Open Daily/ 346-4331 M-F 7:45-6/Sat 10-6/Sun 12-6 comer of 13th Avenue & Kincaid Street online at VISA Tuesday, October 26th Jim Whittaker Life on the Edge 7:30 P.M. 150 Columbia Hall, DO M The first American to summit Mt. Everest in 1963, Jim Whittaker details his exciting career as adventurer, mountaineer and business person in Life on the Edge. Don’t miss this lively and interesting event! L Jjl Studying Russian on Company Time | 7:30 P.M. L( 11^ Knight Library Browsing Room \Jfm W Winner of the Oregon Book Award, mmjmRMKmj poet Clem Starck from Corvallis s will be with us to read from his latest book of poetry, Studying Russian on Company Time, he recounts, in verse and prose, his obsession with This Saturday, October 2:00-4:00 P.M. 23rd with Richard Ahlstrom |i ' Jr ou won't want to miss this hands-on airbrush painting session with. instructor Richard Ahlstrom who has traveled the state teaching airbrush. He will demonstrate the technique of creatine a reverse silhouette using objects from nature, and involve you in actually using an airbrush to create unique art (Downstairs in Art and Class Supplies) 20% Off Airbrush Paints & Mediums on Saturday, Oct 23rd Only! ARGON T770 17 inch monitor 17 “ SCREEN MONITOR $249 • 15.8” Viewable • Flat Screen Tube •. 28 Dot pitch • Three year limited warranty with Argon’s 48-hour Advance Replacement Service Baldur’s Gate™ takes you back the Forgotten Realms® campaign setting on a visually dazzling roleplaying adventure, one that brings to life the grand tradition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® game through cutting edge art and technol ogy. Immerse yourself in this quintessential medieval fantasy world, where nations hang in the balance of your actions, dark prophecies test your resolve, and heroic dreams can be fulfilled at last. ConnectixVirtual Game Station for G3 Macintosh systems (including iMacs™ and Powerbooks™) will let you play many popular PlayStation® games on your Mac. One easy-to-use application-pop PlayStation games into your G3 computer’s CD player-no additional hardware or PlayStation required. Descent™ 3 — the long-awaited sequel to the #1 hit Descent brings more pulse pounding action than ever before.Test your piloting skills against an army of battle drones and assault-bots using heavy firepower as the plot twists and turns with each daring mission. Starship Titanic - a new adventure game from Douglas Adams, the creator of The hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.An advanced civilization at the heart of our galaxy has built the biggest most beautiful starship ever, and you end up aboard, stranded. Can you solve a series of increasingly bizarre and surreal puzzles, unlock the central mystery and return to earth-and keep your sanity?! Prints from Slides! 3x5 4x6 5x7 8x10 reg 69* ea reg 99* ea reg 209 ea reg 439 ea 2 for I00 2 for/50 I00 each 400 each From 35mm color slides • Glossy finish only 3x5,4x6 and 5x7 allow 5-7 working days; 8x 10 allow 7 to 10 working days. Now thru 10/24/99 FUJICOLOR Fujicobr Crystal Archive Hi, I'm LOUIS! Louis’ goofy, (he agrees about this)! His place of origin is Prineville. He is fond of 1980’s pop tunes and is studying com puter science at the U of 0. If you need electronic stuff-see him! Hi, I'm DOUG! Doug is a music aficionado from Kansas City, MISSOURI.(That’s not Kansas, Dorothy)... He orders all our Apple Products, and is often blamed for problems he did not create! Doug’s cat’s name is BOZO. <» «itivy fin Hi, I'm JOHN! From Roseville, GA, John has a degree in graphic design and is a demon with computer output. He is also a GIANT Macintosh fan MUCH more than Steve Jobs and those other Mac guys down in Sunnyvale. Hi, I'm CURTIS! A high-octane worker, Curtis seems calm even when he is not. Curtis orders all our PC’s and at least 80% of the products in electronics. His hometown is beautiful Buhl, Idaho. Mi, I'm GARY/ Gary’s an apple authorized service technician and he owns a dozen Mac CX’s that don’t work. He hails from the Bay Area. The other guys say he tends to wax philosophical... Stop in when you have some time...