Call (541) 346-4343 or.stop by Room 300, Erb Memorial Union to place your ad today. P.O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 E-mail: classads@oregon. On-line edition: ADVERTISING POLICY PAYMENT: Prepayment is required unless billing has been established. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Ameri can Express and Discover. Receipts may be requested at the time of ad place ment. A purchase order must accompany all university departmental and student associa tion ads. Tearsheets provided upon request. ERRORS/REFUNDS: Please check your ad! The ODE will run a classified ad one additional day as a result of any typographi cal error that changes the meaning of the ad, if reported by 1PM. No cash refunds will be issued ACCEPTANCE: The ODE reserves the right to revise, reclassify, reject or cancel any ad at any time. Political ads are payable in advance and must clearly identify the advertiser. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is sub ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal for any person to cause to be published any advertisement relating to the transfer, sale, rental, or lease of any housing which expresses limitations, specifi cations or discrimination of any kind. NOT ACCEPTED: Mail-order ads (unless a sample is supplied for review prior to publi cation); Adoption ads by anyone other than a licensed agency; Airline ticket sale ads by anyone other than authorized agents. CLASSIFICATIONS 086 Greek Events 085 Greek Announcements 090 Birthdays 095 Personals 100 Lost & Found 105 Typiag/Resume Services 110 Instruction/Tutoring 115 Garage/Moving Sales 120 Miscellaneous For Sale' 125 Furniture/Appliances 130 Cars/Trucks 135 Motorcycles/Scooters 140 Bicycles 145 Computers/Electronies 150 Tv & Sound Systems 155 Instruments/Music Equip. 160 Pets & Supplies 165 Sport Equipment 170 Photography Equipment 175 Wanted 180 Travel & Lodging 18f Business Opportunities 190 Opportunities 195 Recruiting 200 Work Study Positions 205 Help Wanted 210 Houses for Rent 213 Houses for Sale 215 Apartments (Furnished) 220 Apartments (Unfurnished) 225 Quads 230 Rooms for Rent 235 Duplexes for Rent 23£ Sublets 240 Garage/Storage Space 245 Roommates Wanted 250 Boarding Houses 255 Housing Wanted 260 Announcements 265 Elections 270 Meetings 275 Club Sports 280 Counseling 285 Services 290 Health & Fitness 295 Food & Drink 300 Campus Ministry 305 Campus Events 310 Arts & Entertainment 315 What’s Happening? Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds: 1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 2) Visit our website: 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578 -RATES/DEADLINES. UNIVERSITY RATES (Must be an enrolled UO student or affiliated HO Group or Dept.) 3 line minimum $3.00/day Additional lines $1.00/line PRIVATE PARTY RATE (non-university/non-business related) 3 line minimum $3.30/day Additional lines $ 1.10/line • (approximately 35 spaces or5-6 wonfc per line) •Boxed Ads-Adds one extra line daily to cost of ad Deadline: 1 pan. ONE business day prior to publication University Display Classified $6.00/col. inch. (Deadline: 1:00 TWO business days prior to publication.) Call (541) 3464343 for BUSINESS RATES. 100 LOST & FOUND Small, leather cd case found on 13th, in front of Espresso Roma, Saturday morning. Leave Contact info at EMU Cultural Forum. FOUND: A "spider" hair clip near Knight Library. Please call to claim: 484-9860. Lost dark grey fleece with dark blue stripe across chest on Oct. 26 at Rennie's. Fleece was a special gift. Please return it to 342-4752 if you found it. Here’s * Thnimht I Place your Clarified Ad thru the Internet! Try it... 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! no INSTRUCTION/TUTORING Want to increase your Word Power? Taking a vocabulary test (GRE, GMAT, etc)? Word Power in a is an interactive flash card vocabulary builder. Designed by instructor R. Stallings, MD. 30 day satisfaction guaranteed. Order now! $32.50. or 10% discount ordered direct. SB Group, PO Box 11679, Portland 97211 (Check or Money Order), sbpgl @ Dislike your digs? Find a new pad in the ODE Classifieds! ' a) Entertainment b) The Emerald c) Fun d) All of the above is to: Horoscope by Linda C. Black TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 1). You may want to resist authority figures this year, but you'd be smarter if you learn from one. Rumors could lead to big changes in December. In Jan uary. you're the teacher and the student, too. In February, keep the most important stuff and toss the rest There's too much work in April, and an old friend comes through for you in May. In August, stop competing with a strong person and become much stronger yourself. Save September for love. