The struggling Huskies waltz into Mac Court and upset a cold Oregon team Saturday night, 67-58. PAGE 11 The Flash Students help students with a taxing matter Beta Alpha Psi, the University’s ac counting honors fraternity, is offering students advice and assistance with their taxes this year. The fraternity members are volun teering the service to relieve some of the stress students experience as the filing deadline approaches. Beta Alpha Psi members and Internal Revenue Service representatives as sisted students Saturday and will be available on campus on several other occasions before April 15. PAGE 4 Local groups light effort to legalize marijuana The University’s Hemp Education Net work and the Eugene Cannabis Liber ation Society met Saturday to discuss a variety of topics, including the sta tus of two petitions to legalize mari juana for all uses in Oregon and dis cussion of an upcoming rally to be held in Salem on April 20. PAGE 10 Underage drinking raid used to find dorm fire witnesses NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Frustrated by an investigation grown cold, authorities used a raid on underage drinking at a popular bar to round up potential witnesses to a deadly dorm fire at Se ton Hall University, The Star-Ledger of Newark reported Sunday. Nearly a dozen of the students arrest ed during the raid at the New Hall Tavern just before 1:30 a.m. Friday were given subpoenas to testify Tues day before a grand jury looking into the fire, the newspaper said. The Jan. 19 blaze killed three fresh men and injured 62 people. Letterman return so busy, no time for Top 10 NEW YORK (AP) — David Letterman’s first show back after heart surgery was so busy he ran out of time for the Top 10 list, Letterman’s return, taped Friday and due to air tonight, features Regis Philbin, Robin Williams appearing in doctor’s scrubs and a cameo appear ance by Jerry Seinfeld. The veteran “Late Show” host under went an emergency quintuple bypass on Jan. 14. Weather Today Tuesday RAIN POSSIBLE high 51, low 39 high 54, low 40 Monday February 21,2000 Volume 101, Issue 101 fl p|f h ft_W ft h University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon An independent newspaper Power by convergence A diverse group takes part in the fifth annual Women of Color Conference,‘A Cele bration of Hersto ry.’The EMU housed nine panel discussions Satur day. The forum ad dressed topics par ticular to women of color including af firmative action, healing white racism, celebrating diversity and sur viving sexual as sault. In the face of adversity, women of color prevail ■ ‘A Celebration of Herstory,’ part of the Women of Color Conference, highlights the strength of oppressed women By Serena Markstrom Oregon Daily Emerald When the fifth annual Women of Color Conference, "A Celebration of Herstory," ended Saturday night, one message resided undeniably in the minds of those who attended the keynote performance: hope. Each year, the Women of Color Conference, designed to provide a forum to discuss the interconnecting Turn to Women of color, page 8 Piven speaks on society’s money strain ■ Francis Fox Piven will be in Eugene to make a series of talks regarding social pressures By Sara Lieberth Oregon Daily Emerald This week the University welcomes Francis Fox Piv en, renowned scholar, au thor and social justice advo cate, as the 19th occupant of the Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Politics. politics Toverty Piven comes to the Uni versity for a series of lectures, a communi ty forum and class meetings highlighting this year’s Morse theme, “The Rich, The Poor and Ameri can Politics.” During her stay, which begins today and runs through March 4, she will also host two public lec tures in Eugene and serve as keynote speaker at the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s annual conference. Created in 1978 as a con tinuing memorial to the late senator and dean of the University School of Law, the Wayne Morse Chair of Law and Politics is distinct this year as additional pri Tum to Francis Piven, page 8 PIVEN Schedule Francis Fox Piven will speak at a number of lec tures and commu nity events, in cluding: Tuesday, Feb. 22: Morse Public Lec ture, labor Power in a Global Econo my, 7:30 p.m. Eu gene Hilton Con ference Center, 66 E. 6th Ave. Thursday, Feb. 24: Community Fo rum, sponsored by the Eugene/ Springfield Soli darity Network, 7 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 1376 Olive St. Tuesday, Feb. 29: Keynote address, The Rich, the Poor and American Pol itics, CSWS confer ence, 1 pm., EMU Ballroom Funding granted for Autzen, wanted for WOU The OUS Board of Higher Education considered these issues in addition to public records concerns Friday By Jessica Blanchard Oregon Daily Emerald The Autzen Stadium ex pansion plan was given the green light by the Oregon University System Board of Higher Education during its meeting Friday, paving the way for the school to receive state funding and begin the $80 million construction project. Turn to OUS meeting, page 9 Ryan Starkweather Emerald Seated beside Univer sity President Dave Frohnmayer, Rep. Ben Westland (right) talks about getting to know your legislative mem ber on a first name ba sis at Friday’s Oregon University System meeting. Gabbeand Larson: education, diversity, accountability • Coming from different backgrounds, ASUO Executive candidates C.J. Gabbe and Peter Larson look to empower students in many ways By Lisa Toth Oregon Daily Emerald C.J. Gabbe is a junior majoring in planning, public policy and man agement. He is running for ASUO president with Peter Larson, a fourth year student studying com puter information science, as vice president. q # What is your platform? A4 (PL) Our platform consists of ♦ three issues. The first of those is making education affordable. The second area we think is im portant is building a diverse cam pus. (CG) Our third platform issue is holding the police accountable. Q^What experience and quali ♦ fications do you have that makes you worthy candidates for the ASUO president/vice presi dent? A#(CG) I have worked in the ♦ ASUO Executive office for 2 years as an intern and as a Federal Affairs Coordinator. I have also served on the Student Senate for Turn to C.J. & Peter, page 9 GABBE LARSON