Call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Room 300, Erb Memorial Union to place your ad today. P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: classads@oregon. On-line edition: ADVERTISING POLICY PAYMENT: Prepayment is required unless billing has been established. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Ameri can Express and Discover. Receipts may be requested at the time of ad place ment. A purchase order must accompany all university departmental and student associa tion ads. Tearsheets provided upon request. ERRORS/REFUNDS: Please check your ad! The ODE will run a classified ad one additional day as a result of any typographi cal error that changes the meaning of the ad, if reported by 1PM. No cash refunds will be issued. ACCEPTANCE: The ODE reserves the right to revise, reclassify, reject or cancel any ad at any time. Political ads are payable in advance and must clearly identify the advertiser. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is sub ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal for any person to cause to be published any advertisement relating to the transfer, sale, rental, or lease of any housing which expresses limitations, specifi cations or discrimination of any kind. NOT ACCEPTED: Mail-order ads (unless a sample is supplied for review prior to publi cation); Adoption ads by anyone other than a licensed agency; Airline ticket sale ads by anyone other than authorized agents. CLASSIFICATIONS 080 Greek Events 085 Greek Announcements 090 Birthdays 095 Personals 100 Lost & Found 105 Typing/Resume Services 110 Instruction/Tutoring 115 Garage/Moving Sales 120 Miscellaneous For Sale 125 Furniture/Appllances 130 Cars/Trucks 135 Motorcycles/Scooters 140 Bicycles 145 Computers/Electronics 150 Tv & Sound Systems 155 Instruments/Music Equip. 160 Pets & Supplies 165 Sport Equipment 170 Photography Equipment 175 Wanted 180 Travel & Lodging 185 Business Opportunities 190 Opportunities 195 Recruiting 200 Work Study Positions 205 Help Wanted 210 Houses for Rent 213 Houses for Sale 215 Apartments (Furnished) 220 Apartments (Unfurnished) 225 Quads 230 Rooms for Rent 235 Duplexes for Rent 238 Sublets 240 Garage/Storage Space 245 Roommates Wanted 250 Boarding Houses 255 Housing Wanted 260 Announcements 265 Elections 276 Meetings 275 Club Sports 260 Counseling 285 Services 290 Health & Fitness 295 Food & Drink 100 Campus Ministry 305 Campus Events 310 Arts & Entertainment 315 What’s Happening? Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds: 1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 2) Visit our website: 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578 kATES/DEADLINES UNIVERSITY RATES (Musi bean enrolled DO student or afEfiatcdUO Group or Dept) 3 line minimum $3.00/day Additional lines $1.00/line PRIVATE PARTY RATE (non-universlty/mm-buslness related) 3 line minimum $3.30/day Additional lines $1.10/line •(approximately 35 spaces c»-5-6 words per line) • Boxed Ads-Adds one extra line daily to cost of ad Deadline: 1 p-m. ONE business day prim’ to pubHcation University Display Classified $6.00/col. inch. (Deadline: 1:00 TWO business days prior to publication.) Call (541) 346-4343 for BUSINESS RATES. 080 GREEK EVENTS AIO> AZ4> Welcome lota Class of AX and our future leaders: Ben B. Matt M. Klas N. Jay K. Justin Z. Zack H. Mathew G. Simon K. Derek Z. A5XD AX 090 BIRTHDAYS Today Benjamin T. Anderson, Esquire is 22! Party at his house isnt there? Happy Birthday, Ben! 095 PERSONALS DKS Someone is thinking about you! Hope your Monday is a good one! T 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES TypeWrite 747-0740 Word & Word Perfect. At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 110 INSTRUCTION/TUTORING Want to increase your Word Power? Taking a vocabulary test (GRE, GMAT, etc)? Word Power in a is an interactive flash card vocabulary builder. Designed by instructor R. Stallings, MD. 30 day satisfaction guaranteed. Order now! $32.50. or 10% discount ordered direct. SB Group, PO Box 11679, Portland 97211 (Check or Money Order), sbpgl © Monday is Magic: Arena Night at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. Adult toys, flavored lotions, massage oils, joke gifts, books, games & 'more. recycle • recycle • recycle Jelly is to peanut butter as is to: .. t ; 1 a) Entertainment b) The Emerald c) Fun d) All of the above Dare 17/000 students to watch HeeHaw, on your TV. Bo* U* rfvy rvDftt* tvr iO >>&/&/>«:$* <&*$»* vrftt> f«v; ha pticdn• a &< Emerald Classifieds W.W.WV AJcohcJ?