Emerald Call (541)346-4343 or stop by Room 300, Erb Memorial Union to place your ad today. P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: classadsOoregon. uoregon.edu On-line edition: www.dailyemerald.com 095 PERSONALS Looking for lost love Benjamin Petersen Please call 630-830-1174 Free student tickets to OFAM's fin al concert of the American Com posers Series, On the Shoulders of Giants. Request Benefactor Tickets at Hult Box Office for The American Experience, 8 pm, Silva Hall. Info: 6F7-6526. 100 LOST & FOUND Lost tuxedo cat in South Eugene. Could be traveling to Leaburg. No collar. 344-3502 or 346-0380. 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "Give Me Five!" Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another S days FREE! Student/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds ^ Emerald City Comics Your store for comics, games, Anime. 770 E. 13th 345-2568 130 CARS/TRUCKS '89 Nissan Sentra Wagon White, runs. $300 OBO 342-4837 145 CQMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Great Deals IBM, Dell, Compaq, Toshiba laptops. Prices starting at $295, 30 day warranty visit www.usedlaptops.com or email: sales @ usedlaptops.com Mac PowerPC 7100/80. Complete. $320 obo. 346-2353 CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service V VCR's & Stereos. Thompson E ronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9293 * 165 SPORTS EQUIPMENT Sunfish sailboat, brand new sail, needs some work, $350. 484-2045 or 687-8009. The Crossword... you’ll find it in the classifieds! 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (BOmiR IMWAKE The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of Hem for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. 190 OPPORTUNITIES Start you own fraternity! Zeta Beta Tau is looking for men to start a new chapter. If you are interested in academic success, a chance to network and an opportunity to make friends in a non-pledging brother hood, e-mail: zbt@zbtnational.org or call Mike Simon at (317) 334-1898. 200 WORK STUOY POSITIONS Act Today. Hiring immediately to assist with clerical tasks. Flexible hours. $8.50/hr. Must be work study qualified. Contact Janice jmarshal@oregon.uoregon.edu, or 346-2514 or come to see her at 320 Chapman Hall. (Gone Friday Dec. 3 & Monday Dec. 6.) Want to work with people? Gain good experience? Now hiring for winter/spring receptionist posi tion in Academic Advising & Stud ent Services. Must have work stu dy. Applications available in 164 Oregon Hall. Position Available for Winter & Spring 2000 and school year 2000 01. Work-study position in the ac counting office of the School of Ar chitecture & Allied Arts. Starting wages at $7.00/hr. Call 346-2076 to apply. Work study/ Tech Fee - Office As sistant, Annual Giving Program (Di rect Mail), 10-15 hrs/wk, $6.50/hr. Fun office, great team! Some office/ PC computer experience required. Call Shelley Winship, 346-2129. ' a) Entertainment b) The Emerald c) Fun d) All of the above is to: HorOSCOpe by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 7). If you're so smart, why aren't you rich? Well, maybe you will be. soon. Work out the bugs in your latest scheme in January. They should be obvious. Don't deplete your savings in February. Find what you need close to home in March and at home in April. Old love's best in May, and new money comes in handy in August. Keep a se cret you hear in December, even if it changes everything. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Today is an 6 — You've had a challenging past few days. If you performed up to your expectations, you may have just won the gold medal. Or, you may have decided it's time to change games. Tonight, celebrate. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is a 7 — You've almost worked yourself up to the next level. It's time to hone in on the prize you want. Get rid of the distractions and use what you've learned. You're almost there. GEMINI (May 21-June 21)—Today is a 6— You're getting stronger. You'll have a little more stability, too. You might have been wor rying, but stop that Discuss your situation with an expert. The answer you're looking for is CANCER (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 — Once you get the commitment, you'll want to get the money. Sometimes closing the deal is the hardest part, but not for you today. You've got the next step on your mind already. Get going! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 — You’ve had your nose to the grindstone for days. Don't slow your pace until the job's done. There's fun to be had tonight, and it'll be even sweeter if you're celebrating a victory. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is an 8 — Everything should go well in the morning. As the day continues, you might notice a few things that need to be done. So, in your case, the assignment is to play first, work later. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Today is a 7 — Tonight will be fun, but don't leave it to chance. Get tickets to see that new movie or comedian, the more unusual, the better. Don't let some body else's domestic problems slow you down. