Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1999, Page 8, Image 8

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Slumping Lakers fire Del Harris
By John Nadel
The Associated Press
INGLEWOOD, Calif. — In with
the Worm, and out with the coach.
The slumping Los Angeles Lak
ers, considered one of the teams to
beat in the NBA this season, fired
coach Del Harris on Wednesday
on the heels of three road losses in
as many days.
The move was announced
while Dennis Rodman, the NBA’s
leading rebounder the last seven
seasons, was participating in his
first practice session with the team
after signing a contract Tuesday.
Jerry West, the team’s vice presi
dent of basketball operations, said
that one of two assistants — Kurt
Rambis or Larry Drew — will suc
ceed Harris for at least the rest of
the season.
West said longtime assistant
Bill Bertka will handle the head
coaching duties Thursday night
against the winless Los Angeles
Clippers in Anaheim before a de
cision is made on Drew or Rambis,
both former Lakers players.
West didn’t say when a final de
cision would be made, and added
he had not spoken to former
Chicago Bulls coach Phil Jackson
or anyone else because things hap
pened so quickly.
West also pointed out the Lak
ers usually hire coaches from
within, and Harris said he hoped
Rambis or Drew would get the job.
“I just feel the last two games
we’ve played have not been ac
ceptable,” West said, referring to a
117-113 overtime loss in Denver
on Monday night and a 93-83 loss
at Vancouver on Tuesday night. “I
just felt like there was a deteriora
Denver’s victory was only its
second in 10 games this season,
and the Grizzlies had never beat
en Los Angeles in 12 previous
“I talked to [owner] Jerry Buss
this morning and we just felt like
the time was right now,” West
said. ‘‘Right now, we look like
we’re floundering. That’s not what
the fans pay to see.”
The losses left the young, talent
ed Lakers at 6-6 with 38 games re
maining in the abbreviated sea
“Particularly for me, the thing
that makes it so awkward is that
Del has been a friend for many
years,” West said. “The direction
of a team is very important. We do
feel like we have the talent here.”
Harris, 61, was in his fifth sea
son. He guided the Lakers to a 224
116 record and improved their
regular-season record in four con
secutive years, a feat accom
plished by only eight other coach
es in NBA history.
Sports Brief
NCAA no longer bound
by Title IX, court says
The United States Supreme
Court ruled Tuesday that Title IX
of the Education Acts of 1972
does not apply to the NCAA, the
governing body of collegiate ath
The decision declared that just
because the NCAA receives fund
ing from federally financed col
leges and universities does not
mean it must also adhere to Title
IX’s regulations, which are aimed
toward equaling opportunity be
tween the sexes on collegiate
playing fields.
James O’Fallon, faculty repre
sentative of the University Athlet
ic Department, said the decision
does not affect Oregon or any oth
er universities around the nation
now or in the foreseeable future.
“The effort was to make any or
ganization receiving funding from
a covered organization also cov
ered by Title IX,” O’Fallon said.
“So it would have been a phe
nomenal extension of the cover
age of the act.”
The lawsuit was based upon
claims of sexual bias from Renee
Smith, an Ohio woman who said
she was illegally ruled ineligible
to play college volleyball.
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