Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 2000, Page 3B, Image 15

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CJ currently is a student
senator and the Multicultural
Center’s board chair. Peter
works in the ASUO as the Out
reach Director. They have years
of experience promoting stu
dent issues and advocating for
students’rights. „
Exercise your power:
Vote CJ and Peter for ASUO
Joel Rueber
no statement
Daniel Paul Adkisson
My reason for wanting hold
the position on the Associated
Students Presidential Advisory
Council is to empower the
voice of the student body. I
want to represent not only tra
ditional students, but those
students whose voice is not
often heard.An issue that I
believe impact the student
body is the clear understand
ing and clarification of the use
of student fees byASUO and
the Administration. I want to
advocate the construction of a
parking structure in the cam
pus area, and expansion of bus
service in the afternoons and
evenings. I also believe that
working together with the
Eugene Police Department can
relieve the stress of the divide
that exists from an underlegal
ized representation of the stu
dents with the police. I do feel
that the expansion of Autzen
Stadium, through proper plan
ning will not hamper the
beauty of Alton Baker Park.
This campus needs someone
who will listen to the Student
Body and work with the
Administration to solve prob
lems within the community
and the campus.
Amanda Langston
Hello, my name is Amanda
Langston and I’m am running
for the Associated Students
Presidential Advisory Council
(ASPAC).This council is dedi
cated to representing all stu
dents of the University of
Oregon.This position is impor
tant to me because I am very
interested and commited to
diversifying the UO campus
and it will allow me to offer
the University President a
unique point of view for the
student body. I am commited
to consulting with all students
to relay their differing, impor
tant issues to ASPAC. I am ded
icated to hearing and under
standing your perspectives
and would do my best to rep
resent them.Thank you and
vote for Amanda Langston.
Erin T. Rowland
Hi I am Erin Rowland. I am
currently a freshman here at U
of O, and I am originally from
Long Beach, California. I am
running for the position of,
Associated Students Presiden
tial Advisory Council, so that I
can become more active on
campus. I am knowledgeable,
persistent, goal-oriented, and
energetic.Vote for ME!
EMU Board
At-Large 1 year
NicklausJ. Affolter
no statement
EMU Board
At-Large 2 year
Eric Banister
Hello fellow students. I am
running for the Erb Memorial
Union Board. As a current
employee of the EMU in The
Break Pool Hall, I have gained
the experience that involves
operation of the EMU. The
EMU is the place to hang out,
no matter what age you are.
The space that is currently uti
lized makes it possible for stu
dents and faculty to relax
before, between, and after
classes. I am running for this
position because I feel that
the EMU can be made into a
more social environment for
everyone. With the Cultural
Center, Outdoor Program,
Various Student Unions, Club
Sports, etc., the EMU is the
core of the entire campus. If I
am elected to the board, I will
ensure all of you that the EMU
is ready for the 21st century. It
is time for all of you to make
the decision. Make the right
one, and vote Eric Banister for
EMU Board.
Jessica L. Richelderfer
The allotment of funds to
various student groups and
organizations affect us all here
at the University of Oregon, as
students, faculty and commu
nity members. Not only are
these funds supplied by inci
dental fees paid by our tuition,
they financially support a
great number of the services
provided for us as students.
Therefore, I feel it is important
that those deciding on the
allocation of our incidental
fees should care enough about
the state of our student union,
today as well as 20 years from
now, to adequately and impar
tially appropriate money
where need be. I do hope you
will vote me, Jessica L.
Richelderfer, into the EMU
Christa Shively
Hi, my name is Christa Shiv
ely. I am currently a freshman
and originally from the Beaver
ton area.This year I have been
involved with the ASUO,
interning for the Executive
team. My experience with stu
dent government has
increased my awareness con
cerning student issues and
made me want to become
more active within the Univer
sity. The EMU plays an impor
tant role in creating the
dynamics which exists here at
the University. It is the hub of
all the student unions and
home to a variety of student
services. Whether you are
attending one of the 10,000
meetings that take place there
or grabbing a quick beverage
on the way to class, the EMU is
at the heart of the student
experience. My purpose for
seeking the EMU Board At
Large Position is that I want do
my part to make a positive dif
ference within the campus
community. I feel that I could
successfully represent and
express the views of the stu
dents necessary to apprise the
EMU Board. I want to raise the
EMU Board’s awareness about
current issues concerning stu
dents with a proactive
approach bringing about posi
tive changes.
Thank you
ASUO Programs
Willie Thompson
Hi. I’m running for the PFC.
Right now I’m sitting on the
PFC as the ASUO Programs
representative. Since I’ve been
involved in programs, and
have had to go through the
budget process before I was
on the committee, I know
how frustrating and difficult
the budget process can be. If
elected, I’ll be there to help
groups get through all the
bureaucratic shit and make
the process as smooth as pos
I am a big proponent of our
current fee system and stu
dents’ complete control over
it.The fee is constantly under
attack so we all need folks in
the student government who
will fight to maintain student
control over the fee.
One of the most important
attributes PFC members need
is the ability to get along with
people and work with them in
a constructive and productive
fashion. I think I’ve done a
really good job of doing this.
This year I’ve worked with my
fellow committee members
Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu
• Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu'!
4 Acjyerjising
and the programs to improve
the level of programming and
maintain a level of fiscal
responsibility: a balance which
improves the lives of students
and makes the best use of
their money.
Student Rec. and
Fitness Advisory
Kirista Trask
no statement
Building Fee
Arlie Adkins
no statement
Senate Seat #1,
1 year, ASIJO
Finance Senator
Jackie Lynn Ray
As a freshman at the
University of Oregon, I was
required to pay out money for
incidental fees. I didn’t know
where these funds were going
and never thought about it
again until recently. By work
ing at the ASUO this year, I
have begun understanding
how these funds were uti
lized. Yet, as the enrollment at
this campus continues to rise
the output of money for the
student fees continue to
As a member of the Senate,
my main objective would be
to show where these funds
are being allocated. I feel that
students understand that the
money goes to the clubs
and/or organizations on cam
pus, but don’t realize how the
money is used to benefit
them. The fees allow us to
have a school environment
that is full of diversity.
Leadership, responsibility
and dedication are all quali
ties I want to bring to the
Senate and I feel that I would
be a valuable asset to them, as
Senate Seat #2,
2 years, ASUO
Finance Senator
2000ASUO Voter’s Guide
Mary Elizabeth
Our student fees support
many programs and services
that most of us take for grant
ed, but they are an important
part of our campus communi
ty. From my experiences as an
ASUO Executive intern and
volunteer, secretary of the
University of Oregon
Bookstore, Inc., Board of
Directors, and treasurer for
two other groups on campus, I
have seen both the political
and financial sides of a budget.
My majors of political science
and business have further
added to my skills and knowl
edge. I believe that we need to
protect our fee system and
maintain student control over
our money. I will fight for a
balance between funding our
programs at the levels they
need and keeping student fees
reasonable, and I will work to
make sure that student money
is spent responsibly.
If you have questions or
concerns, please contact me at
mml I470@gladstone. And
Senate Seat #3,
1 year, midterm
ASUO Programs
Finance Senator
Marie Brink
no statement
Aaron C. Week
Working together to get
things done.
When Mitra and Wylie
asked me to work on Programs
Finance Committee this year I
didn’t know what to expect. I
found it nearly impossible to
perform adequately unless all
the PFC members worked
together and tried to accom
plish the same goals by the
same rules. I and my col
leagues planned to be unitary
body with a purpose.We