Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1999, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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Cast Your Vote for Your ’99-’00 Bookstore Board
May 12th & 13th at the UO Bookstore and the EMU
Open to all current UO faculty, students and staff
Freshman Position
(1 person to bo elected for a 2-year term)
Nicole Chinn
My name is Nicole Chinn and I am a Freshman at
the U of 0.1 plan on majoring in Psychology. My
minor will focus on two subjects: Spanish and
Business. My intent is to go into social work after I
have completed a masters degree in Psychology. I
have been nominated for the freshman Board posi
tion at the Bookstore. I want to receive a wide vari
ety of experience through involving myself within
the University. I am a very goal-oriented, self-motivated person,
and have excellent communication skills. I work very efficiently
with people, and I think this shows through my previous experi
ence as a youth mediator with Clackamas County Family Services.
With this position I worked with troubled teens and their parents
to help them communicate with each other. Currently at the U of 0
I am a peer advisor for the Psychology Department, and am active
ly involved with extracurricular activities. I truly enjoy working
with people and helping them solve problems. From my previous
experience I feel I would be an excellent asset to the Bookstore
Board. I would do my very best to communicate the issues of the
board with my peers and bring those issues to the board to help
make the Bookstore a better place. My goal is to represent the stu
dents at the U of 0 in the best way possible. Thank you very much,
and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of spring term!
Laura Close
Hi Folks,
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is
Laura Close, and I’m running for the Freshman posi
tion on the U of 0 Bookstore Board. My focus is on
student needs and assuring that student satisfac
tion with the Bookstore remains high. The Bookstore
is an important part of campus life, be it for text
books, gifts, duck gear, tabling, etc. I’m looking for
ward to serving on the Board and serving student interests.
One of the biggest issues facing the Bookstore right now is cor
porate dominance. Many other universities have had chain stores
(I’m not mentioning names, but think malls) purchase their book
stores. The University of Oregon administration has also been
approached on this matter as well. When corporations control your
Bookstore, they also control the prices. Keeping prices reasonable
on our text books and working to keep the bookstore an
autonomous organization in this time of corporate interference is
my top priority.
Vote for an independent, student-serving Bookstore,
Vote Laura Close for the Freshman position, U of 0 Bookstore.
Sophomore Position
12 people to be elected for a 2-year term)
Robyn Hamilton
Statement not available.
Photo not available.
Mary Elizabeth Madden
The Bookstore is at an exciting stage of growth. The
Internet has created new opportunities for expan
sion services. I would like to help guide the
Bookstore through this exciting time. As a campus
bookstore, it needs to work to serve students as
much as it possibly can. This includes keeping prices
as low as possible, supplying the goods and services
wanted and needed by students, and providing stu
dents with an opportunity to offer their input. Serving on the
Bookstore’s Board of Directors will enable me to work for the stu
dents’ interests.
Faculty Position
11 person to bo elected for a 2-year term)
Stu Thomas
The U of 0 Bookstore Board will face some tough
decisions over the next two years. Drying this time
it is important that there be some continuity of
membership on the Board of Directors. As one of the
three non-student members I can provide that conti
nuity, as well as a sense of perspective.
During my years on the Board I believe I have
brought to the Board a rather unique outlook. I am a
faculty member who orders books. I also coordinate all the orders
for my department. I am thus intimately familiar with the prob
lems faced by both faculty and the coursebook staff at the store.
On occasion I have utilized this experience to help both faculty
and the Bookstore staff resolve difficulties. I hope to continue this
work over the next two years.
Graduate Position
(1 person for a 2-year term)
Jonathan Kujawa
15gjj~“~j The University Bookstore is a co-op owned by the
students, faculty and staff of the University of
Hp* Oregon. I firmly believe the Bookstore should always
El be operated with its members in mind. To this end,
yjMt| the Bookstore should provide the products and serv
IpS ices the members want with the best service and
am! lowest prices possible.
I advocate ongoing surveys, an e-mail address for
comments and suggestions and encouraging the members to con
tact myself and others on the Board. This way the Bookstore can
stay in tune with the changing needs of its members.
As a graduate student who both takes and teaches classes, I am
in an excellent position to work at ensuring the Bookstore serves
the needs of both students and staff. I appreciate the need to have
a Bookstore which can provide texts and other supplies at compet
itive prices.
More books for less money. Enough said.
Graduate Student Position
(1 person for a 1-year term to complete the second hairof a 2-year term)
Alan J. LeClair
I am a Master’s in Business Administration student
at the U of 0 so becoming a member of the
Bookstore Board gives me a chance to put my skills
to action in the real world.
