Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 2000, Page 6A, Image 6

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    In recognition of outstanding academic achievement of 3.75 G.P.A. or higher, we honor:
Darren Aboulafia
Beverly Ajie
Julie Alzheimer
David Arney
Kevin Atiyeh
Dorothy Attneave
Ellen Avis
Dustin Bachelder
loseph Basey
Maxim Batalin
Beth Bauer
Rick Bean
Adam Bergquist
Kevin Blaine
Kirsten Blair
Meghan Boehm
Jennifer Boreing
Gwendolyn Boulton
Truls Bratten
Kaleinani Brooks
Anthony Brown
Jesse Brown
Shelley Caldwell
Marie Callahan
Jennifer Cameron
Darren Cavanaugh
Steven Childers
April Chisholm
Myung Hee Chung
Claudia Ciobanu
Lee Cohnstaedt
Celeste Comstock
Amanda Connor
Arel Cordero
Tyler Crabtree
Chris Crew
Valerie Crosby
Tamara Daley
Dylan Darling
Brian Day
Brian De La Grange
Emily Devitt
Jill Deymonaz
Shawna Drake
Elaine Drom
Reilley Dunne
James Eddy
Valerie Egan
Jennifer Eggers
Nicholas Falbo
Rachel Farmer
Charles Fay
Kristin Flegal
Daniel Fogg
Joey Frizzell
Frank Gallimore
Bryan Gates
Paige Gebhardt
Scott George
Andrea Geraghty
Erika Gibson
George Gilbert
Chessa Grasso
Matthew Graves
Nathaniel Grubbs
Kristin Gunn
Emily Gust
Paul Haller
Adrianne Hamilton
Jamie Hampton
Teresa Haro
Brian Hart
Jonathan Henson
Amy Herauf
Tenille Himmel
Geoffrey Hoffa
Matthew House
Samuel Hutchison
David III
David Jackson
Jennifer Jackson
Emily Jeffrey
Caryn Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Stacy Jones
Gary Josephsen
Jesse Kaszniak
Tia Kemp
JeeEun Kim
LaDonna King
Jessica Klausmeier
Michael Kleckner
Julia Knowles
Ekaterina Kozlova
Sarah Kreger
Russell Kuhns
Jeremy Lanig
Molly Laurence
Katherine Lawton
Alice Lee
Jae Lee
Gabrielle Lerner
Erin Letterman
Amy Lewandowski
Steven Liday
Tung-Yuan Liu
Kathryn Lockwood
Maijaleena Low
Stephany Lowe
Lisa Lowry
Bethany Lundquist
Hue Ai Ly
Robert Mackay
Brian Malloy
Stephanie Maltz
Iova Margoyungan
Jason Marshall
Katherine Martin
Robert Martin
Kerri Massey
Michael McClellan
Siobhan McConnell
Mark McCoy
Megan McDaniel
Carey McIntosh
Charlotte McIntosh
Marion McLean
Meghan McNeil
Jacob Meyer
Meredith Michaud
Mark Miller
Courtney Misslin
Christy Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell
Elizabeth Mohr
Molly Montgomery
Nathan Moore
Suzanne Moore
Shigeo Morita
Catherine Morris
Navid Moshtael
Nicolas Munroe
Stephanie Nelson
Summer Neville
Yen Hai Nguyen
Vanessa Nordyke
Amanda Nottke
Ian OBanion
John Oh
Ken Oka
Anna Orton
Kyle Ostgaard
Jocelyn Oswald
Jacqueline Owens
Colin Paddock
Michelle Palmer
George Papageorgiou
Candice Patterson
Steven Paul
Melissa Perkins
Jens Pfeffer
Brady Phillips
Anne Pogue
Jason Polansky
Jordan Pomeroy
Jeremy Potts
Sara Poynter
Erika Proefrock
Dana Ragsdale
Maryam Rahimi
Liv Rasmussen
Andrea Recek
Michael Reed
Travis Reiman
Cynthia Reimer
Stacey Richter
Jenny Riker
Gary Roberts
•Julie Robertson
Annalise Romoser
John Ross
Scotti Rovzar
Jeremy Russell
Timothy Ryan
Maiya Salazar
Ryan Schmid
Aaron Schwindt
Joanna Scroggin
Noushin Shakiba
Wendy Skendzel
Colin Smith
Emilie Smith
Lana Smith
Rachel Smith
Edwin St Clair
Lindsay Stalnaker
Lara Stauber
Meredith Steele
Marti Stewart
Brian Storey
Brian Summers
Bruce Tabb
Stephen Tachouet
Megan Taggart
Takashi Takeuchi
Aileen Tan
Beebee Tan
Anne Taylor
Skye Tenney
Chad Timm
Yoshiko Tomiyama
Corina Topping
