Eastman steps down as WSU men’s hoops coach uy JonnK. wuey The Associated Press PULLMAN, Wash. — Washing ton State men’s basketball coach Kevin Eastman resigned Wednes day, saying “common sense and reality” dictated the move. WSU athletic director Rick Dickson made the announcement a day after firing women’s basket ball coach Harold Rhodes and four days after the men’s team finished the season in the Pacific-10 Con ference cellar at 4-14. "Emotion didn’t even play a part in this thing... common sense and reality did,” Eastman said of his decision. "And reality is, re cruiting would have been very dif ficult under the circumstances, and recruiting is the lifeblood of any program.” Dickson said he hoped to have replacements announced for East man and Rhodes around the time of the men’s NCAA Final Four, which begins March 27. Eastman said he gave Dickson a list of possible successors and ac knowledged that Gonzaga head coach Dan Monson was on it. Dickson said he had not yet con tacted any prospective coaches for either job but had begun assem bling a campus panel to help con duct the searches. Reached at the NCAA regional tournament in Seattle, Monson said he would assess his opportu nities after the season ends. “I don’t have any interest in any job right now. I’ve got a great one,” Monson said. "I love it at Gonza ga. I haven’t thought of any other job.” Eastman, 43, said he resigned rather than face the "heavy, heavy scrutiny and maybe some crazi ness” in the final year of a five year contract that was extended for a year after the Cougars’ 1996 NIT appearance. He said he wanted to avoid hurting the chances of his return ing players because of poor re cruiting. “We were getting hit pretty hard this year in recruiting,” he said. “We were getting hammered big time.” Eastman said he called the coaches or parents Tuesday night of four prep recruits who commit ted early to WSU to tell them of his decision. Dickson said Eastman agreed to step down after a meeting Tues day to evaluate the season. “In that process, Kevin and I came to the agreement on exactly the status of our program and where we were,” Dickson told a news conference. “I did not ask for his resignation," Dickson said. “At his estimation, this was the best direction to go. ” Eastman said the recent disap pointments led to his decision. “With some of the knocks we took this year both on the floor and in other areas, and what maybe surrounds the program be cause of those knocks, recruiting would have been very difficult,” he said. “I want our guys to be very suc cessful. I think we are quite close to having the type of season we would want to have. ... However, we are not there yet. “I think you have to really think about those you’re leading, and I think you have to make decisions based on what's best for them,” he said. 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Complete Resume Services Cover letters • resumes • thank you notes Business Basics 484-9903 ODE Cbissifiuls.. jixjtu tiian justaplacc for the crossword Horoscope by Frances Drake For Thursday, March 11, 1999 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although you may be frustrated with your job, you should not give up yet. Throw yourself into your work, and encourage others to do the same. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You are able to absorb an enormous amount of detailed information and then file it away in your brain for later use Now is the time to read the com puter manual you've been dreading to GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You may feel uncomfortable about being the subject of a discussion. How ever, an inner feeling of confusion or dissatisfaction can be dissolved if you're willing to talk about it. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Something may threaten the sanc tity of your home or your relationship. 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Box 11468, Eugene, OR 97440. RECREATION LEADERS working with students with developmental disabilities, school year 10-15hrs/ wk. some Sats., breaks and sum mer 30-40hrs/wk. $7/hr. Apply The Arc of Lane County. 45 W. Broad way #205, Eugene, EOE Dilbert By Scott Adams '"lAY ASTROLOGER TOLD /AE TO APPROVE YOUR PROTECT PLAN /" AS IS. f _- J fa E WHM'TI THM-'S THE? CORRECT DECISION. OOHAT'S GOING ON ^ HERE ? j-—-J W THEORY IS THAT ^ HIS IGNORANCE CLOUOEO HIS POOR JUDGMENT, j——-J