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — You're about to be put to the test. Skills you've been learning are no longer theoretical. You'll see if they actually work. Fix things, from leaky faucets to crashed hard drives. You have talent. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)—Today is a 7 — Money and education are linked. Learning about making or saving money would be good. Any kind of investment you make in your education, however, should be money well spent. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)—Today is a 9 — You may have been doing some heavy thinking lately. You're making plans, and well you should. Once you get your route mapped out, the rest will be easy. Take your time and do it right! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)—Today is an 8 — You should be getting stronger. Your anx ieties should be lessening. You might not be able to get everything done, but by tonight, you might not care. The most important stuff should rise to the surface. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — You might not have as many people behind you as you had before. Some of them have scat tered, but that’s OK. Do more planning now, so you'll be ready next time your inspiration is 205 HELP WANTED Summer Conference Assistant and Summer Resident Assistant Announcing University Housing Conference Assistant (CA) and Summer Resident Assistant (RA) positions. Earn $185 a week as a CA or $80 a week as a RA during summer including room and board, $6.50/hr. for Spring term training and office work, and valu able job experience. Nine to 14 week Summer RA positions and 14 week CA positions are avail able. Informational meetings are in the Hamilton Dining Center Ramey Room at 4:00pm on Wed., Jan. 26 or Thurs., Jan. 27. Positions de scriptions and applications are available at: University Housing Conference Services, 105 Hen derson Hall, Bean Complex, 346 4265. Application deadline is 12:00pm, February 11, 2000. EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. Groovy Dude! Get paid surfing the internet! It's that easy. No gimmick. www.groovydude.com Oregon Nannies seeking live in nanny Hours 6:30am-7:30am, 2:00pm-7:00pm. Room & board, car & gas, health insurance -(-spending money. Eugene area. Please call 343-3755, Mon-Thurs. HIRING RIVER GUIDES Both new and experienced. Training begins March 4. Write or call now for free info package! PO Box 249, Creswell, OR 97426; 800-289-4534; website www.alswildwater.com Now recruiting for East Coast summer jobs. Oregon Nannies 343-3755 web site: www.oregonnannies.com 205 HELP WANTED BE NICE TO BABIES is a great new year's resolution) Volunteers at Birth to Three get to hold babies and play with toddlers during par enting education classes. Call 484 5316 for more information. The Emerald is seeking a Universi ty student interested in joining its staff as a copy editor. Applicants must be enrolled in classes at the University and be available to work about 25 hours a week. Experience with Associated Press style and the basic rules of grammar is a must. Quark, Pagemaker or layout experience is preferred. Applica tions can be picked up at the Emer ald office in Suite 300 of the EMU on the third floor. Deadline for appli cations is Friday, Jan. 14, 5 pm. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer commit ted to a culturally diverse work place. The Emerald is seeking three Uni versity students interested in join ing its staff as reporters. The posi tions include a students activities reporter, a higher education report er and an in-depth reporter. Applic ants must be enrolled in classes at the University and be available to work about 25 hours a week. Ex perience with Associated Press style and the basic rules of gram mar is preferred. Applications can be picked up at the Emerald office in Suite 300 of the EMU on the third floor. Deadline for applications is Wednesday, Jan. 12, 5 p.m. Please include a resume and five examples of your work. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace. NOW HIRING 10/LCC Students Only University of Oregon Annual Giving Program Start at $8.00 per hour plus bonus! applications available anytime Agate Hall, Room 124 346-2059 Annual Giving Program • UO Development Office Transforming Lives through Knowledge Morning Person? Make some extra cash! The Oregon Daily Emerald is now hiring for morning newspaper delivery. Train now for winter term. 6:00-8:00 am every day the Emerald is published. Requires your own RELIABLE vehicle. Work study ok. Apply in person. Mon-Fri. 8-5. 300 EMU. The Oregon Dull) Emerald is an equal opportunity employer eommHied 10 a culturally diverse workplace. 205 HELP WANTED Customer Service Cashier Now hiring part-time cashier for UO Bookstore Customer Service Office. Must have excellent customer service skills and be detail-orient ed. Must have availability from 7:30 am - noon. $6.95 per hour. EOE. Applications and job posting avail able at Administrative Office, U of O Bookstore. Posting Closes 1/14/00. FOOD SERVICE WORKER. The U of O, Carson Dining Center is seeking students for part-time em ployment. Flexible hours, shifts de signed to work around schooling. No experience necessary - will train. Minimum wage plus meal ben efit. Apply within, 1450 E. 13th. AA/ EO/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. WILDLIFE JOBS TO $21.60/HR INC. BENEFITS, GAME WAR DENS, SECURITY, MAIN TENANCE, PARK RANGERS. NO EXP. NEEDED. FOR APP. AND EXAM INFO CALL 1-800-813 3585, EXT 6625. 