Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 03, 1999, Page 10, Image 9

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Call (541)346-4343
or stop by Room 300, Erb Memorial Union
to place your ad today.
P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403
E-mail: classads@oregon. uoregon.edu
On-line edition: www.dailyemerald.com
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We accept Visa, Mastercard, Ameri
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ERRORS/REFUNDS: Please check your
ad! The ODE will run a classified ad one
additional day as a result of any typographi
cal error that changes the meaning of the ad,
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ACCEPTANCE: The ODE reserves the right
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anyone other than authorized agents.
080 Greek Events
085 Greek Announcements
090 Birthdays
095 Personals
100 Lost & Found
105 Typing/Resume Services
110 lnstruction/Tutoring
115 Garage/Moving Sales
120 Miscellaneous For Sale
125 Furniture/Appliances
150 Cars/Trucks
135 Motorcycles/Scooters
140 Bicycles
145 Computers/Electronics
150 Tv & Sound Systems
155 Instruments/Music Equip.
160 Pets & Supplies
1(5 Sport Equipment
170 Photography Equipment
175 Wanted
180 Travel & Lodging
185 Business Opportunities
190 Opportunities
195 Recruiting
200 Work Study Positions
205 Help Wanted
210 Houses for Rent
213 Houses for Sale
215 Apartments (Furnished)
220 Apartments (Unfurnished)
225 Quads
230 Rooms for Rent
235 Duplexes for Rent
238 Sublets
240 Garage/Storage Space
245 Roommates Wanted
250 Boardiag Houses
255 Housing Wanted
200 Announcements
265 Elections
270 Meetings
275 Chib Sports
280 Counseling
285 Services
200 Health ft Fitness
295 Food ft Drink
306 Campus Ministry
305 Campus Events
310 Arts ft Entertainment
315 What’s Happening?
Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds: 1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m.
2) Visit our website: www.dailyemerald.com 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578
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1 p.m. ONE business day prior to publication
University Display Classified $6.00/col. inch.
(Deadline: 1:00 TWO business days prior to publication.)
Call (541) 3464343 for BUSINESS RATES.
Max Leekwal Delta Sigma Phi
& J.J. Boreing Gamma Phi Beta
on your pinning!
Love your Gamma Phi Beta
Lost dark grey fleece with dark blue
stripe across chest on Oct. 26 at
Rennie's. Reece was a special gift.
Please return it to 342-4752 if you
found it.
At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD
thesis/dissertation background.
Term papers. Full resume service.
Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS!
Wednesday is New Comic Day
at Emerald City Comics.
770 E. 13th. 345-2568.
"Give Me Fivei»
Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items
under $1,000) for 5 days. If the
item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at
346-4343 and we’ll run your ad
again for another 5 days FREE!
^Student/Private Parly Ads Only»No Refunds ^
'95 Chevy S10, X Cab, 57,000 m„
5 speed, service contract, excellent
condition. $6600. 485-3731.
1995 Mazda 626 silver, 4 doors,
cassette, 76,000 miles, $8500.
Call 513-9420
1990 Honda Civic LX, 4 door, au
tomatic, all records, well main
tained, excellent condition! $4,900.
140,000 m. Call 984-5423.
Classifieds.,,catch us on the web!
Make someone’s day a little
brighter with a greeting in the
personals section!
Call 346-4343
" a) Entertainment
b) The Emerald
c) Fun
d) All of the above
is to:
Horoscope by Linda C. Black
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 3). If you
scratch another person's back this year, that per
son will scratch yours. Dig into your pocket to
help a friend in December, and he or she might
give you the boost you need in January. Make a
change at home to improve matters there in
February. Go back to an old work routine in
April. Heed a caution from your partner in
May. Unleash your talent in August, and the
money should follow. Friendship grows into
love in September.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10
is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 6
— The workload is heavy, and you're being
watched. Don't worry about it; you can perform
brilliantly under pressure. Besides, the person
who's watching may be a talent scout. Prove
that you have the right stuff.
AURUS (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8
— When you have love, nothing else matters.
