s -^51^6. ^T Ci^tsuoC, C>s\st, *1 now live my life with a deep joy and gratitude. Through my healing I have learned how to have more compassion and mercy for others, I am careful not to judge, because I know where I have come from and how much I needed compassion and mercy.” Like Theresa, thousands of women and men are now sharing the joy, healing, and per sonal growth they have experienced with oth ers. They are reaching out to help those women and men who continue to struggle with negative feelings about past abortions. In these pages you will meet other people like Theresa who can teach you how to help your loved ones—even those who haven’t told you about their abortions. If you will only take the time to understand just a few basic points, you will be far better prepared to offer them effective compassion and support. If you have had an abortion yourself, this publication will help you find the people and resources that can help you overcome any feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, or resentment that may be holding you back from complete healing. They can help you find the hope and joy that you want and deserve. This publication is for anyone who has ever been directly or indirectly affected by abor tion—and that includes nearly all of us. When you read these pages with an open heart and mind, you will learn the secrets of hope and healing that can directly benefit you or your loved ones. Inside How to Sow the Seeds of Healing ....._...._11 Where to Find Hi-ip—for Yourself or Others....2 ; :• ^ ^ I Beyond the Pc / Abortion..,3 K*, . i '" ‘JMaBHBIBMi The Emotional Cosh of Abortion .10 Who is Most at Risk? .....2 Can Relationships Survive After'Abortion?.6 I'm Sorry: See Who Wants to Apologize to You .7 L men in the U.S. have lost a child talking about abortion. THE RESULT: / Millions suffer in silence from unresolved grief, aching hearts, anger, and fear. / As many as one of every five people you know are afraid to tell you about their secret pain. THE SOLUTION: / Take time to learn about post-abortion healing. / Learn to listen with compassion. / Begin by reading this publication, Hope and Healing.