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. AR’ES (March 21 -April 19) — Today isa7 — Abandon the thought of playing hooky to day. Instead, strive for perfection in everything you do. You probably won’t achieve it, but th K. The practice will be time well spent. TA RUS (April 20-May 20)— Today is a 7 — tie patient, as well as practical. Somebody's willing to argue with everything that you say even though you’re right. Money may be the root of all evil, or it may not. Today, it does seem to be the cause of a lot of confusion. GEMINI (May 21-June21)—Today is a6 — You're learning something that will be useful later. What you're studying and what you're do ing to pay the rent are most likely quite differ er however. Is it time for a career change? Do v you love, and the money will follow — ally. ER (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 7 may be slightly stressed about your fi situation. You'd like to get something body you love. It would be a thought ' ell-appreciated gesture. Keep search i fire sale — but it's not fair if you light ch. rJuly 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — ■ cute, but yon have to work hard anyway, e who won't let you have what you want l there. No point in throwing a tantrum, id, think about what you want to say be you go public with an important announce VIRGO(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is a 7 — You'll have to hustle to keep up. The deadline's looming, and you might not even know what you're doing yet. You went for the challenge, and now you have to produce the results. Get an older person, a dear friend, to give you a LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 23) — Today is a 7 — A difficulty will arise today, a little snag in the nylons of life. Somebody, perhaps who you've been dating, could bail you out of this predica ment Don't trade love for money, though. That could cause all sorts of new problems! SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)—Today is an 8 — You may feel like somebody is cramping your style. Think about it honestly, though. Is it the other person's fault or are you refusing to do what this person wants? That's your choice, of course, and it might be smart. If so, be proud of your decision. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is a 6 — You can't get where you want to go. Slog through your chores and stop complain ing. Stop daydreaming, too. Pretending you're there isn't going to make it happen sooner. Just the opposite's more likely the case. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)—Today is a 7 — How can you take care of your own needs and another person's, too, when they're contra dictory? Should you pretend that you don't care? That's not a good idea. Why not stall, in stead? Maybe something will happen that takes the heat off you — soon. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)—Today is a 5 — Compromise vyith your partner. The two of you have most likely had this same disagree ment before. At least you know what to expect. Then, wait for a shift in the other side's position. If you and your mate work together, you could PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — You're most likely swamped with work. You'd rather be out somewhere, pondering the meaning of the universe. Forget that, for now. You could gel into serious trouble if you don't pay attention. This is actually what the universe is trying to teach you, so get it! 12D MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "Give Me Five!" Run your “FOR SALE" ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! JStudent/Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds ^ Monday is Magic: Arena Night at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. Prepaid Phone Cards 398 minutes for only $20 4.9 cents per minute Vital Foods Sports & Vitamin Store 255 E 18th St - next to Starbucks Buy card, get 5% off purchase Clothes- Clothes Clothes! We buy them! The Clothes Horse Buy, Sell, Trade 720 E. 13th • 345-5099 130 CARS/TRUCKS '95 Chevy S10, X Cab, 57,000 m„ 5 speed, service contract, excellent condition. $6600.485-3731. 