Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 15, 1999, Page 18, Image 18

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Continued from Page 1
Iowa State point guard Stacy
Frese committed a rare turnover
on the Cyclones’ next possession
and Oregon forward Angelina
Wolvert converted two free
throws for the Ducks to bring Ore
gon within three points.
But the No. 16 Ducks would
not score again for four minutes as
the Cyclones exploited the Pac
10’s top-rated defense for seven
straight points and extended their
lead to 57-47.
“Our defense is what has won
us games all season,” Bowyer
said. “It’s disappointing that we
lost the last game of the season be
cause of our defense.”
It was anybody’s game in the
first half as the two teams traded
baskets for the first 10 minutes.
Oregon jumped out to an early 6-2
lead on two three-pointers by
freshman Shaquala Williams.
Iowa State guard Megan Taylor
countered with a three-pointer
that gave the Cyclones a 7-6 lead.
The score was bed four times in
the first half — the last coming at
22-22 — but Iowa State went on a
16-1 run from that point and nev
er looked back. The Cyclones led
48-38 at halftime.
"That was the most critical part
of the game,” Iowa State head
(( Our defense is what
has won us games all
season. It’s disappointing
that we lost the last game
of the season because of
our defense. **
Lisa Bowyer
Oregon guard
coach Bill Fennelly said. “Before
that it was back and forth. Obvi
ously I didn’t make a good defen
sive decision and we left Shaq
Williams open for two three
pointers. But we made some ad
justments and that was a telltale
part of the game.”
Jenny Mowe led Oregon, shoot
ing nine for nine from the field
and two for three from the free
throw line. Mowe finished with a
team-high 20 points, but managed
only four rebounds.
“Their posts were more athlet
ic than we expected,” Mowe said.
“They got quite a few points and
were really aggressive on the
Iowa State center Angie Welle
led all scorers with 21 points and
had 10 rebounds. The Cyclones
outrebounded the Ducks, 38-24,
including 15 offensive boards.
“All week long we heard how
physical and how big Oregon
was,” Welle said. “I took that as a
challenge. I just wanted to match
them physically. I didn't care if I
scored or got rebounds, I just
wanted to match them.”
Oregon 65, Cincinnati 56
The Ducks tied a school
record with their 25th win be
hind 14 points and 13 rebounds
from sophomore Brianne Mehar
ry on Friday. It was Oregon’s
first NCAA Tournament victory
since beating San Diego State in
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Attention Greeks! Last chance to
order photos from last weekend's
events. Be sure to turn your envel
opes in today. Wally Kempe & As
sociates 344-6750
Congratulations to our winning
team ol Kappa Delta's 9th Annual
Shamrock Basketball Tournament.
Thanks "Out Ol Shape” for sup
porting us.
KA Girls
Congratulations and thank you to
Michelle and Jen tor making
Shamrock successful and tun.
Your Sisters
Horoscope by Frances Drake
For Monday, March 15, 1999
(March 21 to April 19)
Friends, family or workers are acting
exceptionally helpful. It’s nice that
people close to you appreciate how
much you mean to them.
(April 20 to May 20)
Potential problems at work or at home
might cause some power struggles,
but all is not lost. The evening looks
much better for you, so indulge in
something that makes you happy.
(May 21 to June 20)
This is an excellent day to communi
cate your great ideas and put together
plans for the future. A little charm and
tact goes a long way.
(June 21 to July 22)
Your decision-making process ben
efits when you use your head rather
than your heart. When you see clearly,
you know you are doing the right
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Relationships might be weighing a
bit heavy, but things will improve. It’s
OK to have different opinions, but
don’t let that get in the way of caring
and shanng with each other.
(Aug 23 to Sept. 22)
Why not let your hair down and live
a little?Things may be a little off-kilter,
but that shouldn’t stop you from hav
ing a little bit of fun.
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
You’re feeling especially creative and
energetic Others envy your original
ity, soexpress yourself freely. If people
don’t understand you, don’t let it stop
you from pursuing your goals.
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Listen carefully to input from others,
but take action only when it's best for
you. You know what's best for you,
and sometimes that means taking time
to explore the facts instead of acting
with haste.
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
This is a great day to spend alone. If
you can sneak away and spend some
time for yourself, you will enjoy it
immensely. Look back in time and see
how far you’ve come.
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
You feel as if you're soaring on cloud
nine, but check your reality for a minute.
Anything seems possible, so why not
take some time to lay the groundwork
for getting something you desperately
want and deserve?
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
A true visionary, you are a crusader
for change. You might have immediate
goals for work or at home, but thinking
on a broader scale will reap bigger
rewards. Your devotion and passion
do not go unnoticed
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
You’re feeling particularly creative,
and your mind is reeling. Messages
from the sensory world are sharp and
rife with meaning.
and empathy are your strengths, but
make sure that others are worthy of
your special attention. You have an
exceptional capacity for social toler
ance and warmth, but be careful to not
be too self-sacrificing along the way.
Your intuition is incredible, and you
see things that others miss.
Birthdate of: Michelangelo, genius/
artist/sculptor; Andrew Jackson, sev
enth president of the United States;
Judd Hirsch. actor
© 1999 King Features Syndicate Inc
Happy 27th Birthday to you,
You might think you caught up
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Love, Manami
All expenses paid,
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Must possess a sense
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20 scholarships at $2,500 will be
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Call YWCA 346-4439 for more info.
Work Study position available
starling 3/29. Fun place to work as
kitchen assistant at the Coop Fam
ily Center. Please call 346-7400.
University Scheduling is seeking
a motivated student for the posi
tion ot supervisor. Starting pay:
$6.50/hr. It interested, stop by
Univ. Scheduling (EMU) for a job
description and to fill out an appli
cation. Deadline date 3/29/99.
Willamalane Park & Recreation
District seeks Program Leader to
help in Teen Center and with
dances. 3 to 6 hrs/wk, $8.00
SI 0.40/hr. Applications at Admin
Bldg. 200 S. Mill St., Springfield,
OR. Drug-free workplace. EOE
campus apartment complex. Posi
tion opens mid March with a com
mitment ot at least one year re
quired. Experience not required.
Rent +salary. Send resume to P.O.
Box 11468, Eugene, OR 97440.
The Emerald is seeking a Uni
versity student interested in joining
its staff as a photographer. Applic
ants must be enrolled in classes at
the University and be available to
work about 30 hours a week. Pho
tography, photo editing and basic
writing experience is a must. Appli
cations and job descriptions can
be picked up in the Emerald office
in Suite 300 ot the EMU on the
third floor. Deadline for applications
is Monday, March 15. Please in
clude a resume and five examples
of your work. The Oregon Daily
Emerald is an equal opportunity
employer committed to a culturally
diverse workplace.
By Scott Adams
. IT'S HIS 0(*>N