When you're coining from love, you always
have it. So. how about you and a loved one fig
ure out what to do next, together? How long has
it been since you've had a romantic vacation?
You can make it happen.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)—Today is a 6—
You may be worried about whether you'll have
help when you need it. Don't limit yourself to a
few options. Give yourself a backup and an es
pe route, too. It's OK to hire somebody. It's
art and could even save you money. Don't
\NCER (June 22-July 22) — Today is an 8
You're learning quickly, and you have the
opott of loved ones. Trust their advice.
Hi're stepping outside your old boundaries a
:le bit, but that's OK. Go ahead and spread
uur wings. You may surprise yourself.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 6 —
Have you been thinking about putting your
lome on the market? Maybe you could sell
something in your home, instead. Don't worry
about money anymore; make some. Get rid of
something you’ve outgrown at the same time.
and win twice.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)—Today is a 9 —
You either have the experience you need or you
know somebody who does. That's your key to
success today. Don't venture into unknown ter
ritory without taking along somebody who's al
ready been there, done that.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Today is a 6 —
You need to finish up something so you can get
on to the next project. Do the quality control in
spection, the follow-through, if everything that
can be done has been done, you're ready to
check that one off your list.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)—Today is an 8
— Watch for a big opportunity. You'll have to
be bold, daring and outrageous. The rewards
should be enough to tweak your interest, how
ever. When you take a risk, it's always well-cal
culated, so enjoy!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)—Today
isa5 — Keep a low profile, do your job and try
not to attract attention. The pedant patrol is out
cruising, trying to find a nit to pick. A little of
that goes a long way with you, so give them a
lot of room. Hide out!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)—Today is a
9 — Your friends point you toward the good
deals. You've been good to them in the past,
and you've earned their respect. It's OK to let
them do something nice for you now. Gra
ciously accept the compliments and the oppor
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)—Today isaS
— You may feel rather cramped. You're trying
to do something, but you don't have enough
time, money or influential friends. It may seem
like you're invisible. Go back to the drawing
board. Present your new improved idea later.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is an 8
— You should be in close collaboration with
your favorite partner today. You may not be
able to get what you want right now, but with
planning, you can soon. Find out what the re
quirements are and get started.
CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service
VHS VCR's & Stereos. Thompson
Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9293
TREADMILL, ProForm Crosswalk
Plus; 4 spd plus manual speed pro
grams, power incline adjuster, cals/
fat, cals, speed, distance, pulse
time recorded. Holder for maga
zines; crosswalk arm exerciser.
Like new. Includes transferring war
ranty to new owner. $350 obo.
Reliable house and dog sitter for
about 10 weeks, mid Nov. to mid
Jan. (southeast Eugene). Duties
include being here at night and
some during the day. Call 344
3819 for an appointment.
NEEDED: 2 tickets for Ducks vs.
OSU 11/20. Will pay $$$ Please
Call 684-0545
In home infant care, 10-20 hrs/wk.
Negotiable hourly rate, references
requested, experience preferred.
485-7049 home.
Need a Babysitter?
10 yrs prof. exp. Avail, evenings
& most weekends.
Michelle 343-9036
Spring Break 2000
The Mazatlan, Mexico! Airfare, 7
nights hotel, transfers, FREE drinks
& parties. Organize your group
and travel FREE. Call Free
Need Extra Money
Earn cash while you surf the web!
It’s absolutely Free
1. No cost • 2. No selling
to to www.alladvantage.com
Ref# DVA-894, once logged on be
sure to go the the "Press Room" &
the "Referral Calculator."
Need money for college? Search
7,000 sources for 500,000 awards.
Scholarships 101 Soltware, Apple/
Windows, CD rom, #P501 $69.95,
(800) 538-4834.
Phones, mail, filing, computer
work, etc. Fun, non-profit office,
downtown Eugene. $7/hr, 12-15
hrs/wk. Email resume & schedule
to amy@netcorps.org
Jobs in Campus Recycling!
Campus Recycling Now hiring work
study/ tech fee funded students for
positions beginning now.
