STOREWIDE SALE! 20%-70 -off Ski Equipment Downhill • Cross Country Snowboards ONNOW! BaiqV/kll'hop Open Mon-Sat 10-7 13th & Lawrence *683-1300 SCORPIO Will an old friend appear today? find out in the ODE Classifieds, every day! Tournament Continued from Page 9 numbers are up to 12.3 points and nearly 10 boards per game. Joining Jones down low is Jason Collier, who entered Indiana to much fanfare three years ago but transferred to Georgia Tech last season, reportedly because of an adversarial relationship with Hoosiers head coach Bobby Knight. “Things didn’t work out at In diana, but he’s matured a lot since then,” Cremins said. Collier earned all-ACC honors after scoring 17.5 points and pulling down seven rebounds per game this season, although the Yellow Jackets managed just a .500 record after losing to North Carolina in the first round of the ACC Tournament on Friday. “It's been a difficult year for us, but we’re still hanging in there.” Collier said. “This will be good for us, because it’s a postseason tournament, and it helps playing in March.” Despite being 7 feet tall and 250 pounds, Collier is fourth in three point attempts on the team this season. Tagged with the unenvi able task of shadowing Collier tonight for Oregon is 6-foot-8 A.D. Smith. “1 think he’ll be a little similar to Bobby Lazor, being a real skilled big man who can shoot the ball,” Smith said in reference to Arizona State’s all-Pac-10 for ward. ‘‘They’re a real tough team from a tough conference. Their big men are probably the strength of their team, and if our big men can at least neutralize them, we feel pretty confident that we can play with those guys.” Smith’s teammate Mike Car son, who will be guarding Jones, agrees. "I don’t think it’s any different from what we’ve seen in the Pac 10, with guys like [Arizona’s A.J.] Bramlett and [Washington’s] Todd MacCulloch, who is able to score 30 points a night,” Carson said. ‘‘We’ve got to make sure that we lock up Collier on the perime ter and make sure we keep Jones off the boards and try to get him in foul trouble, because he likes to jump and block shots.” Courtesy Photo Georgia Tech head coach Bobby Cremins has led his team to a .500 record this year. SO MANY GAMES SO UTTLE Don't miss a second of the action. Oust dick on Oregon Live's Sports section to get round-the-clock sports news, live updates from the games, and the non-stop interaction of forums and live chats. Oregon Live Discover the state you're in. DUCKS NEWS & FORUM CONCERTS & MOVIES JOBS LIVE CHATS in alliance uilh (£|)C (Ol C^OlUaU Scorejf Pizza Eugene 686-5808 Springfield 746-7666 We accept purchase orders. I Giant 16” 2 Topping Pizza sl-*f O50 Sodas H Expires 3 30 99 FREE DELIVERY '’Pizza Pipeline Medium 12" 1 Topping Pizza plus one FREE 22 oz. ^ Sodas Expires 3/50/99 FREE DELIVERY nPizza Pipeline