8AM-9PM, 7 DAYS, fds inc. Computer Sales UO Bookstore now hiring part-time computer sales associate. Primarily Mac-oriented with some PC knowl edge. $6.95 per hour. EOE. Appli cations and job posting available at Administrative Office. U of O Book store. Posting closes 1/14/00. Student Orientation Staff I Are you dedicated, -enthusiastic, and interested in helping parents and new students? We need 16-20 of UO's finest for the 2000 Student Orientation Staff. Earn 3 upper-div. credits this spring and $7/hour for your work July 7-24 and Sept. 20 23. Apps. available in 372 Oregon Hall and are due by 5 pm, Friday, Jan. 28. For more information come to an INFO. MTG., Jan. 19, at 4:00 pm in 360 Oregon Hall or Jan. 20, at 4:00 pm, in the Ben Linder Forum, EMU or call us at 346-1159. Earn cash. $50-$300/hr. Amateur film maker looking for female models 18-30.688-0923. Quality Assurance Lab Engineer Active Voice Corporation, a world leader in developing PC based unified messaging systems and computer technology software solutions, is seeking candidates for a full-time Quality Assurance Lab Engineer position. You will maintain lab resources, including computers, LANs, and telephone systems; build test environments; develop and execute test plans for PC's, PC peripherals, and software; install and integrate telecommunications systems and equipment; and assist product teams and lab users to en sure product quality. The ideal candidate will have B.S.C.SV B.S.E.E7 B.S.C.EJ B.S.M.E. or equivalent; strong programming skills in a high level programming language; working knowledge of DOS and Windows operating sys tems; demonstrated experience in stalling and configuring PC hard ware, and a commitment to provid ing superior customer service. Pre ferred: MCSE; OS/2, NT; testing, in stalling or supporting voicemail and telephony products. To apply, please send cover letter and resume to: personnel@activevoice.com or fax to 206-441-4784. Please refer ence Job Code: QAL-710UO. Ac tive Voice is an equal opportunity employer. ACTIVE VOICE www.activevoice.com iiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiii Discover the Joy! First Christian Church 1166 Oak, Eugene www.HeartofEugene.org Sunday Services: New Celebration, 9:30 a.m. Traditional, 11:00 a.m. 205 HELP WANTED Federal Work Study Position Administrative Assistant, 10-20 hrs./week. Tues, Thurs. & Fri. $8.50/hr. Sharon Banks 736-1056 ext. 215. Embedded Systems Software Engineer Active Voice Corporation, a world leader in developing PC-based uni fied messaging systems and com puter telephony software solutions, is seeking an Embedded Systems Software Engineer. You will develop feature level requirements specifi cations and design specifications for telecommunications software. Looking for a December grad seek ing a career position. If you have a BS in CS, EE, or CE with a previous intemship/co-op in full life-cycle software development, C program ming experience, enthusiasm for learning new technologies in a team development environment, and ex posure to multiple platforms, we want to talk to you! To apply, please send cover letter and resume to: personnel@activevoice.com or fax to 206-441-4784. Please refer ence Job Code: ESWE-125UO. Active Voice is an equal opportuni ty employer. ACTIVE VOICE www.actlvevolce.com 210 HOUSES FOR RENT SMALL 1 BDRM, $475/mo. Campus 10 blocks. Great iocationt Near Safeway. Cat OK. 2055 Willamette St. • 349-9151. 2465 Jackson Street. Clean 4 bdrm home, fireplace, fenced yard, pet & garden negot. $1050+. 688-1136. NEAR CAMPUS/DOWNTOWN Very nice restored 1920's • 2 bdrm house, $650/mo. • 3 bdrm house, $895/mo. Fireplace, W/D, lots of parking, cat ok. No dogs. Lease with fee/dep. re quired. 579-1568 days; 683-1610 eves/weekends. 1.5 blocks to UOI 3 bdrm house. Large back yard and deck. $915/ mo. Available ASAP. 485-5763. Comfortable 2 bdrm +. Completely furnished. Available Winter Term. $825/mo. 687-5968. Campus Apartments Available now! 2 bdrms. No lease, $550. Of fice 325 E. 18th #6. 343-8545. LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 1 bd. 1630 Ferry St. $435/mo. No pets! Call 741-0320. Avail Now! 2 Bedroom furnished. 4 blocks to UO. Cov'd prkg, laundry, clean, $495/mo. 1200 Ferry. 343-3318. NEW ONE BEDROOM Close to UO. $475/mo. 896-0228 or 554-1883 **TWO WEEKS** FREE! "No Move in Fees** 1-2 Bedrooms TALISMAN 888 E. 18th $475-$595 Call 485-4029 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 Alder $515-$615 Call 687-0684 ALDERWOOD MANOR 1884-1860 Alder $495-$595-$850 Call 686-0743 FERRY ST. QUADS 1728 Ferry $270-$295 All utilities included. Call 465-9330 No Pets! No Application Fee! von Klein Property Mgmt, LLC 1301 Ferry #2 • 485-7776 Studio, 1 & 2 Bdrms. 2 blks to UO. Lndry, prkg: Call 484-9922. Good Rates! UNIVERSITY COMMONS APTS. Brand new, fully furnished, w/d in each unit. Individual leases, cov ered bike racks, computer lab, fit ness center & swimming pool. Call 338-4000 M-F 9-5, sat 10-4. Dorms too loud? Comfortable/ affordable studios, 1 block from UO. $355 includes utili ties. Rooms avail, now. Contact Rob at 465-9058.