Brenda Tuomi
Pieter Van Dee Berge
Debra Ward
Sarah Weiner
Collin White
Joel Willard
Christine Williams
Jeffrey Williams
Acasia Wilson
Catherine Wilson
Joseph Wingard
Brandon Winters
Amanda Wirkkula
Kelly Wolski
David Wong
Hyoung-Jin Yoon
Luke Zentner
Douglas Zobel
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080 Greek Events
085 Greek Announcements
090 Birthdays
095 Personals
100 Lost & Found
105 Typing/Resumes
110 Instruction/Tutoring
115 Garage/Moving Sales
120 Miscellaneous For Sale
125 Furnitare/Appliances
130 Cars/Trucks
135 Motorcycles/Scooters
140 Bicycles
145 Computers/Eiectronics
150 TV & Sound Systems
155 Instruments/Music
160 Pets & Supplies_
165 Sport Equipment
170 Photography Equip
175 Wanted
180 Travel & Lodging
185 Business Opportunities
190 Opportunities
195 Recruiting
200 Work Study Positions
205 Help Wanted
210 Houses for Rent
213 Houses for Sale
215 Apartments (Furnished)
220 Apartments (Cnfurnishtd)
225 Quads
230 Rooms for Rent
235 Duplexes for Rent
238 Sublets_
240 Garage/Storage Space
245 Roommates Wanted
250 Boarding Houses
255 Housing Wanted
260 Announcements
265 Elections
270 Meetings
275 Club Sports
280 Counseling
285 Services
290 Health & Fitness
295 Food & Drink
300 Campus Ministry
305 Campos Events
310 Arts & Entertainment
315 What’s Happening?
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At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD
thesis/dissertation background.
Term papers. Full resume service.
Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS!
Books, articles & dissertations.
“Give Me Five!*
Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items
under $1,000) for 5 days. If the
item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at
346-4343 and we'll run your ad
again for another 5 days FREE!
Student/Private Party Ads Only»No Refunds ^
Sony Play Station with 2 games,
two controllers and memory card.
$100 obo. 726-0092
Tuesdays & Saturdays are Gaming
Nights from 6pm to 9pm at Emerald
City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568.
1980 VW Camper Van. Good con
dition, newly rebuilt engine, $2500.
Call 242-0819 noon-6.
PowerMac G3/400 graphic design
system with 21" ColorSync monitor.
$2300. Epson Stylus 3000 inkjet
printer, $700. 942-7981.
CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service
VHS VCR's & Stereos. Thompson
Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9293
Get rid of all your unwanted stuffi
Call the Emerald Classifieds 346-4343
silver, used, prof, model
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South Padre Island, Acapulco,
Cancun from $399. Round trip air
fare. 7 nights hotel, 14 free meals,
night life you won't be able to tell
your mom about! Leisure Tours.
Call now for details 1-800-584-7533.
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Check Out
UO Internships/
Participatory Learning
Winter Work-Study Positions Available
A Programming Assistant position is now available.
This position like all positions at The Break, work at
the front desk and coordinate another aspect of the
operation of our facility. Stop by The Break or call
346-4378 for more info.
Application deadline
is Fri., Feb. 25th, 4pm.
owy 11.00
’One ad per coupon
*5 line maximum
•Student ID required
‘Personals only please
100 EMU • 346-4343