Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 19, 1999, Page 4A, Image 4

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    Judaic Studies program to host events, lectures
The Judaic Studies program
will work toward establishing
a foundation for itself while
at the same time hosting a
variety of events including a
lecture by Judith Baski
By Tony Papillo
lor the Emerald
In an effort to kick off its first
full year in existence, the Judaic
Studies program is offering a va
riety of events and lectures.
Tonight the program will intro
duce its series of events with an
address by renowned scholar Ju
dith Baskin at 7:30 p.m. in the
Gerlinger Alumni Lounge.
Baskin’s lecture, titled “The Sex
ual Politics of Piety: Studying Me
dieval Jewish Women,” is free
and open to the public, said
Matthew Dennis, program co-di
The program was established at
the University last year, primarily
with funds from the Harold and
Arlene Schnitzer CARE Founda
tion. Core courses for the program
started being offered this Septem
ber through the College of Arts
and Sciences.
Dennis said he is working to
further solidify the program’s cur
riculum throughout the school
“The importance for this year,
is to get a firm foundation,
through core courses offered on a
cooperative basis with other de
partments and programs within
the College of Arts and Sciences,
” he said.
The program is an interdiscipli
nary academic program that fo
cuses on studying Jewish civiliza
tion and its influence on history,
culture and thought.
Dennis said he hopes the pro
gram will continue to expand its
student base, while still maintain
ing a commitment to contributing
to the liberal arts education at the
University. In order to accom
plish this, Dennis said plans are
underway to hire new faculty and
enhance the development of the
program’s core courses.
Judaic Studies Professor Don
Levi said he is excited to see the
level of enthusiasm in the stu
“There are students from all
over the campus, with varying
backgrounds, not just those with a
major in the Program of Judaic
Studies. They are interested in
studying religion, Christianity,
and the influences of Judaism on
all parts of the world, “ he said.
Professor Jonathan Skolnik said
he sees a need to build up the pro
“The students I interact with in
my courses all seem excited and
engaged by the material present
ed,” Skolnik said. The desire still
lies in hiring more faculty to
teach in the program.”
Dennis added that he hopes
speakers like Baskin will help im
prove the program’s visibility on
Baskin is a professor in
Judaic Studies at the University of
Albany. Her various honors as a
professor include a 1992 Educa
tion Endowment Award from the
Women’s Institute for Continuing
Jewish Education and a 1993
Chancellor’s Award for Excel
lence in Teaching from the State
University System of New York.
According to Dennis, Baskin
will explore how women in me
dieval Jewish communities had
limitations in almost all realms of
society. But Baskin will also ex
amine ways in which these
women were still able to integrate
themselves into the mainstream
of Christian Europe.
For more information
about the lecture or the Judaic
Studies program, call 346-3950.
Reported from Oct. 11 to Oct. 17
■ Oct. 11: Shoplift I, 700 block of East 13th Av
enue, items stolen.
■ Oct. 12: Shoplift II/Harassment, 800 block East
13th Avenue, University Bookstore, items stolen.
■ Oct. 14: Trespass I, 800 block of East 13th Av
enue, University Bookstore, items stolen.
■ Oct. 16: Disorderly Conduct, 700 block of East
21st Avenue.
■ Oct. 16: Assault IV, 700 block of E. 16th Av
enue, victim assaulted at residence.
■ Oct. 17: Criminal Trespass II, North soccer
field near Autzen footbridge, illegal trespassing.
■ Oct. 17: Assault IV of a public safety officer,
corner of University Street and East 18th Avenue,
subject arrested for assaulting officer.
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The Oregon Daily Emerald is published daily
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Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the
Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. Inc., at the
University ot Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. A member of
the Associated Press, the Emerald operates inde
pendently of the University with offices in Suite 300
of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is private
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