Pilots Continued from Page 3E land signed defender Lauren Or lando, who scored the game-win ning goal for the U.S. Under-21 national team to win the Nordic Cup. Also added was forward Erin Misaki, who was the Califor nia Southern Section offensive player of the year her senior sea son of high school. Internationally, the Pilots had success as well, signing two play ers with World Cup experience. Susanna Heikari is the starting forward for Finland’s national team, and Lisa Casagrande has started for Australia in both the 1995 and 1999 World Cups. With six 1998 NCAA Tourna ment participants on the Pilots schedule, Portland still chose to travel down Interstate Highway 5 to take on the Ducks, who have never appeared in the tournament. Oregon played one of its best games last season at Portland, holding the Pilots scoreless until six minutes left in the game in a 1 0 loss. Could that have been the begin ning of a budding rivalry? Accord ing to Charles, Oregon’s program has the foundation for future success, “Oregon has the ability [in the future] to be just as successful as we are,” Charles said. “They have a good school, a quality program and facility and the Northwest is a great place to live in my opin ion.” Steffen, who said Oregon is “a couple players away” from Port land’s level, insisted this Ducks team has a different mentality than seasons past. “Last year, we were happy to tie Portland for most of the game be fore losing,” Steffen said. “We won’t accept playing tough and losing — we want to play tough and win.” Tennis Continued from Page 7E wins in the Pac-10.” On the women’s side, Griffin is looking to build on last season’s upset of South Florida in the NCAA tournament. The Ducks who finished No. 48, look to fin ish in the top 30 this season. Despite graduating the bottom half of his lineup, Griffin feels that the players he has coming in are just as good, if not better, than the ones who departed. “Amy Juppenlatz has been ranked in the top-65 kids in the country,” Griffin said. Monica Gieczys from Poland also comes in as a highly regarded player. She was one of the top two juniors in Poland last year, a simi lar ranking to the Ducks’ No. 1 player, Alina Wygonowska, when she came to Oregon. Griffin hopes that the influx of talent and the experience of the re turning players will be a good mix. One of the team’s key members, Sarah Colistro, who played No. 3 last season before going down with a knee injury, has just started playing again. “With the seven players we have, and if Sarah is healthy, it looks like the best team we’ve had since I’ve been here,” Griffin said. “And if we get a solid player in January, it could be a top-25 year for us. ” Bring your textbook information to Smith Family Bookstore • Author • Title • Edition Well help you find used copies that wilt save you $$$ Sell us those texts, paperbacks & magazines you no longer use. One block from campus (above Rainbow Optics) 768 E. 13th • (S41) 345-1651 ii-UI'O to School (WAS, M^pS JaebsKlothes, Rain ^ Helmets, Pumps, Hutch's-Chamelton 960 Chamelton 345-7521 Hutch's-Springfield 2100 Main St 741-2453 High St Bicydes 535 High St 687-1775 www.highstreetbicycles.com Don't miss Hutch's Rack & Roll too! 681-3554 r PREREQUISITE: ADRENALINE Drive. Intensity. Those aren't words you're likely to see in many course requirements. Then again Army ROTC is unlike any other elective. It's hands-on excitement. ROTC will challenge you mentally and physically through in character, confience and de cision-making skills. Again, words other courses seldom use. But they're the credits you need to succeed in life. ROTC is open to freshmen and sophomores without obliga tion and requires about five tense leadership training. Training that builds your hours per week. Register this term for Army ROTC. lIXCELLENCgJ ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE Sign up for MS 121 or 221 today! Call CPT Rich Lewis at 346-ROTC. E-mail: army@oregon.uoregon.edu