80-90 HONDAS FROM $500! Police impounds and tax repos. For listings call now 800-319-3323 ex.7319. 1995 Mazda 626 silver, 4 doors, cassette, 76,000 miles, $8500. Call 513-9420 1990 Honda Civic LX, 4 door, au tomatic, all records, well main tained, excellent condition! $4,900. 140,000 m. Call 984-5423. 150 TV & SOUND SYSTEMS JBL home loudspeakers, very pow erful, great bass response, 3-way. $100 obo. 741-9690. Celebrate yjaar £! c£> 'Kemind your lomd one fum special tfiety cure uritfl a personal in tfi& Classifieds! Give us a call! ODE Classifieds: 346-4343 Australia/New Zealand 2000 1 this winter term | • Adventure Study Program. • Lots of Sunshine down under! • A full term of Upper-Division Credit available. • Cultural Comparisons • Envirohmental Awareness • Activities Include Rock Climbing, Sea Kayaking, White Water Rafting, Surfing, Scuba Diving , & More. Pacific Challenge University Travel Study a phone: 541-343-4124 | Contact: Dr. Dave Wright, or Council Travel, EMU/13th i .. AUTO CRAFT Body & Paint 'li/ltesie, (ftiuility co+tteA fesiAt 411 E. 8th-EUGENE 1775 Main• SPRINGFIELD 342-5501 747-1616 150 TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 165 SPORTS EQUIPMENT TREADMILL, ProForm Crosswalk Plus; 4 spd plus manual speed pro grams, power incline adjuster, cals/ fat, cals, speed, distance, pulse time recorded. Holder for maga zines; crosswalk arm exerciser. Like new. Includes transferring war ranty to new owner. $350 obo. 461-5650 178 CHILD CARE Need a Babysitter? 10 yrs prof. exp. Avail, evenings & most weekends. Michelle 343-9036 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES mim BEWARE The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Need Extra Money Earn cash while you surf the webl Ifs absolutely Free 1. No cost • 2. No selling to to Ref# DVA-894, once logged on be sure to go the the "Press Room" & the ‘Referral Calculator." 190 OPPORTUNITIES Juniors and Seniors: Here's your chance to gain real world experience and earn upper-division credit!! Gain practical skills in local organi zations through the Career Devel opment Internship Program. Ori entation Meeting for Winter In ternships is Mon. Nov. 1, 3:30 5:00 p.m., Walnut Room-EMU. Leam about program and sign-up for interviews. Internship descrip tions in 244 Hendricks Hall, UO Career Center. Questions? Call CDIP at 346-6011. Need money for college? Search 7,000 sources for 500,000 awards. Scholarships 101 Soltware, Apple/ Windows, CD rom, #P501 $69.95, (800) 538-4834. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Jobs in Campus Recycling! Campus Recycling Now hiring work study/ tech fee funded students for positions beginning now. Contact Campus Recycling at 346-1529. Leave message with a mailing address and phone number to obtain application. Phones, mail, filing, computer work, etc. Fun, non-profit office, downtown Eugene. $7/hr, 12-15 hrs/wk. Email resume & schedule to 205 HELP WANTED Earn $400 per class each semester by simply Taking Notes! Apply online at for all sections of the following undergraduate courses: Accounting Advertising Aerospace Afro-American Studies Agricultural Air Force Science Anthropology American Studies Archaeology Architecture Art Art history Asian American Astronomy Atmospheric Biochemistry Biology Biomedical Engineering Biotechnology Calculus Chemistry Communications Comparative Literature Computer Construction Earth end Space Ecology Economics Education Engineering English Finance Geography Government Greek Studies Health Education History Journalism Judaic Studies Kinesiology Legal Studies Life Sciences Linguistics Management Marketing Microbiology Middle Eastern Studies Molecular Genetics Medieval Studies Middle Eastern Studies Nutrition Philosophy Physical Therapy Political Science Public Relations ROTC Courses Sociology Social Work Spanish Special Education Speech Women's Studies Writing Wildlife Studies Zoology • will be offering the above listed courses online ntU of charge. If you’re interested in becoming a Note Taker for a course that doesn't appear on this list, please submit an application online for review. ATTENTION MARKETING MAJORS: Currently we are hiring for a Marketing Specialist as well as Note Takers, please apply online at www.allstudente.coin GET IN GET THROUGH GET OUT UO Campus RECYCtE V ! f?