I have been a resident of Eugene for over 20
years and I have seen the Bookstore grow at an
enormous rate. I also received my Bachelor of
Science degree from the U of 0 so I have a great deal
of experience in dealing with the Bookstore from a student’s per
It is my goal to make the Bookstore an even better place for stu
dents to do their shopping. In the wake of the Internet and online
book sales it is vital that the Bookstore prove to its owners (you)
that it is still the best place to do business.
Alan J.
n person for a 1-year term to complete the second half of a 2-year term]
Nathan Buehler
Many of you are probably not even planning on vot
ing in the upcoming Bookstore Board elections. I’ll
assume this is because you didn’t know they were
coming up. Now that you are aware of the elections, I
ask... no, I implore you to participate and speak out
for the way you want the Bookstore to serve you!
Here’s a little more info for you:
• The board plays integral role in the quality of
products and services you receive from the bookstore.
• If elected, I will bring charisma, knowledge, and dedication to
the board.
• I am a senior, mooring in Business Administration with a con
centration in Sports Marketing.
• I’ve had many friends on the Board, so I know how it works as
well as ways to make it better.
Vote Big...Vote Buehler.
Kenneth Best
My name is Ken Best and this is my third time run
ning for a spot on the UO Bookstore Board. Despite
my previous losses in the last two years, I am run
ning again because I know I can do good things as a
Board member.
In talking to students on campus, I have noticed a
negative attitude towards the Bookstore. Since the
Bookstore is student/faculty owned, it is imperative
that it responds to the concerns that students have. However,
there must be an open line of communication between the
Bookstore and its members in order to address these issues. The
Bookstore is here because of us, and for us, and should be very
responsive to the demands of the students.
I feel very strongly that our Bookstore can meet the needs and
expectations of the students and serve the University well. I am
asking you to vote for me, Ken Best, for the Student-at-Large posi
tion because I believe I can do a great deal to help reach that goal.
Thank you.
Bill Holbura
The reason I want to serve you as a member of the
Bookstore’s Board of Directors is because of my love
for books. Perhaps Henry Miller most accurately
captures my sentiment for books with his assertion
that “a book is a part of life, a manifestation of life,
just as much as a tree or a horse or a star. It obeys
its own rhythms, its own laws, whether it be a novel,
a play, or a diary. The deep hidden rhythm of life is
always there - that of the pulse, the heart beat.” I intend to bring
this passion to the Board, and offer those of you who share my
passion a voice in the direction of its endeavors. The Bookstore is
a non-profit organization independent of the university that is
owned by the students. My mandate is to make your needs the
objective of the Bookstore, such as dramatically lowering the cost
of new and used textbooks and increasing the discount on general
books another ten percent. I want to be your voice in these meas
ures. After all, it’s your store. And your choice.
Now that I have your attention... Just kidding.
Really, the Bookstore Board elections are some
thing that does directly affect you.Though the
Bookstore is independent of the University, they
make decisions regarding store merchandise, pricing
and services based upon the input of an elected board comprised
of U of 0 students and faculty. Your vote, therefore, has a huge
impact on how your resources will be spent in the next year. As
students, we have a wonderful opportunity to elect people we trust
to set policies and direction for the Bookstore that strives to meet
our scholastic needs at a reasonable cost. So, get to the polls. Your
vote does matter.
I, Christy Schwerin, am running for the Student-at-Large posi
tion. I am a junior studying Journalism and History I hope, one
day, to work in the book industry, so being part of the Board would
give me experience, but more than that, I want to get involved with
our Bookstore because it is a huge resource for the campus. I want
to work with the Bookstore to meet our needs in an affordable
Heath Hutto
Statement not available.
Photo not available.
Keith Richardson
I believe that the student body of the U of 0 should
consider me for the Student-at-Large position on the
Bookstore Board. I have many attributes to offer
that make me a good candidate for this position.
Among my qualifications are; involvement in a vari
ety of student and campus groups, I’m a diligent
worker who consistently receives grades above a
3.0,1 have good people skills, and I’m a a senior who
has gained valuable campus experience over my four years here. I
have seen the Bookstore as a consistent presence in the lives of
university students and see the many needs that it meets. I have
developed a sincere interest in the Bookstore’s affairs and the
niche it fills. I would also like to represent the university students
to the Bookstore and work with it to better meet the needs and
services desired by the students.
Dan Reid
Statement not available
Did you knowP
Your non-profit Bookstore has always been governed
by a board of directors of students faculty and staff?
895 E.13th Ave. • 346-4331 • M-F 7:45-6, Sat 10-6, Sunl2-6