Y2K Continued from Page 1 “We’re dealing with human na ture here, and the key issue here is we don’t knowhow people are go ing to react,” Osanka said. “You could have a lot of strangeness go ing around as people get crazy.” Technological concerns domi nate the list of current troubles, but some religious groups believe the apocalypse is near. This was the primary fear for those who lived through the first millennium change in the years 999 to 1000. “It was frightening,” said histo ry professor John Nicols. “They thought it was going to be the end ofthe world." Nicols said people today have grown up with the folklore sur rounding the end of human exis tence. But back in medieval times religious visionaries truly believed that Christ’s second coming would be the end, the final judgment. To prepare for the first millen nium, people increased their vis its to the local confessional, prac ticed self-flagellation as punishment for their sins and construction of long-term projects ceased, Nicols said. Most beliefs were related to reli gion, but some people relied on the calendar and numerical mysticism. “The sense of 1000, the number element in Ylk, isn’t prevalent to day as it was back then,” Nicols said. “People take these ideas of an order, a kind of mathematical order underlying the physical world as a pattern.” Even computer experts don’t know what will really happen this time around, but the day of the first millennium was a day like any other. “It was a normal day like any other and people quickly forgot it,” he said. For skeptics who believe this will be the case again, Osanka ad vised to assume the worst and hope for the best. “We’re dealing with a world that is increasingly complex and things are more and more inter connected,” Osanka said. “I know enough about computers and the interconnectedness of things that I’m nervous.” Today’s Events Wednesday, March 10 N The New Wedge Tno will per form at 6 p.m. at the University Museum of Art. Refreshments will be served. ■ The Baptist Student Union will be holding a Bible study from 1 to 2 p.m. in EMU Century A. ■ The Multicultural Center is holding a Multicultural law Day from 4:30 to 9 p.m. in the EMU Fir Room. ■ The Jewish Student Union is sponsoring an Israeli dancing event from 7 to 10 p.m. in the EMU Walnut Room. R E C Y C L E E C Oregon vs. Georgia Tech. First Round N.I.T. Mac Court. Tonite. 9pm. Student Tickets Remain! Don’t miss out on the ultimate study break with thousands of your dearest, deranged friends. Get your $4 student N. I. T. Basketball tickets by visiting the Cas Center Ticket Office today. Open 9am. Check JJs Out! Find out for yourself why more students choose Ducks Village 005761 for their home away from home! Applications for next year are now available, so come check us out. Our offices are open M-F, 8-5 and Sat 9-1, or email us at: ducksvillage@earthlink.net, 3225 Kinsrow Ave, 485-7200 Campus Special ^Ne. la \zc;q. 2-t^ppiNc; p\zz^ ONE GREAT PRICE prices subject to change ^SefrvereA, @n (?4.pu.fjn& Dnty USTO APPRECIATION Wednesdays MED ONE TOPPING PIZZA CARRY OUT awo amt 4:00 MO »jh 143-3030 461 1850 13TH Ave 1580 746-3030 485-5675 1135 Mohawk Ave 2280 W 18(h St. ON COLLEGE LIFE: YOU COULD START YOUR PAPER THE NIGHT BEFORE and still get your full three hours of sleep. kinko'r Express Yourself." BLACK & WHITE COPIES Rictivt M/Ta II*M- dr satt-sarro. black and whits capias on whlta bond for just J* sack No liimt Uttar ts lanrtad ta ana coupon par custamar Customar must relinquish coupon at time at purchasa Coupon may not ba raproducad and is not valid with attar coupons, oftars or dis counts Ottar valid at Uma ot purchasa only and may not ba dlscountad or craditad ta past or lutura purchases Products and sanrtcas vary by lacatton Coupon void where prohibitad or rastrictad by law Ha cash ralua AAC831 VALID AT KINKO’S LISTED LOCATION ONLY. kMcoJs' Expires 6/30/99 344-3555 1265 WILLAMETTE 24 HOURS/ 7 DAYS A WEEK • WWW.KINKOS.COM • 1 800 2-KINKOS Products and services vary by location.® 1199 Rinko's, Inc. Kioto's and Kioto's Express Your sell ait registered trademarks of Rinko's Venturas. Inc and art used by parmission. All rlqhts reserved Rinko's requires orittan permission from the copynqht holder in order to reproduce any copynqhted «ork