Contact Campus Recycling at
346-1529. Leave message with a
mailing address and phone
number to obtain application.
Get rid of all your unwanted stuff)
Call the Emerald Classifieds 346-4343
If you’re stuck with a student loan that’s not
in default, the Army might pay it off.
If you qualify, we’ll reduce your debt—up
to $65,000. Payment is either xk of the
debt or $1,500 for each year of service,
whichever is greater.
You’ll also have training in a choice
of skills and enough self-assurance
to last you the rest of your life.
Get all the details from your
Army Recruiter.
(541) 345-3877
army.be all you can be?
Find q (QqJi stuff in the ODE
Classifieds 346-4343
O.U.R Federal Credit Union
Americorps *VISTA
Micro-enterprise Project
This project is a community de
velopment one that will create a
sustainable micro-enterprise
loan delivery system for low
and moderate-income Lane
County residents. This is the
program's second year.
Activities the VISTA will per
form to accomplish these
•Enhance community interest in
the microenterprise program.
•Continue to seek out and estab
lish partnerships with community
based organizations to provide
support services for microentrep
•Identify resources and write ap
plications to raise funds for oper
ating expenses of O.U.R's mi
croenterprise program.
•Promote and market the mi
croenterprise program to mem
bers, non-members and the busi
ness community.
Americorps ‘VISTA skills and
•Interest in assisting people of
low and moderate income of all
age groups.
•Good oral and written communi
cation skills.
•A willingness to think creatively
about community problems and
work on solutions.
•Ability to make public presenta
•Basic computer knowledge or
willingness to team.
•Good organizational and time
management skills.
•Spanish foreign language skills
are welcome, but not required.
•An ability to instruct others in
planning and outreach.
•Business management educa
tion or experience preferred, but
not required.
Interested Persons submit
resumes, letter of interest &
references by November 10th
Loretta Moesta Americorps
‘VISTA site supervisor
O.U.R Federal Credit Union
PO Box 11922
Eugene, OR 97440
325 Blair Boulevard
Eugene, OR 97402
Questions call (541) 485-1188
EXAM INFO CALL 1-800-813
3585, EXT 6625. 8 AM-7 PM, 7
DAYS, fds inc.
Corporations are looking for college
graduates with leadership ability
and experience. How will you get
the "edge* that is required to get
ahead in today's job market? Check
out the United States Marine Corps
Leadership Internship at Officer
Candidate School. Call the Marine
Officer Selection Office at 541-758
0835 in Corvallis.
Janitor early evening office clean
ing. M-F, paid holidays, merit rais
es. Must have car, phone and be
bondable. 461-0440.
Dancers wanted Silver Dollar Club.
For all shifts. Flexible schedule. Ap
ply in person. 485-2303.
Seeking friendly uninhibited girls 18
or older for female owned and oper
ated adult-nude teleconferencing
studio. Call Deana or Megan at
Telephone Sales
5:00-8:30pm, Mon.-Thurs. $7/hr or
commission. 726-7414.
Property Management firm seeking
experienced Manager for a 30 unit
campus property. Part time/full time,
seasonally varies. Must be highly
organized, have good communica
tion skills, and practical experience.
Send cover letter and resume to
Manager, PO Box 70407, Eugene,
OR 97401.
Wanted: Administrative Assistant
for ASUO Student Senate, approx
5 hrs/wk. Meetings Wed 7-10 pm.
Work Study only. 346-3749
Part-time, Full-time positions
available at retail lumber yard. Ap
ply in person at Serve & Save Ply
wood. 2485 Hwy 99 North.
Molecular Biology Greenhouses
Help needed for watering on wee
kends and holidays. Call Marcia
Now Hiring! Co-coordinator for work
study position. Apps. avail outside
Survival Center, Suite 1 EMU. 346
University of Oregon
Annual Giving Program
Start at $8.00 per hour plus bonus!
Agate Hall, Room 124
applications available anytime
Annual Giving Program • UO Development Office
Transforming Lives through Knowledge