Internet is a good resource for researching employers Numerous sites offer information to students looking for jobs By Victor Runyan Oregon Daily Emerald It is almost summer again — and time to find a job for most University graduates. Students can get help finding jobs from or ganizations on the Internet and on campus. Some Web sites offer assis tance in finding information about companies that are hiring. Other sites allow students to send their resumes to be part of a database that companies look through to find prospective .em ployees. But the most effective strategy for graduating students may be found in older methods for find ing jobs, said Lawrence Smith, director of the University Career Center. Smith said the Internet is not the only way to get this informa tion. His advice for dealing with employment Web sites is to shop around and ask if the service pro vided on the Web site is worth the price. “You still have to look some one in the eye and tell them why you want to work for them,” Smith said. But the Internet is a powerful research tool that allows students to cut a large amount of time off their search for information about companies that are hiring, Smith said. To take advantage of the growing wealth of informa tion, the Career Center provides links to various free resources on the Internet. The criteria for inclusion on J. Student chosen to be congressional intern * Junior Teresa Garcia has been selected as a Morris K. Udall Na tive American Summer Con gressional Intern. The Morris K. Udall Scholar ship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Founda tion awards the 10-week intern ships each summer to 12 Native American graduate and law school students. Garcia, a double major in in ternational studies and environ mental studies, is one of the youngest students ever chosen for the program. She will serve as an intern to Rep. Mark Udall (D-Colo.). She is a descendant of the Pas ora Yaqui nation in Arizona. Gar cia was chosen for her scholastic excellence and because of her in volvement in the Native Ameri can community. She is co-direc tor of the University’s Native American Student Union. At the end of the internship, Garcia will receive a $1,200 scholarship. She'll also receive round-trip airfare to Washing ton, D.C., lodging and reim bursement for her living expens es while there. a You still have to look someone in the eye and tell them why you want to work for them. ** Lawrence Smith Career Center director the Career Center’s Web page is that Web sites have to be free, have unique content and serve University students’ interest. One of the many Web sites to offer help, at a price, is Wet It offers help with re searching top companies. Jennifer Wulfstat, marketing manager for, said the Web site offers students quality information and saves them time. Instead of having to research information about what a company does or what type of employees it looks for, students can get it prepack aged. “We’ve done it all for the job seekers,” she said. Looking for work often takes time that college students do not have, Wulfstat said. The Web site’s services are split into two parts: free company profiles and a listing of books with testimoni als from the company’s employ ees. Other books displayed on the site offer career advice on topics such as communication skills and asking for a raise. Most of the books retail for $15 to $30, with a $10 discount for stu dents. Students who prefer to do their own research can find several tools available at the University and on the Internet for free. Com pany Web sites often provide in formation about the company and the jobs it has available. Oth er sources of information include reference materials in the Knight Library that offer profiles of com panies and industries, Smith said. The Career Center offers sever al resources including a room of binders and video tapes with profiles of companies that recruit on campus. Smith said the Internet is a useful tool for those looking for work, but it does not guarantee success. Easy access to abun dance of information on the In ternet should not encourage stu dents to delay searching for jobs on the Web or by more tradition al means, he said. Web site Continued from Page 1 and humorous essays on the movie by various fans and Cole man’s own collection of answers to frequently asked questions about the movie. According to Coleman’s com puter log searches, a recent count of the raw number of files being sent out by the Gladstone server found that about one of ten were from his site. Previous figures showed about one of 25 were from his site. Coleman attributes the increase to the development of an upcom ing sequel by Thomas Harris to his book “Silence of the Lambs” — which the movie is based on — called “Hannibal.” Other University students also maintain Web sites. Dyn§e Putnam, a sophomore Italian major, has a Web site for the University gaming club and another site for the second-year Italian program. She said she feels that comput er and Web site-building skills are vital for the modem University student. “They won’t survive in the real world without a computer,” Put nam said. Putnam said she feels that the type of skills students learn by making Web sites will help to make the University look better, because its students are express ing themselves through Web pages. Each student is allotted 10 megabytes of space for a Web site, and Putnam said she regrets more students do not use it. She said the language used to create them is easy to learn, and Web sites such as Coleman’s can be enter taining. “It’s quite comical,” Putnam said. For more information on creat ing a Web page, contact the Com puting Center at 346-4403. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Special Election for our Freshman Board Position Cast Your Vote Today in our Bookstore lobby or at the EMU 8:36-5:06 All current UO faculty, students & staff may vote Laura Close Hi Folks, For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Laura Close, and I’m running for the Freshman position on the U of 0 Bookstore Board. My focus is on student needs and assuring that student satisfaction with the Bookstore remains high. The Bookstore is an important part of campus life, be it for text books, gifts, duck gear, tabling, etc. I’m looking forward to serving on the Board and serving student interests. One of the biggest issues facing the Bookstore right now is corporate dominance. Many other universities have had chain stores (I’m not mentioning names, but think malls) purchase their bookstores. The University of Oregon administration has also been approached on this matter as well. When corporations control your Bookstore, they also control the prices. Keeping prices reasonable on our text books and working to keep the bookstore an autonomous organization in this time of corporate interference is my top priority. Vote for an independent, student-serving Bookstore, Vote Laura Close for the Freshman position, U of 0 Bookstore. Nicole Chinn My name is Nicole Chinn and I am a Freshman at the U of 0.1 plan on majoring in Psychology. My minor will focus on two subjects: Spanish and Business. My intent is to go into social work after I have completed a masters degree in Psychology. I have been nominated for the freshman Board position at the Bookstore. I want to receive a wide variety of experience through involving myself within the University. I am a very goal-oriented, self-motivated person, and have excellent communication skills. I work very efficiently with people, and I think this shows through my previous experience as a youth mediator with Clackamas County Family Services. With this position I worked with troubled teens and their parents to help them communicate with each other. Currently at the U of 01 am a peer advisor for the Psychology Department, and am actively involved with extracurricular activities. I truly enjoy working with people and helping them solve problems. From my previous experience I feel I would be an excellent asset to the Bookstore Board. I would do my very best to communicate the issues of the board with my peers and bring those issues to the board to help make the Bookstore a better place. My goal is to represent the students at the U of 0 in the best way possible. Thank you very much, and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of spring term!