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In the editorial Hamlin wrote, “The Constitution Court has clear ly violated our right to vote by post poning the special election without allowing a response from the de fendants, in this case, the ASUO President Geneva Wortman.” Hamlin also said one justice was spending too much time at Ren nie’s Landing, a campus bar. Ham lin said the opinion piece that he wrote was meant to be his interpre tation of the court’s decisions. “Sitting on the bench, there are things that a judge cannot speak about,” Corcoran said. "The next time someone like Spencer Hamlin makes unfair accusations about the court’s conduct, I will be able to speak to the issue.” Hamlin rebutted, “I wasn’t trying to focus my criticism on the court, but on the decisions they made, and the ramifications of those deci sions as they relate to students.” Hamlin said it is unfortunate that Corcoran resigned from his position. Corcoran said the actions of the parties involved in the election controversy might prove to be the downfall of the student fee system. “When people start making these attacks and getting people riled up, they attract the attention of the Oregon Legislature, which has the power to end the student incidental fee system,” he said. Corcoran feels that, whether they are aware of it or not, members of the ASUO Executive are part of the prob lem. In a posting on the ASUO news group, Corcoran expressed his frus tration toward the ASUO Executive. “In my opinion, the ASUO Exec (or, at least, Pres. Wortman) has been politically manipulated by a small group of people bent on pushing their political agenda, no matter the cost to the ASUO,” Cor coran wrote. In response, Wortman said that her record speaks for itself. “I would disagree that I have been politically manipulated,” she said. “Everything I do, I do with the best interests of the student body in mind. “For four years now, I have been working for student issues like stu dent fee autonomy, lower tuition and faculty hiring.” Wortman has 30 days from Sun day to hire a new member for the five-person Constitution Court. She said she will follow the formal hir ing process and that applications for the position will be available in the ASUO office in Suite 4 in the EMU. 005332 THE FRENCH H§RN - cafe - bakery - wine - produce - gifts - • WINE • GOURMET FOODS • ORGANIC PRODUCE • • CAFE • BAKERY • CATERING • BOX LUNCHES • • CARDS • GIFTS * GIFT BASKETS • t1 t '■&' -3 SHIPPING & LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE ASK ABOUT CORPORATE ACCOUNTS! 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