Ceramic Whistles Jon Barwood Make your own "ocarina" style ce ramic whistle to play on rainy days or when you're feeling a little blue. Ma terials provided. Whistles will be fired and available for you to pick up the week after class. Tues, Jan 11 $5 6:00-9:00pm PLU#6113 Qlass Etching Laura Gerards Areyou tired of the same plain glasses that sit in your cupboad for years? This workshop will teach you how to change a simple water glass into a work of art. We provide the glasses, you provide the imagination. Thurs, Jan 13 $5 2:00-5:00pm PLU#6112 Pop-up Cards Karen Chan This workshop will introducestudents to the fun and easy technique of cre ating unique pop-up style cards. Im press your friends and loved ones on Valentines Day or their next birthday with a special card that you've made. Thurs, Jan 13 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#6102 Beaded Bracelets Erin Neve Make colorful beaded bracelets us ing lace and flower stitches. This workshop isagood introduction to the art of beadwork, and provides an op portunity to ask questions and solve beading problems. Wed, Jan 12 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#6114 Primitive Clay Beads Dana Swisher We will create exotic & whimsical faces, critters, skulls & effigy beads from stoneware clay using hands & a few simple tools. Thisisafast& fun process with endless possibilities. Thurs, Jan 13 S5 6.’00-9£0pm PLU#6111 Bike Doctor Rod Bautista & Staff Perk up your bike and avoid repair bills. Instruction willcoverlubrication, tire problems, brake and gear ser vice, and trouble shooting. Two sessions offered: A. Tues, Jan 11 $5 B. Wed, Jan 12 $5 6:00-900pm PLU#6103 6:00-9:00pm PLU#6104 Mugs & Bowls Jason Solomon Tired of yard sate dishes? You can hand build your own ceramic mugs, tumblers and small bowls in this workshop. Clay andglazes provided. Four sessions offered: A. Thur, Jan 6 $5 B. Mon, Jan 10 $5 C. Tues, Jan 11 $5 D. Wed, Jan 12 $5 6:00-9tf)0pm PLU16105 6:30-9.30pm PLU#6106 2:00-5:00pm PLU#6107 6:30-9.30pm PLU#6115 Papermaking Denise Gosar Make cards and note paper in this fun & informative introduction to the ancient art of papermaking. Tues, Jan 11 2:00-4:30pm $5 PLU#6109 Tie Dyeing Diane Hoffman Createa variety of pattemsuslng dif ferent tying and dyeing techniques. Bring three prewashed 100% cotton items to dye or buy T-shirts here. Wed, Jan 12 2:00-5:00pm $5 PLU#6110 35mm Camera Use Valerie Nguyen Discover how your camera works, including discussion of film and composition. Bring empty, manual 35mm camera to class. Wed, Jan 12 6.-00-9*>0pm $5 PLU#6108 TERM PASS A Croft Center term pass entitles you to use the facilities & tools in the Craft Center during the term for which the pass is purchased. U of 0 term passes are not refundable. Participants are required to have basic skills and knowledge for their given area, assume the risk, and have a willingness and ability to work with others in a safe and cooperative manner. We are open to UO stu dents, faculty, staff and UO alumni. In addition, the general public may pur chase a Craft Center term pass with enrollment in a Craft Center workshop of $18 or more. Day use passes are available for current UO students, faculty, staff and alumni. Workshops using the Craft Center facilities and equipment require a term pass and are indicated in the class listings. Term pass holders receive a reduced rate in workshops where there is the option to take a class with or without a pass. REQISTRATION Registration for Winter Term begins Thursday, Dec 2nd, at 10:00 am I1 and continues until all workshops are full. Registration is on a first-come basis, so early registration is recommended. You can register in person or by mail. Members of the U of O community purchasing term passes will be required to present University I.D. I MAIL-IN REQISTRATION (Full payment must accompany all registration forms. University I.D. is re quired for all UO term passes. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like to receive a confirmation. Make checks payable to EMU Craft Center. Mail-in registrations are processed in the order received,on the samedayas walk-in registration. Your chances of getting into a requested class are greatly improved by registering in person on December 2nd, as most beginning classes fill quickly. Send mail-in registration to: EMU Craft Center • 1228 University of Oregon • Eugene, OR 97403-1228 REFUND POLICY / CANCELLATION The Craft Center may cancel a workshop with insufficient enrollment on or before the first class meeting. If the Craft Center cancels a workshop, class fees wilt be fully refunded-it is your option to retain your Craft Center term pass. Workshop fees are 100% refundable 96 hours, (4 days) prior to the first class meeting, but non-refundable thereafter. Student, staff & faculty passes are not refundable if you drop a class, and community passes will be refunded automatically. $5 Specials and Raku are not refundable. Fireside Footstools Art Graves Experience the folk art technique of caning, by weaving a seat for a fire side foot stool. We'll concentrate on elementary weaving styles using rush and colored shaker tape. One stool and seat material will be provided. 4 hours of instruction. Sun, Jan 30 12:00-4:00pm $24 w/term pass PLU#6129 $28 w/out term pass PLU#61 30 Laura Gerards This workshop will be primarily lecture & demonstration based. Students wilt be introduced to the fundamentals of cabochon stone trimming & cutting using lapidary saws & grinding stones. 3 hours of instruction. Stun, Feb 13 1:00-4:00pm $15 w/term pass PLU#6123 $19 w/out term pass PLU#6124 Cutting Boards Diane Hoffman Do you need a handy kitchen item, or perhaps a great gift for a new home? Assemble a simple strip cutting board from a variety of woods. This workshop is a fun and easy introduction to a few woodworking tools. Materials included. No experience necessary. 5 hours of in struction. Term pass required. Fri, Feb 18&25 10:00-12:30pm $20 PLU#6116 Barb DeFilippo Select herbs, botanicals & essential oils to scent your handmade bath products. Learn the simple processes of making soap, scented lotions, bath salts, mas sage oils and balms. Most materials in cluded. 4 hours of instruction. Sat, Feb 26 1 :00-5:00pm $35 w/term pass PLU*6117 $39 w/out term pass PLU#6118 Lapidary s & Lotions Rain Sticks Jon Barwood Rain, beautiful rain! It's that time of year again, so we might as well celebrate it. These musical masterpieces will be made of bamboo, and filled with magical beads and beans to create a variety of sounds. 6 hours of instruction. Mon, Feb 21 & 28 6:00-9:00pm $22 w/term pass PLU#6119 $26 w/out term pass PLU#6120 Fly Tying Chris Culver Enhance your enjoyment of fly fishing by becoming a tyer. This class includes an introduction to tying equipment, materials & techniques. Learn to tie a dozen patterns, and gain the skills to tie many more. Emphasis will be on fun & fishability! 9 hours of instruction. Thurs, Feb 17-Mar 2 6.00-9*>0pm $34 w/term pass PLU#6100 $38 w/out term pass PLU#6101 Porcelain Valentines Jason Solomon Be creative and make some lovely little Valentines for your sweetieor for your self. These treasures will last forever, and can doubleas holiday omamentsas the seasons change. 3 hours of instruc tion. Sun, Jan 30 1 :Q0-4:00pm $15 w/term pass PLU#6125 $19 w/out term pass PLU#6126 Herbal Wilderafting Barb DeFitippo Make your own herbal “first aid kit" This course will teach you how to prepare medicinal herbs for tinctures, poltices, teas and balms for health and relaxation. 4 hours of instruction. Sun, Mar 4 1:00-5:00pm $35 w/term pass PLU*6131 $39 w/out term pass PLU#6132 ■MMHBNHHmnMHNMffHBBNMNK www.crofteenter.uoregon.edu Ourwebsite features updated Informa tion on current workshops, studio i hours, and special events throughout theterm. LOCATION The Craft Center is located in the Ert> Memorial Union, 13th & University, East I wing, lower level. For your conve nience, a 30 minute loading space is available on 13th Street. Please ad dress requests for accommodations related to disabilities to the Craft Cen ter Coordinator in advance. For more information: 346-4361. I University of Oregon is an equal opportunity affirmative action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Graphic design by R. Gabuya & L. Gerards Day Use Fees $2 per day UO students $3 per day UO faculty/staff $5 per day UO alumni Term Pass Fees $7 UO students & spouses $18 UO alumni $18 General public with enrollment in Craft Center workshop of $18 or more. If you drop a workshop within the designated limits, your general public term pass will be refunded. Q Winter 2000 *maiNn* registration form) 346-4361 Nome: Address: City/State: Zip: Phone (day): (eve): Workshop Title: PLU# Workshop Fee: UO students & Spouses $ 7.00 UO staff & spouses $ 12.00 UO alumni, ait others $ 18.00 (general public must enroll in a Craft Center class of $ 18 or more) Term Pass Fee: Total amount 1