affecting the student population. Additionally, ASPAC improves student/administration rela tions and communications between students, student boards and programs. This board is concerned with provid ing the University President with a sense of the diverse student population and the full spectrum of student opin ion. The board meets at least twice each term and currently has no stipend. 1\w members are elected at-large for two-year terms in alternating years. Other members include: ASUO President, Vice President, University Affairs Coordinator and representatives from campus media, EMU Board, Student Senate, lnterfratemity Council, Panhellenic Council, Residence Hall Governing Council, and ASUO Programs. Other members represent interna tional students, law/graduate students, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/IYansgender students, and non-traditional stu STUDENT RECREATION AND FITNESS ADVISORY BOARD The board consists of nine members. Three of these positions will be appointed members. The ASUO presi dent will appoint one member The PARS director will appoint a member from a pool of students that work for the Recreation and Fitness center. Tile final appointed mamber will be selected by the PE Director from current or former students of physical education classes. The appointed members will serve for a one-year appointment. The remaining six positions will be elected at large by the student body Elected members will serve staggered two-year tenns, three elected in even-numbered years, and three elected in odd-numbered years. Terms of service begin April 1 and conclude March 31. The Board will meet once each month excluding summers. The Board will be responsible for review of policies related to facility use for recreation, user policies, budget matters related to student incidental fees, and also be responsible for representing the Recreation and Fitness Center to the University community and the promotion of student recreational needs. decided to try to bring a high er level of accountability and structure to the PFC while bridging all of our political dif ferences. We came together from different views, set our standards, and did the job. I want the mandate of the stu dents to allow me to carry these standards back the PFC next year through Senate. I pledge to continue increasing the accountability of funding, be open to all student view points, and uphold a high level of professional standards in my job duties. I want to continue working on what the PFC started this year. I want to thank the mem bers of PFC this year for work ing so hard while bridging all social and political ideologies to create an atmosphere of respect and mutual admira tion. Vote for Aaron Week Pro grams Finance Senator Seat #3. Senate Seat #4,1 year, EMU Board Finance Senator Ian Clayman As a student at the UO you pay an incredible amount of money each year in student incidental fees. As an EMU Board Finance Senator, I will work very hard to ensure that those moneys are allocated in conjunction with students desires. I have gained excel lent knowledge of the work ings of EMU Programs being involved with the Cultural Forum for the past few years. I have worked coordinating large scale events including Bob Dylan and David Spade. I am confident that if elected I will work diligently for stu dents interests without com promising student desires. Erin Foote Pursell The Student Senate of the University of Oregon is a gov erning body that is key to the voice of students. I have recently been discouraged at the lack of strength in this body. The amount of control over student funds that the senate posseses leaves no room for mediocricy. My stongest skills are organization and foresight. Both are essen tial to a strong student senate that can represent the body of this university. Your vote in my favor will strengthen the sen ate. AJ. Swoboda We here at the University of Oregon have been blessed with such a beautiful facility in the Erb Memorial Union. With this wonderful facility we have many great opportu nities to get involved with the University and its students. Some of the ways we have the chance to get involved is through the ASUO, the Outdoor Program, the Cultural Forum, and the Child Care Center. These are great pro grams, and as your new sena tor, I would push for their improvement as a whole. I have ideas to have a weekly concert in the Amphitheater, introduce a comedy hour in the Ben Linder Forum to give students the opportunity to try their comic skills, bring in some more entertainment (like David Spade).These are a few and with you voting me to this open position, maybe we can bring these ideas to reality. Please vote for A.J. Swoboda for Student Senate. Skye Tenney As a University student for the past three years, I’ve seen the ASUO alienate more of the student body than they’ve involved. As it stands now, the UO student government is not accessible to the students.As an ASUO outsider with a solid grounding in the UO commu nity, I’m not going to get trapped in the same political games that get played year in and year out. I am not a politician; I’m a Business Major concentrating in Finance, who is willing to sacrifice her senior year for my fellow students. I am not going to give your money away to organizations unqualified to receive inciden tal fees. I am going to keep my office hours and will not let petty differences stretch on for months, bogging down the entire process. Can this year’s Senate say the same? What we need in the ASUO are responsible individuals with a commitment to the ser vice of the student body, not to their own political gains. Your incidental fees belong to you - my goal is to ensure that your money is being spent fairly, and in your best interests. Vote for Skye Tenney. Senate Seat #5, 2 years, EMU Board Finance Senator Kristin V. Dean As students here at the University of Oregon, a signifi cant amount of our money is distributed to programs through the Student Senate and ASUO. It is up to these groups to utilize these funds in a manner in which we, the students, benefit the most. If elected, the maintenance and creation of significant and use ful programs that cater to the majority of our campus, will remain a priority. All students should have access to and benefitfrom the programs that benefit from this money. If elected, I will do my best to not only maintain useful pro grams, but also to keep the students in mind. I am atten tive, responsible, and friendly. Vote for Kristin V Dean. Ted Ehlert Every student at the Univer sity of Oregon annually con tributes money from their incidental fees to various pro grams and departments on campus.The receivers of said funds include the Erb Memori al Student Union and its set of programs, such as the Cultural Forum, Craft Center, Comput ing Center, Outdoor Program, et al. I,Ted Ehlert, as a fellow student at the University of Oregon, am concerned not only with how our fees are spent, but the efficiency with which such fees are used; an increased efficiency of spend ing will in turn help reduce the inflation of student fees in the future. Some ways in which our money can be bet ter used include the expansion of the Computing Center to ensure easier access, the • growth of the Outdoor Pro gram to make its use more accessible and flexible, and increased advocacy of all pro grams the EMU provides stu dents, so as to enrich students’ lives on campus. I appreciate your vote for Ted Ehlert for Finance Senator Seat 5 of the EMU Finance Board in the 2000 ASUO elections. Randy Newnham Our campus is enriched and diversified by groups funded with our student fees. These groups extend the cam pus experience way beyond the classroom; they allow stu dents to meet and work with like-minded people, give them voices, and provide opportuni ties they are unlikely to experi ence elsewhere. Without them, we would not have the EMU, the Rec. Center, or any of the speakers, concerts, or other events that make ours such a hip and aware student body. Right now, our student fee sys tem is under attack by by those who wish to quiet all our many voices because they Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu * » ’ t Paid Advertising