Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 08, 1999, Page 3b, Image 15

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    9. How often do you use the following services at the EMU?
Did not know
this existed Never
Art Galleries □ □
ASUO Legal Services
Child Care & Development Center
Computing Center
Copy Center
Council Travel Agency
Public Telephones
Rental Information Office
Ticket Office
UOCard/Photo ID Office
UO Scheduling Office
US Post Office
About 2-3 times
a month
About 1-2 times
a week
About 3-4 times
a week
More than 4 times
a week
10. Overall, are you satisfied with these services?
□ Yes
□ No If no, please tell us why
About 2-3 times About 1 -2 times About 3-4 times More than 4 times
Rarely a month a week oweek a week
□ □ □ □ □
11. How often do you use your Campus Cosh debit account?
Do not know what Do not have Campus
this is Cosh Account
□ □
12. What do you like best about the EMU?
13. What do you like least about the EMU?
14. What other retail outlets and services would you like to see at the EMU?
15. What is your gender?
□ Male
□ Female
16. What is your current class standing?
□ Freshman □ Sophomore □ Junior
17. Where do you currently live?
□ Dormitory
□ Apartment (non-UO)
□ Senior
□ Graduate Student
□ Fraternity/Sorority house
□ House (non-UO)
18. Where do you get information about events on campus? (check all that apply)
□ Oregon Doily Emerald Q Eugene Weekly
□ Posters/Flyers □ Sandwich Boards in front of EMU
19. Which of the following local newspapers did you read in the last week? (check all that apply)
□ Oregon Daily Emerald □ Eugene Weekly
20. Any other comments or suggestions?
□ University-owned apartment/house
□ With parents/relatives
□ Friends
□ Other (please specify)
□ Register Guard
Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please fill in your name/phone number below and give your completed survey to a cashier at one of the following locations in the EMU: Rec Center,
Erb Essentials Store, Ticket Office, Craft Center, UO Cord Office, ASUO Controllers Office. You can also turn in your survey at the Daily Grind (Knight Library), Hearth Cafe (Lawrence Hall) or the Atrium
Cafe (Willamette Hall). You'll get a book of coupons and a fistful of suckers. And your name will be entered to win a free 14 day "Experiencing the West" trip.*
Deadline to turn in your survey is Monday, April 26th. Thanks again.
Phone #_
* Trip compliments of Council Travel • Must be current UO student to win • Trip must be taken on or before June 30,1999 BBm,—