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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is sub ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal for any person to cause to be published any advertisement relating to the transfer, sale, rental, or lease of any housing which expresses limitations, specifi cations or discrimination of any kind. NOT ACCEPTED: Mail-order ads (unless a sample is supplied for review prior to publi cation); Adoption ads by anyone other than a licensed agency; Airline ticket sale ads by anyone other than authorized agents. CLASSIFICATIONS OHO Creek Events 085 Greek Announcements 000 Birthdays 005 Personals 100 l.ost & Found 105 Typing/Resume Services 110 Instruction/Tutoring 115 Garage/Moving Sales 120 Miscellaneous For Sale 125 Furnilure/Appliances UOCaiVTrucks 135 Motorcycles/Scooters 140 Bicycles 145 Computers/F.lectronics 150 Tv & Sound Systems 155 InstrumentsAlusic Equip. 160 Pets & Supplies 165 Sport Equipment 170 Photography Equipment 175 Wanted 180 Travel & l-odging 185 Business Opportunities 190 Opportunities 195 Recruiting 200 Work Study Positions 205 Help Wanted 210 Houses for Rent 213 Houses for Sale 215 Apartments (Furnished) 220 Apartments (Unfurnished) 225 Quads 230 Rooms for Rent 235 Duplexes for Rent 238 Sublets 240 C.arage/Storage Space 245 Roommates Wanted 250 Boarding Houses 255 Housing Wanted 260 Announcements 265 Elections 270 Meetings 275 Club Sports 280 Counseling 285 Services 290 Health & Fitness 295 Food & Drink 300 Campus Ministry 305 Campus Events 310 Arts & Entertainment 315 What’s Happening? Four easy ways to place an ad in the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds: 1) Stop by Suite 300 EMU, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 2) Visit our website: www.dailyemerald.com 3) Call 346-4343, M-F 8a.m.-5p.m. 4) Fax 346-5578 RATES/DEADLINES UNIVERSITY RATES (Must bean enrolled l i'O sludcnt or affiliated UO Group or Dept.) 3 line minimum $2.70/day Additional lines $.90/line PRIVATE PARTY RATE (non-uni versity/non-business related) 3 line minimum $3.30/day Additional lines $l.l()/line • (approximately 35 spaces or 5-6 weals per line) • Boxed Ads-Adds one extra line daily to cost of ad Deadline: 1 p.m. ONE business day prior to publication University Display Classified $6.00/col. inch. (I)eadline: 1.00 TWO business days prior lo publication.) Call (541) 346-4343 for BUSINESS RATES. 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS IK IK Congratulations new initiates. Becky Jen Melanie Jaime Carisa One heart, one way. v.Your Sisters IK IK 090 BIRTHDAYS Angry Gianni, I'm a crustulum; sor ry your birthday plans blew. Like you said. I'm still working on Christ mas. Happy Birthday, goddamit! Sarah 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $$Give Me Five!55 Run your “FOR SALE" ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! 'Studenl/Pnvale Party Ads Only • No Refunds Emerald City Comics Your store for comics, games, Amme. 770 E. 13th 345-2668 130 CARS/TRUCKS 1983 Honda Accord Hatchback 5 spd, CD. $1350 obo. 343-6946 K5 CHEVY BLAZER 1973 Excellent shape inside & out. Runs great. Air, PS, PB. You won't find many this nice! $4995. Call 689-0138 after 5 p.m. Need help typing a paper or writing a resume? Check out section 105 of the classifieds. Horoscope by Frances Drake For Friday, March 5, 1999 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You're on top of the world and feel ing like a superhero. As long as you don't let this confidence go to your head, all manner of things shall be accomplished TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Evaluate all financial risks very care fully, as a contract may be more com plex than it first appears. Communica tion with the right person gives you more power. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Everyone suddenly seems to be speaking your language. Make the most of the clear lines of communica tion by publishing your most impor tant message. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Sometimes the most strength is shown by doing absolutely nothing at all Withdraw from a situation if it’s necessary to save your sanity. IEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) It's your time to shine, so don’t be afraid to hog the limelight. Fortunately thf- is something which Leo excels at, good time is guaranteed to be in VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Take care of all those responsibili ties you've been neglecting — whether it’s seeing your bank manager or at tending to your partner. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You manage to experience some thing new and different no matter where you go People in relationships discover something wonderful they didn't know about their partners. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You may find yourself dwelling on your apparent lack of personal free dom. Claim your own little corner of the world — you need and deserve it SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Now is the time neither to lend nor borrow. You, or somebody close to you. needs to learn a lesson about peisonal responsibility. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) If you begin to wonder why your talents are going to waste, it's time to make a change. Have the confidence to set new events in motion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Finally, someone sees eye to eye with you on one of your favorite top ics. Joining forces can only be to the good of you both. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Your life moves at a random, hectic pace, and you’re right there swimming along with it. You impress someone important with your shrewd business YOU BORN TODAY Your charis matic glow draws admirers from miles around Your compassionate and self sacrificing nature is a legendary and an unduplicated asset to your friends. While you usually smoothly go along with the course of events, you might, however, neglect your own needs to be of service to others. Birthdateof: Dave Burns, rock musi cian; Andy Gibb, rock musician. George Frederick Handel, classical musician. C1999 King Features Syndicate Inc 130 CARS/TRUCKS '85 Nissan Sentra Wagon Rebuilt engine, good transmission, every thing works. $1000. 726-6440 SEIZED CARS from S175. Porsch es, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll tree 1-800-218 9000 ext. A-2063 tor current list ings. 135 MOTORCYCLES/SCOOTERS 86 Honda Elite 250 Scooter 2700 original miles, always ga raged. $2000/obo. 726-7177. 140 BICYCLES Mt. Shasta 12 spd woman's bike. Hardly ridden. S115. Small couch $35. 686-5449. Good used bicycles tor sale. Many styles and sizes. Low prices. Call 431-3298. 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Epson 1200 DPI, 11x14" Scanner, Mac/PC $180. Internal 16x PC CD ROM Drive $40. Microsoft Olfice '95 $40. Norton Utilities 3.0 $30. Leave a message: 341-9847 486DX/2, 24meg ram, 16X CDRom, 28.8 modem, 15” monitor with programs and accessories, $500. Desk jet 520 Bf\N $50. Both run great. 342-8275 1 y.o. PowerMac 7600/120, 48 meg, 1.2 gig, 15" Sony monitor. Programs. $1000 obo. 346-7376. 150TV & SOUND SYSTEMS 27" Sharp Color TV. $175 obo. 349-1656 ask for Bill CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 155 INSTRUMENTS/MUSIC EQUIP. Fender-Strat style electric guitar hand-made by expert guitar mak er. 2 yrs. old. $350. Call 346-7381. I 180 TRAVEL & LODGING ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK Yoga, relaxation, meditation, tun, vegetarian. Beautilul Oregon Coast, March 23-27. $165. Call (503) 232-9885 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUYER [BEWARE The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. 190 OPPORTUNITIES WIN S50! WIN S50! WIN S50! Design the T-shirt lor 1999 Uni versity day and win $50. Entries need to incorporate 10th anni versary theme in design. Entries due in 364 Oregon Hall by March 19. S’ CL .you,B°% * iT | i Sct>ool of Hard Drih^ MAKE THE INVESTMENT in a lifetime experience Call Rose (2> 485-4695 Oregon Board of Education Certified PLANNING TO QUIT SMOKING? If so, we would like to test your at tention before and alter you quit. Experiment lasts 5 days and pays S25 or morel. Contact Elizabeth McDonald at 346-4903 or email mcdonald@gladstone. Need a 'Birthday GiJV-tx Place an Emerald IlirllxJav Creeling! 346-4343 ^ ' 190 OPPORTUNITIES Good Money Part-time job. Set your own hours. Earn a computer! 901-526-6633 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR WORK STUDY POSITION Teach basic computer skills in a small group setting-keyboarding, Word Perfect, accessing the Inter net, etc-to at risk-teens, 16-21 years old, at the Looking Glass Job Center-an Alternative School set ting. Contact Peter or Cheryl 302-2554 for more info. Want to work with people? Gain good experience? Now hiring for spring, summer and 99-00 acade mic year receptionist positions in Academic Advising and Student Services. Must have work/study for academic year (not necessary for the summer). Applications avail able in 164 Oregon Hall. Campus Recycling Now Hiring. Join the Team!! Student recycler positions available for Work Study/Tech Fee pre ferred. Start Now. Leave message with a mailing address and phone number to obtain application. Con tact Campus Recycling at 346 1529. 205 HELP WANTED AD DESIGN The Oregon Daily Emerald pro duction department is hiring ad designers for the 1999-2000 school year with paid training spring term. Work 8-15 hours a week, between 8a.m. and 5p.m. Shifts vary depending on class schedules. Ad Designers design and pro duce advertisements for publica tion using Multi-Ad Creator, Pho toshop. Illustrator and Macintosh computers. Applicants should have Macintosh experience and an interest in design and type. Applicants must be enrolled UO students. Earn $6.65 per hour af ter training period. Job descriptions and applications may be picked up at 300 EMU. Application deadline is 5p.m. Fri day, March 5. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a cultur ally diverse workplace. IS21+ HOUR! Easy work processing mail or email from home or school! For details email: apply4now@smartbot.net 770-937-6/64. Let the ODE Classifieds help you sell your bike. Call 346-4343 205 HELP WANTED 205 HELP WANTED I Gain valuable experience and have fun at the same time! At the EMU Rec. Center student staff uuuiuii icue cvciiio, ^icdic ctuvci ut>Hty ■■■■■■■■ materials, assist customers, coordinate the lost & found, and gain real world work experience all in a fun, safe environment. Stop by the Rec. Center front desk for an application and other information. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, March 9th at 12 noon. Dilbert By Scott Adams THIS CONCLUDES 1^ PRESENTATION. ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS? j-V E H0U3 00 I GET THE BOREOOTA^ OOT OE tAT HEM)?!! the funny thing IS THAT I'LL LIST THIS OKI /AY ANNUAL' ACCOfAPLISHIAENTS. KttU \ NSSP