<;& Awip>ymi;j Let us help you sell your stuff! 13Q CARS,/TRUCKS 1989 Jetta Good shape, new transmission. $3500 obo. 688-3537 150 TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's & Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9293 155 INSTRUMENTS/MUSIC EQUIP. Guitar + amp. Epiphone Sheraton II, $550/obo. Fender Ultra Chorus, $475/obo. Scott 342-7044. 178 CHILD CARE In home infant care, 10-20 hrs/wk. Negotiable hourly rate, references requested, experience preferred. 485-7049 home. 180 TRAVEL & LODGING Spring Break 2000 The Mazatlan, Mexico! Airfare, 7 nights hotel, transfers, FREE drinks & parties. Organize your group and travel FREE. Call Free 1-800-461-4607. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IB 1)7IEE BSWAEi The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Retire wealthy on your Graduation Day. You won't spend a penny to do this guaranteed. 685-9806. 190 OPPORTUNITIES Need money for college? Search 7,000 sources for 500,000 awards. Scholarships 101 Soltware, Apple/ Windows, CD rom, #P501 $69.95, (800) 538-4834. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Jobs in Campus Recycling! Campus Recycling Now hiring work study/ tech fee funded students for positions beginning now. Contact Campus Recycling at 346-1529. Leave message with a mailing address and phone number to obtain application. 205 HELP WANTED Now Hiring! Co-coordinator for work study position. Apps. avail outside Survival Center, Suite 1 EMU. 346 4356. FREE BABY BOOM BOX *4* EARN $1200! Fundraiser for student groups & organizations. Earn up to $4 per MasterCard app. Call for info or visit our website. Qualified callers receive a FREE Baby Boom Box 1-800-932-0528 ext. 119 or-ext. 125 Part-time career. Need energetic team player. Must communicate well with others, be capable of driv ing company van and able to lift 50 lbs. routinely. Non-smoking, M F, late afternoons. Apply in person at ADF, 795 River Ave, Eugene. Serrano's Coffee is looking for exp barista, flexible schedule. Please bring resume to 1591 Willamette. Make a difference! Volunteer at Sexual Assault Support Services. Training begins Thurs Nov 11 Call Chris at 484-9791 Project Saferide is hiring for 2000 winter and spring terms. Information and applications available in EMU Suite 3, or at 346-0653. Deadline is November 17th. An AA/OE/ADA employer. U of 0 Bookstore is accepting ap plications for part time and tempo rary sales clerk and cashiering po sitions for Winter term 2000. Appli cation deadline 6:00 pm, Friday, No vember 12. Apply at U of O Book store Administrative Office, 895 E. 13th Ave. Dancers wanted Silver Dollar Club. For all shifts. Flexible schedule. Ap ply in person. 485-2303. WILDLIFE JOBS TO $21.60/HR INC. BENEFITS, GAME WAR DENS, SECURITY, MAIN TENANCE, PARK RANGERS. NO EXP. NEEDED. FOR APP. AND EXAM INFO CALL 1-800-813 3585, EXT 6625. 8 AM-7 PM, 7 DAYS, fds inc. M ►4 M 8 § ►4 H Department of Fine and Applied Arts Pre-registration. FAA Majors/Minors ONLY Visual Design. Winter. 