2000 ASUO Voter’s Guide Opening Statement Greetings Ducks, It’s time once again for us to exercise our student voice and power in this year’s ASUO Elections. This is your chance to let your representative body know what you want by voting for those who best represent your views.The more of us that are involved, the better the U of O campus environment will be in the follow ing year. 2000 has brought many hopes and changes to the annual election.The Elections Board has made a few changes to help assure a smooth and fair election so that all of us have the opportunity to be involved. First off, an outstanding turnout of candidates, with hopes of being the next ASUO senator, board member or president, have come from a variety of back grounds here on campus to run for the plethora of ASUO seats available. This showing of campus pride and involvement is a testament to the overwhelming sense of awareness that is displayed not only by these candidates but by the entire student body that they wish to represent. This year’s ASUO Elections promises to be one of the most democratic votes in years. Secondly, for the convenience of the entire student body, the 2000 ASUO Primary and General Elections will be administered completely through Duckweb.What does this mean to you? This means that all upstanding Ducks who have paid their incidental fee can vote in their dorm at 3am in their underwear, one of the several ASUO official voting booths located throughout campus, or anywhere that internet access is available. Indeed, this year we have no excuse not to vote. It will be as simple as a few clicks and take just a couple of minutes. We at the Elections Board hope that this change in the voting process will catapult voter turnout from here on. Once again we wish to express our utmost gratitude towards the students who have taken an active approach here at the U of O and run for office. All of you should be commended for your desire and drive to make the U of O a better school for all of us.To the voters, we hope that you vote for those who you feel will represent you well and log on to Duckweb during the Primary and General Elections. Good luck to all of this year’s candidates. The 2000 ASUO Elections Board Candidate Statements President/Vice President Daniel Atkinson Sinister Students Unite! I stand for Left-Hand Rights. If elected I will fight until there are no rights left that the Rights have left us out of! First I will strive to increase the number of Left-hand desks on campus. Many classrooms have none, most have a hand ful, and even the best contain no more than 7% Left-hand desks-yet a full 14% of young Americans are Left-handed. When we are forced to adjust to Righty’s world, it can mean the difference between “a passing or a failing grade,” according to an Indiana University study. Second, I will work with the administration to increase the number of Left-handed fac ulty on campus. As our school strives to increase diversity, we cannot leave behind the last unsung minority! My ultimate goal is to elimi nate the climate of hate per vading campus. Society has come a long way since the 1600’s, when my people were burned at the stake; we’ve even come a long way from the days when my own father was forced to become right handed to attend school. Yet hate is still deeply ingrained in our thinking.The words “sinis ter” and “gauche” mean “Left handed.” We still shake with our right hands. And there is not a single textbook on this campus that does not read left-to-right-as though moving to the right equals progress! All our lives, Left-handers have been told we were strange, wrong, even evil. Stop playing Righty’s game. Vote Daniel Atkinson for ASUO Executive. Scott Austin Hi, my name is Scott Austin, and I want to be your next ASUO President. I suppose I could make a bunch of colos saly insipid promises that everyone knows I couldn’t possibly keep, but in all hon esty, I have no desire to waste valuable brain cells on a task that none of you cynical bas tards will buy anyway, so let’s just be jolly and blunt: I want power, and lots of it. Oh, don’t act shell-shocked, you all know that if you could, you would want this tremen dous power and prestige as well. I want to be absolute dic tator and undisputed ruler of this University. If you want that sort of leadership, vote for me. I won’t make a differ ence, I promise.The ASUO is irrelevant and archaicly inane anyway, so why not put some one in the pilots seat who believes in Machiavellian theo ries of leadership? Think about it. I’m your man. Jay Breslow and Holly Magner The University of Oregon is a great university. There are opportunities for student activism and advocacy in many different arenas. We are running for ASUO Exec because we believe in the potential and the power of all students on this campus. Student government has been criticized for internal bickering and partisan poli tics. As newcomers to student government, we intend to bridge the gaps between the average student and the ASUO. We are running not for per sonal gain, but because we genuinely want all students on this campus to feel good about being here. Our main goals next year are not crazy or impossible. They are real. We want to continue the process of diversity on this campus. We need to keep the administration accountable for the promises that they have made and continue the hard work that goes along with making positive changes at the university level. We also want to continue the work that has been done on community out reach with the greater Eugene community. Returning students and stu dent parents are an important yet often overlooked popula tion on this campus. We need to find ways to reach out by protecting childcare and creat ing programs and forums that address their needs. We can do all of this, and we will. VOTE JAY AND HOLLY FOR ASUO EXEC! Autumn Kathleen DePoe and Caitlin Upshaw We will not attempt to per suade you with catchy slogans and cheesy campaign promis es that will never be fulfilled. Our moms always told us, “If you want to cook in the kitchen, leave it looking better than you found it.’That is what we plan to do with the ASUO. Tell us what you want. We won’t feed you a bunch of squash (i.e. trash) that will just end up spilling on your shirt. (Who wants a wad of squash on his/her shirt?) Autumn knows her way around campus, intimately. She has served on the Student Senate, been the vice-chair of the Emerald Board of Directors, reported for the Emerald and KWVA news, spent an entire year as ASUO Communications Director, chaired the KWVA Board of Directors, served on numerous student/faculty committees and has her own show on KWVA 88.1 (shameless plug to tune in). Gaitlin has a lot or personal ity and will tap dance for any student (for free). We are serious. We have the most experience. We are stu dents just like you. (We could n’t even afford to get neato pictures of ourselves for this guide.) We believe that every stu dent has the experience to be ASUO President. (We re stu dents, isn’t that the point?) We have known each other for 8 years and are Eugene res idents (i.e. we get along and know the community we love). We support all ASUO pro grams. Vote smart, vote for the best candidates (i.e. vote for us). (Skatepark in the EMU! love,Autumn). CJ. Gabbe and Peter Larson Vote CJ and Peter. Tuition is rising, financial aid is decreasing, child care is inaccessible, diversity isn’t pri oritized, and people don’t feel safe with the Eugene police. Even though students pay tuition, we feel powerless.The Administration is making deci sions that should be ours. We need to exercise our power. CJ and Peter are ready to step up and give power back to stu dents. Making Education Affordable We will fight to decrease student debt as well as work ing towards a tuition freeze for residents, non-residents, and international students. Promoting a Diverse Community We will work on recruit ment and retention of students and faculty of color as well as expanding the definition of hate crimes. Together we can institutionalize safe and acces sible education for everyone. Holding Police Accountable Who watches out for stu dents’ interests? Without a sys tem of accountability, the police are answering to no one. We want to increase stu dent input in matters of police review and conduct. Student’s Issues Students went online and told us that there are three main issues they want us to address- corporate code of conduct, big name concerts on campus, and longer library hours. We will work hard to make sure these issues are Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu • Vote by DUCKWEB duckweb.uoregon.edu Paid Advertising