2000 ►4 M >4 M M N § ►4 m these courses open to FAA majors/mlnors ONLY:!! R • ARTV 382 • ARTV 410/510 >4 H M | 8 H M H H § >4 M tL ARTV 403/503 ARTV 477/577* ARTV 495/595* § I M M M M H R SZXZZZZIXIZZZZZZZZZXZZZZZZXZXZXXZZZZZZil Tuesday. November 9.12 NOON - 3:00pm 108 Lawrence by last name A-8:1pm H-M: 2pm N-Z: noon * bring portfolio 8 current transcript 205 HELP WANTED O.U.R Federal Credit Union Americorps ‘VISTA Micro-enterprise Project Description This project is a community de velopment one that will create a sustainable micro-enterprise loan delivery system for low and moderate-income Lane County residents. This is the program's second year. Activities the VISTA will per form to accomplish these goals: •Enhance community interest in the microenterprise program. •Continue to seek out and estab lish partnerships with community based organizations to provide support sen/ices for microentrep reneurs. •Identify resources and write ap plications to raise funds for oper ating expenses of O.U.R's mi croenterprise program. •Promote and market the microen terprise program to members, non-members and the business community. Americorps ‘VISTA skills and qualifications •Interest in assisting people of low and moderate income of all age groups. •Good oral and written communi cation skills. •A willingness to think creatively about community problems and work on solutions. •Ability to make public presenta tions. •Basic computer knowledge or wil lingness to leam. •Good organizational and time management skills. •Spanish foreign language skills are welcome, but not required. •An ability to instruct others in planning and outreach. •Business management education or experience preferred, but not required. Interested Persons submit resumes, letter of interest & references by November 10th to: Loretta Moesta Americorps ‘VISTA site supervisor O.U.R Federal Credit Union PO Box 11922 Eugene, OR 97440 or 325 Blair Boulevard Eugene, OR 97402 Questions call (541) 485-1188 205 HELP WANTED CALLING ALL STUDENTS! Want to become a student on cam pus? The Ambassador Program is hiring a team of qualified UO stud ent representatives to call admitted , students and give campus tours. Project runs Jan.-May 2000. $7/hr. Possible travel opportunity. For more info, come to one of the IN TEREST MTGS, TUES OR WEDS ’ 6:00pm, 360 Oregon Hall, or call 346-1274. Apps. avail. 372 Oregon Hall. The Emerald is seeking a Universi ty student interested in joining its staff as a higher education reporter. Applicants must be enrolled in classes at the University and be available to work about 25 hours a week. Experience with Associated Press style and the basic rules of grammar is preferred. Applications can be picked up at the Emerald of fice in Suite 300 of the EMU on the third floor. Deadline for applications is Monday, Nov. 15, 5 p.m. Please include a resume and five examples of your work. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace. P/T Translation Assistants Terra Pacific Inc., a Corvallis-based international technical communica tions company, is seeking part time hourly Translation Assistants for QA reviews. Applicants need to be detail-oriented, have excellent computer skills, and possess na tive-level language skills in one of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Nor wegian, Polish, Portuguese, Span ish, Swedish, Turkish. TAs are paid $10/hr. Please send resume by December 15th to: Recruiter, Terra Pacific Inc., PO Box 1244, Corval lis, OR 97339-1244. Freelance Writer: maincam seeks students for articles ranging from sex/relationships, po- 1 litics to academics. $25/article Try A Nanny Career Reliable individuals with childcare experience & excellent refs. For a one year commitment. Local inter views in Lane County on 11/22 & 11/23 for CT & NY jobs. Helping Hands, 1-800-544-6264. 35092941 Evening is $1-$10 clothing • gifts • pottery • baskets • candles • much more 1257 High » 556-0761 10am - 2pm Mon-5at a102547 Australia/New Zealand 2000 | this winter term l • Adventure Study Program. • Lots of Sunshine down under! • A full term of Upper-Division Credit available. • Cultural Comparisons • Environmental Awareness • Activities Include Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking, White Water Rafting, Surfing, Scuba Diving, & More. Pacific Challenge University Travel Study phone: 541-343-4124 Contact: Dr. Dave Wright, or Council Travel, EMU/13th i * t • . . • • > •* > • i \ > • i , * • * . < i s ‘ j ^ v